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(expressing a request)

  • 1 would

    short forms - I'd; verb
    1) (past tense of will: He said he would be leaving at nine o'clock the next morning; I asked if he'd come and mend my television set; I asked him to do it, but he wouldn't; I thought you would have finished by now.) (para formar el pasado de ``will'')
    2) (used in speaking of something that will, may or might happen (eg if a certain condition is met): If I asked her to the party, would she come?; I would have come to the party if you'd asked me; I'd be happy to help you.) (para expresar algo que puede o podría ocurrir)
    3) (used to express a preference, opinion etc politely: I would do it this way; It'd be a shame to lose the opportunity; I'd prefer to go tomorrow rather than today.) (para expresar de forma educada una opinión)
    4) (used, said with emphasis, to express annoyance: I've lost my car-keys - that would happen!) (para expresar disgusto o enfado)
    - would you
    would vb
    what would you do if you won the lottery? ¿qué harías si ganaras la lotería?
    would you like a cup of tea? ¿quieres una taza de té?
    what would you do with a million pounds? ¿qué harías con un millón de libras?
    would you be so kind as to close the window? ¿me haría usted el favor de cerrar la ventana?
    pass me the salt, would you? pásame la sal, ¿quieres?
    3 (offers, invitations)
    would you like a drink? ¿quieres tomar algo?
    would you like to have dinner with me? ¿te gustaría ir a cenar conmigo?
    he wouldn't help me se negó a ayudarme, no quiso ayudarme
    7 (past habit, custom) soler
    8 (insistence, persistence)
    you would say that! ¡es típico de ti decir eso!
    I think we should go home - you would! yo creo que deberíamos volver a casa - ¡típico!
    so it would appear según parece
    would that I could ojalá pudiera
    would ['wʊd] past of will
    I would rather go alone than with her: preferiría ir sola que con ella
    those who would ban certain books: aquellos que prohibirían ciertos libros
    he would often take his kids to the park: solía llevar a sus hijos al parque
    I would go if I had the money: iría yo si tuviera el dinero
    she would have won if she hadn't tripped: habría ganado si no hubiera tropezado
    would you kindly help me with this?: ¿tendría la bondad de ayudarme con esto?
    modal verb [ 'd es la contracción de would, wouldn't de would not y 'd've de would have]

    if I had known, I wouldn't have come — si lo hubiera sabido no habría or no hubiera venido

    who would have thought it? — ¿quién lo hubiera or habría pensado?

    I would agree with Roy — yo estoy de acuerdo con Roy, yo diría que Roy tiene razón

    if only she'd take your advice — si siguiera tus consejos...!, ojalá siguiera tus consejos!


    would you type this for me please? — ¿me haría el favor de pasar esto a máquina?

    go and call him, would you? — ve a llamarlo ¿sí? or ¿me haces el favor?

    would you like a cup of coffee? — ¿quieres una taza de café?

    would you like to come with us? - I'd love to — ¿quieres or te gustaría venir con nosotros? - me encantaría


    she would (have to) spoil the surprise — tenía que estropear la sorpresa, típico! or no podía fallar!

    he said no - well, he would, wouldn't he? — dijo que no - bueno ¿qué otra cosa iba a decir? or era de esperar ¿no? or es lógico ¿no?


    would you go there by yourself? — ¿irías allí sola?

    you would be the one to forget! — ¡quién más si no tú se iba a olvidar!, ¡tú tenías que ser el que se olvidase!

    it would be you! — ¡tú tenías que ser!

    he would say that, wouldn't he? — es lógico que dijera eso

    what would this be? — ¿qué será esto?

    would you like some tea?, would you care for some tea? — ¿quiere tomar un té?

    would you come this way?pase por favor or (esp LAm) si hace favor

    b) (requests, wishes)

    would you close the door please? — ¿puedes cerrar la puerta, por favor?

    please would you wake me up at seven o'clock? — ¿podría despertarme a las siete, por favor?

    would you mind? — si no le importa, si no tiene inconveniente

    what would you have me do? — ¿qué quieres que haga?

    I told her not to but she would do it — le dije que no, pero insistió en hacerlo

    he wouldn't do it — no quería hacerlo, se negó a hacerlo

    the car wouldn't startel coche se negó or negaba a arrancar, el coche no quería arrancar

    he would paint it each year — solía pintarlo cada año, lo pintaba cada año

    would that it were not so! — poet ¡ojalá (y) no fuera así!

    would to God!, would to heaven! — liter ¡ojalá!

    try as he would — por mucho que se esforzara, por más que intentase

    * * *
    modal verb [ 'd es la contracción de would, wouldn't de would not y 'd've de would have]

    if I had known, I wouldn't have come — si lo hubiera sabido no habría or no hubiera venido

    who would have thought it? — ¿quién lo hubiera or habría pensado?

    I would agree with Roy — yo estoy de acuerdo con Roy, yo diría que Roy tiene razón

    if only she'd take your advice — si siguiera tus consejos...!, ojalá siguiera tus consejos!


    would you type this for me please? — ¿me haría el favor de pasar esto a máquina?

    go and call him, would you? — ve a llamarlo ¿sí? or ¿me haces el favor?

    would you like a cup of coffee? — ¿quieres una taza de café?

    would you like to come with us? - I'd love to — ¿quieres or te gustaría venir con nosotros? - me encantaría


    she would (have to) spoil the surprise — tenía que estropear la sorpresa, típico! or no podía fallar!

    he said no - well, he would, wouldn't he? — dijo que no - bueno ¿qué otra cosa iba a decir? or era de esperar ¿no? or es lógico ¿no?

    English-spanish dictionary > would

  • 2 लघुसंदेशपद

    mf (ā)n. (speech) expressing a request in few words Ragh. VIII, 76.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > लघुसंदेशपद

  • 3 will

    I 1.
    [wɪl]transitive verb, only in pres. will, neg. (coll.) won't [wəʊnt], past would [wʊd], neg. (coll.) wouldn't [wʊdnt]
    1) (consent to) wollen

    They won't help me. Will/Would you? — Sie wollen mir nicht helfen. Bist du bereit?

    you will help her, won't you? — du hilfst ihr doch od. du wirst ihr doch helfen, nicht wahr?

    will/would you pass the salt, please? — gibst du bitte mal das Salz rüber?/würdest du bitte mal das Salz rübergeben?

    will/would you come in? — kommen Sie doch herein

    now just listen, will you! — jetzt hör/hört gefälligst zu!

    will you be quiet! — willst du/wollt ihr wohl ruhig sein!

    2) (be accustomed to) pflegen

    he will sit there hour after hourer pflegt dort stundenlang zu sitzen; (emphatic)

    children 'will make a noise — Kinder machen [eben] Lärm

    ..., as young people 'will —..., wie alle jungen Leute [es tun]

    he 'will insist on doing it — er besteht unbedingt darauf, es zu tun

    3) (wish) wollen

    will you have some more cake?möchtest od. willst du noch etwas Kuchen?

    do as/what you will — mach, was du willst

    call it what [ever] you will — nenn es, wie du willst

    would to God that... — wollte Gott, dass...

    4) (be able to)

    the box will hold 5 lb. of tea — in die Kiste gehen 5 Pfund Tee

    2. auxiliary verb, forms as
    1) expr. simple future werden

    this time tomorrow he will be in Oxfordmorgen um diese Zeit ist er in Oxford

    one more cherry, and I will have eaten a pound — noch eine Kirsche und ich habe ein Pfund gegessen

    2) expr. intention

    I promise I won't do it again — ich verspreche, ich machs nicht noch mal

    You won't do that, will you? - Oh yes, I will! — Du machst es doch nicht, oder? - Doch[, ich machs]!

    will do(coll.) wird gemacht; mach ich (ugs.)

    3) in conditional clause

    if he tried, he would succeed — wenn er es versuchen würde, würde er es schaffen

    he would like/would have liked to see her — er würde sie gerne sehen/er hätte sie gerne gesehen

    4) (request)
    II 1. noun
    1) (faculty) Wille, der

    freedom of the will — Willensfreiheit, die

    have a will of one's own — [s]einen eigenen Willen haben

    an iron will, a will of iron — ein eiserner Wille

    2) (Law): (testament) Testament, das
    3) (desire)

    will to live — Lebenswille, der

    against one's/somebody's will — gegen seinen/jemandes Willen

    of one's own [free] will — aus freien Stücken

    do something with a willetwas mit großem Eifer od. Elan tun

    where there's a will there's a way(prov.) wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg

    with the best will in the world — bei allem Wohlwollen; in neg. clause beim besten Willen

    2. transitive verb

    will oneself to do something — sich zwingen, etwas zu tun

    * * *
    <would, would>
    1. (in future tense) werden
    we \will be at the airport wir werden am Flughafen sein
    do you think he \will come? glaubst du, dass er kommt?
    so we'll be in Glasgow by lunchtime wir sind also um die Mittagszeit [herum] in Glasgow
    I'll be with you in a minute ich bin sofort bei Ihnen
    it won't be easy es wird nicht leicht sein
    by the time we get there, Jim \will have left bis wir dort ankommen, ist Jim schon weg
    you'll have forgotten all about it by next week nächste Woche wirst du alles vergessen haben; (in immediate future)
    we'll be off now wir fahren jetzt
    I'll be going then ich gehe dann
    I'll answer the telephone ich gehe ans Telefon
    2. (with tag question)
    you won't forget to tell him, \will you? du vergisst aber nicht, es ihm zu sagen, oder?
    they'll have got home by now, won't they? sie müssten mittlerweile zu Hause sein, nicht?
    3. (expressing intention)
    sb \will do sth jd wird etw tun
    I \will always love you ich werde dich immer lieben
    I'll make up my own mind about that ich werde mir meine eigene Meinung darüber bilden
    I'll not be spoken to like that! ich dulde nicht, dass man so mit mir redet!
    I won't have him ruining the party ich werde nicht zulassen, dass er die Party verdirbt
    4. (in requests, instructions)
    \will you give me her address, please? würden Sie mir bitte ihre Adresse geben?
    \will you stop that! hör sofort damit auf!
    \will you let me speak! würdest du mich bitte ausreden lassen!
    you'll do it because I say so du tust es, weil ich es dir sage!
    hang on a second, \will you? bleiben Sie bitte einen Moment dran!
    just pass me that knife, \will you? gib mir doch bitte mal das Messer rüber, ja?
    give me a hand, \will you? sei so nett und hilf mir mal
    \will you sit down? setzen Sie sich doch!
    won't you come in? möchten Sie nicht hereinkommen?
    won't you have some cake? möchten Sie nicht etwas Kuchen?
    5. (expressing willingness)
    who'll post this letter for me? — I \will wer kann den Brief für mich einwerfen? — ich [kann es]
    anyone like to volunteer for this job? — we \will! meldet sich jemand freiwillig für diese Arbeit? — ja, wir!
    I keep asking him to play with me, but he won't ich frage ihn ständig, ob er mit mir spielt, aber er will nicht
    6. (not functioning)
    the car won't start das Auto springt nicht an
    the door won't open die Tür geht nicht auf
    fruit \will keep longer in the fridge Obst hält sich im Kühlschrank länger
    new products \will always sell better neue Produkte verkaufen sich einfach besser
    that won't make any difference das macht keinen Unterschied
    the car won't run without petrol ohne Benzin fährt der Wagen nicht
    8. (expressing persistence)
    accidents \will happen Unfälle passieren nun einmal
    he \will keep doing that er hört einfach nicht damit auf
    they \will keep sending me those brochures sie senden mir immer noch diese Broschüren
    9. (expressing likelihood)
    that'll be Scott das wird Scott sein
    I expect you'll be wanting your supper ich nehme an, du möchtest dein Abendbrot [haben]
    as you \will all probably know already,... wie Sie vermutlich schon alle wissen,...
    II. vi ( form) wollen
    as you \will wie du willst
    do what you \will with me machen Sie mit mir, was Sie wollen
    I. n
    1. no pl (faculty) Wille m
    to do sth with a \will etw mit großem Eifer tun
    everyone heaved with a \will to get the car out of the mud alle hoben kräftig mit an, um das Auto aus dem Schlamm zu befreien
    to have an iron \will [or a \will of iron] einen eisernen Willen haben
    only with a \will of iron nur mit eisernem [o einem eisernen] Willen
    strength of \will Willensstärke f
    political \will politischer Wille
    to have the \will to do sth den [festen] Willen haben, etw zu tun
    to lose the \will to live den Lebenswillen verlieren
    2. no pl (desire) Wille m
    Thy \will be done REL Dein Wille geschehe
    to be the \will of sb [or sb's \will] jds Wille sein
    it was God's \will [that...] es war Gottes Wille[, dass...]
    against sb's \will gegen jds Willen
    at \will nach Belieben
    they were able to come and go at \will sie konnten kommen und gehen, wann sie wollten
    an actor has to be able to cry at \will ein Schauspieler muss auf Kommando weinen können
    3. LAW letzter Wille, Testament nt
    she remembered you in her \will sie hat dich in ihrem Testament bedacht
    holograph \will handgeschriebenes Testament
    nuncupative \will mündliches Zeugentestament
    the reading of the \will die Testamentsverlesung
    to change one's \will sein Testament ändern
    to draw up/make a \will ein Testament aufsetzen/machen
    with the best \will in the world beim besten Willen
    to have a \will of one's own einen eigenen Willen haben
    where there's a \will, there's a way ( saying) wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg prov
    II. vt
    1. (try to cause by will power)
    to \will sb to do sth jdn [durch Willenskraft] dazu bringen, etw zu tun
    I was \willing you to win ich habe mir ganz fest gewünscht, dass du gewinnst
    to \will oneself to do sth sich akk dazu zwingen, etw zu tun
    2. ( form: ordain)
    to \will sth etw bestimmen [o verfügen]
    God \willed it and it was so Gott hat es so gewollt und so geschah es
    to \will sb sth [or sth to sb] jdm etw vererben [o [testamentarisch] vermachen]
    * * *
    I [wɪl] pret would
    1. modal aux vb
    1) (future) werden

    I'm sure that he will come — ich bin sicher, dass er kommt

    you will come to see us, won't you? — Sie kommen uns doch besuchen, ja?

    I'll be right there — komme sofort!, bin gleich da!

    I will have finished by Tuesdaybis Dienstag bin ich fertig

    you won't lose it, will you? — du wirst es doch nicht verlieren, oder?

    you won't insist on that, will you? – oh yes, I will — Sie bestehen doch nicht darauf, oder? – o doch! or o ja! or doch, doch!


    (emphatic, expressing determination, compulsion etc) I will not have it! — das dulde ich nicht, das kommt mir nicht infrage or in Frage (inf)

    will you be quiet! — willst du jetzt wohl ruhig sein!, bist du or sei jetzt endlich ruhig!

    3) (expressing willingness, consent etc) wollen

    he won't sign — er unterschreibt nicht, er will nicht unterschreiben

    wait a moment, will you? — warten Sie einen Moment, ja bitte?; (impatiently) jetzt warte doch mal einen Moment!

    will she, won't she? — ob sie wohl...?


    (in questions) will you have some more tea? — möchten Sie noch Tee?

    there isn't any tea, will coffee do? — es ist kein Tee da, darf es auch Kaffee sein? or tut es Kaffee auch? (inf)


    (insistence) well, if he will drive so fast — also, wenn er (eben) unbedingt so schnell fahren muss

    well, if you won't take advice — wenn du (eben) keinen Rat annimmst, na bitte


    (assumption) he'll be there by now — jetzt ist er schon da, jetzt dürfte er schon da sein

    was that the doorbell? that will be for you — hats geklingelt? – das ist bestimmt für dich or das wird or dürfte für dich sein

    this will be our bus —

    this will be the one you want — das dürfte (es) wohl sein, was Sie wünschen


    (tendency) the solution will turn red if... — die Lösung färbt sich rot, wenn...


    (capability) will the engine start now? — springt der Motor jetzt an?

    2. vi

    say what you will — du kannst sagen, was du willst

    as you will! —

    it is, if you will, a kind of mystery — das ist, wenn du so willst, eine Art Rätsel

    1. n
    1) Wille m

    to have a will of one's own — einen eigenen Willen haben; (hum) so seine Mucken haben (inf)

    the will to win/live — der Wille or das Bestreben, zu gewinnen/zu leben, der Sieges-/Lebenswille

    (to go) against one's/sb's will — gegen seinen/jds Willen (handeln)

    at will — nach Belieben, nach Lust und Laune, beliebig

    of one's own free will — aus freien Stücken, aus freiem Willen

    where there is a will there is a way (Prov) — wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg

    to do sb's will (dated) to have one's will (dated) Thy will be done — jdm seinen Willen tun seinen Kopf durchsetzen Dein Wille geschehe

    2) (= testament) Letzter Wille, Testament nt

    the last will and testament of... — der Letzte Wille or das Testament des/der...

    2. vt
    1) (old: ordain) wollen, bestimmen, verfügen (geh)
    2) (= urge by willpower) (durch Willenskraft) erzwingen

    to will sb to do sth — jdn durch die eigene Willensanstrengung dazu bringen, dass er etw tut

    he willed himself to stay awake — er hat sich (dazu) gezwungen, wach zu bleiben

    3) (by testament) (testamentarisch) vermachen, vererben (sth to sb jdm etw)
    3. vi
    * * *
    will1 [wıl] inf und imp fehlen, 1. und 3. sg präs will, 2. sg präs (you) will, obs (thou) wilt [wılt], pl will, prät would [wʊd], 2. sg prät obs (thou) wouldst [wʊdst], pperf obs wold [wəʊld], would
    A v/aux
    they will see very soon sie werden bald sehen
    2. wollen, werden, willens sein zu:
    will you pass me the bread, please? würden Sie mir bitte das Brot reichen;
    won’t you sit down nehmen Sie doch bitte Platz;
    I will not go there again ich gehe da nicht mehr hin;
    I will not stand such nonsense! ich dulde solchen Unfug nicht!;
    will do! umg wird gemacht!
    3. (immer, bestimmt, unbedingt) werden (oft unübersetzt):
    people will talk die Leute reden immer;
    accidents will happen Unfälle wird es immer geben;
    you will get in my light! du musst mir natürlich (immer) im Licht stehen!; academic.ru/8546/boy">boy A 1
    4. (zur Bezeichnung einer Erwartung, Vermutung oder Annahme) werden:
    you will not have forgotten her du wirst sie nicht vergessen haben;
    they will have gone now sie werden oder dürften jetzt (wohl) gegangen sein;
    this will be about right das wird oder dürfte ungefähr stimmen
    5. (in Vorschriften etc) besonders MIL müssen
    B v/i & v/t wollen, wünschen:
    come when you will komm, wann du willst!;
    as you will wie du willst; will2 B, C
    will2 [wıl]
    A s
    1. Wille m ( auch PHIL): impose A 2
    2. Wille(nskraft) m(f):
    a weak will ein schwacher Wille
    3. Wille m, Wollen n:
    against one’s will gegen seinen Willen;
    at will nach Belieben oder Laune oder Lust;
    where there’s a will there’s a way (Sprichwort) wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg;
    of one’s own (free) will aus freien Stücken;
    with a will mit Lust und Liebe, mit Macht;
    I can’t do that with the best will in the world ich kann das (auch) beim besten Willen nicht tun;
    have one’s will seinen Willen haben;
    take the will for the deed den guten Willen für die Tat nehmen; tenancy 1
    4. Wille m, Wunsch m, Befehl m:
    Thy will be done BIBEL Dein Wille geschehe
    5. Wille m, (Be)Streben n:
    have the will to do sth den Willen haben oder bestrebt sein, etwas zu tun;
    the will to live der Lebenswille;
    will to win SPORT Siegeswille;
    will to peace Friedenswille;
    will to power Machtwille, -streben
    6. Wille m, Gesinnung f (jemandem gegenüber):
    good will guter Wille;
    I don’t bear him any ill will ich trage ihm nichts nach; goodwill
    7. meist;
    last will and testament JUR Testament n, Letzter Wille, letztwillige Verfügung:
    make one’s will sein Testament machen;
    I was left £5,000 in her will sie hat mir 5000 Pfund hinterlassen
    B v/t 2. sg präs will, obs (thou) willest [ˈwılıst], 3. sg präs wills, obs willeth [ˈwılıθ], prät und pperf willed [wıld]
    1. wollen, entscheiden:
    God wills ( oder willeth) it Gott will es
    2. ernstlich oder fest wollen
    3. jemanden (durch Willenskraft) zwingen ( to do zu tun):
    will o.s. into sich zwingen zu
    4. JUR (letztwillig oder testamentarisch)
    a) verfügen
    b) vermachen:
    will sb on SPORT jemanden zum Sieg treiben
    C v/i wollen
    * * *
    I 1.
    [wɪl]transitive verb, only in pres. will, neg. (coll.) won't [wəʊnt], past would [wʊd], neg. (coll.) wouldn't [wʊdnt]
    1) (consent to) wollen

    They won't help me. Will/Would you? — Sie wollen mir nicht helfen. Bist du bereit?

    you will help her, won't you? — du hilfst ihr doch od. du wirst ihr doch helfen, nicht wahr?

    will/would you pass the salt, please? — gibst du bitte mal das Salz rüber?/würdest du bitte mal das Salz rübergeben?

    will/would you come in? — kommen Sie doch herein

    now just listen, will you! — jetzt hör/hört gefälligst zu!

    will you be quiet! — willst du/wollt ihr wohl ruhig sein!

    he will sit there hour after hour — er pflegt dort stundenlang zu sitzen; (emphatic)

    children 'will make a noise — Kinder machen [eben] Lärm

    ..., as young people 'will —..., wie alle jungen Leute [es tun]

    he 'will insist on doing it — er besteht unbedingt darauf, es zu tun

    3) (wish) wollen

    will you have some more cake?möchtest od. willst du noch etwas Kuchen?

    do as/what you will — mach, was du willst

    call it what [ever] you will — nenn es, wie du willst

    would to God that... — wollte Gott, dass...

    the box will hold 5 lb. of tea — in die Kiste gehen 5 Pfund Tee

    2. auxiliary verb, forms as
    1) expr. simple future werden

    one more cherry, and I will have eaten a pound — noch eine Kirsche und ich habe ein Pfund gegessen

    2) expr. intention

    I promise I won't do it again — ich verspreche, ich machs nicht noch mal

    You won't do that, will you? - Oh yes, I will! — Du machst es doch nicht, oder? - Doch[, ich machs]!

    will do(coll.) wird gemacht; mach ich (ugs.)

    3) in conditional clause

    if he tried, he would succeed — wenn er es versuchen würde, würde er es schaffen

    he would like/would have liked to see her — er würde sie gerne sehen/er hätte sie gerne gesehen

    II 1. noun
    1) (faculty) Wille, der

    freedom of the will — Willensfreiheit, die

    have a will of one's own — [s]einen eigenen Willen haben

    an iron will, a will of iron — ein eiserner Wille

    2) (Law): (testament) Testament, das

    will to live — Lebenswille, der

    against one's/somebody's will — gegen seinen/jemandes Willen

    of one's own [free] will — aus freien Stücken

    where there's a will there's a way(prov.) wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg

    with the best will in the world — bei allem Wohlwollen; in neg. clause beim besten Willen

    2. transitive verb

    will oneself to do something — sich zwingen, etwas zu tun

    * * *
    vermachen v.
    wollen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: wollte, gewollt) aux.
    werden (Zukunft) aux. n.
    Wille nur sing. m.

    English-german dictionary > will

  • 4 ut

    ut or ŭtī (old form ŭtei, C. I. L. 1, 196, 4 sq.; 1, 198, 8 et saep.), adv. and conj. [for quoti or cuti, from pronom. stem ka-, Lat. quo-, whence qui, etc., and locat. ending -ti of stem to-, whence tum, etc.].
    As adv. of manner.
    Interrog. = quomodo, how, in what way or manner.
    In independent questions (colloq.; rare in class. prose; not in Cic.): De. Quid? ut videtur mulier? Ch. Non, edepol, mala. De. Ut morata'st? Ch. Nullam vidi melius mea sententia, Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 56 sq.:

    salve! ut valuisti? quid parentes mei? Valent?

    id. ib. 5, 2, 107; id. Pers. 2, 5, 8:

    ut vales?

    id. Most. 2, 19, 29; 3, 2, 28; Ter. Heaut. 2, 4, 26:

    ut sese in Samnio res habent?

    Liv. 10, 18, 11:

    ut valet? ut meminit nostri?

    Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 12; id. S. 2, 8, 1.—
    In exclamatory sentences (in all periods of the language): ut omnia in me conglomerat mala! Enn. ap. Non. p. 90, 14 (Trag. Rel. v. 408 Vahl.):

    ut corripuit se repente atque abiit! Hei misero mihi!

    Plaut. Merc. 3, 4, 76:

    ut dissimulat malus!

    id. ib. 5, 4, 13:

    ut volupe est homini si cluet victoria!

    id. Poen. 5, 5, 15: ut multa verba feci;

    ut lenta materies fuit!

    id. Mil. 4, 5, 4:

    ut scelestus nunc iste te ludos facit!

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 47:

    ut saepe summa ingenia in occulto latent,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 61; id. Rud. 1, 2, 75; 2, 3, 33 sq.:

    ut falsus animi est!

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 42:

    heia! ut elegans est!

    id. Heaut. 5, 5, 19:

    fortuna ut numquam perpetua est bona!

    id. Hec. 3, 3, 46; cf. id. Phorm. 5, 8, 52:

    Gnaeus autem noster... ut totus jacet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 21, 1:

    quae ut sustinuit! ut contempsit, ac pro nihilo putavit!

    id. Mil. 24, 64:

    qui tum dicit testimonium ex nostris hominibus, ut se ipse sustentat! ut omnia verba moderatur, ut timet ne quid cupide... dicat!

    id. Fl. 5, 12:

    quod cum facis, ut ego tuum amorem et dolorem desidero!

    id. Att. 3, 11, 2:

    quanta studia decertantium sunt! ut illi efferuntur laetitia cum vicerint! ut pudet victos! ut se accusari nolunt! etc.,

    id. Fin. 5, 22, 61:

    ut vidi, ut perii! ut me malus abstulit error!

    Verg. E. 8, 41:

    ut melius quidquid erit pati!

    Hor. C. 1, 11, 3:

    ut tu Semper eris derisor!

    id. S. 2, 6, 53:

    o superbia magnae fortunae! ut a te nihil accipere juvat! ut omne beneficium in injuriam convertis! ut te omnia nimia delectant! ut to omnia dedecent!

    Sen. Ben. 2, 13, 1:

    ut me in supremis consolatus est!

    Quint. 6, prooem. 11.—
    In dependent questions.
    With indic. (ante-class. and poet.): divi hoc audite parumper ut pro Romano populo... animam de corpore mitto, Enn. ap. Non. p. 150, 6 (Ann. v. 215 Vahl.): edoce eum uti res se habet, Plaut. [p. 1940] Trin. 3, 3, 21:

    hoc sis vide ut avariter merum in se ingurgitat,

    id. Curc. 1, 2, 33:

    hoc vide ut dormiunt pessuli,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 66:

    illud vide os ut sibi distorsit carnufex,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 3:

    vide ut otiosus it, si dis placet,

    id. ib. 5, 3, 10:

    illud vide, Ut in ipso articulo oppressit,

    id. Ad. 2, 2, 21; 3, 5, 3:

    viden ut faces Splendidas quatiunt comas?

    Cat. 61, 77:

    viden ut perniciter exiluere?

    id. 62, 8:

    adspicite, innuptae secum ut meditata requirunt,

    id. 62, 12:

    aspice, venturo laetantur ut omnia saeclo! (= omnia laetantia),

    Verg. E. 4, 52 Forbig. ad loc.:

    nonne vides, croceos ut Tmolus odores, India mittit ebur,

    id. G. 1, 56; id. E. 5, 6; id. A. 6, 779. —
    With subj. (class.):

    nescis ut res sit, Phoenicium,

    Plaut. Ps. 4, 4, 1:

    oppido Mihi illud videri mirum, ut una illaec capra Uxoris dotem simiae ambadederit,

    id. Merc. 2, 1, 16:

    nam ego vos novisse credo jam ut sit meus pater,

    id. Am. prol. 104:

    narratque ut virgo ab se integra etiam tum siet,

    Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 70:

    tute scis quam intimum Habeam te, et mea consilia ut tibi credam omnia,

    id. Eun. 1, 2, 48:

    videtis ut omnes despiciat, ut hominem prae se neminem putet, ut se solum beatum se solum potentem putet?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 46, 135:

    videtisne ut Nestor de virtutibus suis praedicet?

    id. Sen. 10, 31; id. Rosc. Am. 24, 66:

    credo te audisse ut me circumsteterint, ut aperte jugula sua pro meo capite P. Clodio ostentarint,

    id. Att. 1, 16, 4:

    videte ut hoc iste correxerit,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 45, § 115:

    docebat ut omni tempore totius Galliae principatum Aedui tenuissent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43:

    veniat in mentem, ut trepidos quondam majores vestros... defenderimus,

    Liv. 23, 5, 8:

    aspice quo submittat humus formosa colores,

    Prop. 1, 2, 9:

    infinitum est enumerare ut Cottae detraxerit auctoritatem, ut pro Ligario se opposuerit,

    Quint. 6, 5, 10:

    vides ut alta stet nive candidum Soracte,

    Hor. C. 1, 9, 1:

    nonne vides, ut... latus et malus Antennaeque gemant,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 3 Orell. ad loc.:

    audis... positas ut glaciet nives Puro numine Juppiter,

    id. ib. 3, 10, 7; id. S. 1, 8, 42; 2, 3, 315; Verg. A. 2, 4; Tib. 2, 1, 26; Prop. 2, 34 (3, 32), 57:

    mirum est ut animus agitatione motuque corporis excitetur,

    Plin. Ep. 1, 6, 2.—
    Relative adverb of manner = eo modo quo, as.
    Without demonstr. as correlatives: ut aiunt, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 101 Mull. (fr inc. l. 10 Vahl.):

    ego emero matri tuae Ancillam... forma mala, ut matrem addecet familias,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 79:

    apparatus sum ut videtis,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 10:

    verum postremo impetravi ut volui,

    id. Mil. 4, 5, 5:

    ero ut me voles esse,

    id. Capt. 2, 1, 32:

    faciam ut tu voles,

    id. Men. 5, 9, 90: ut vales? Tox. Ut queo, id. Pers. 1, 1, 16:

    ut potero feram,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 27:

    faciam ut mones,

    id. Hec. 4, 4, 97:

    Ciceronem et ut rogas amo, et ut meretur et ut debeo,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 9, 9:

    cupiditates quae possunt esse in eo qui, ut ipse accusator objecit, ruri semper habitarit?

    id. Rosc. Am. 14, 39:

    ut ex propinquis ejus audio, non tu in isto artificio callidior es, quam hic in suo,

    id. ib. 17, 49:

    homo demens, ut isti putant,

    id. Rep. 1, 1, 1:

    cumulate munus hoc, ut opinio mea fert, effecero,

    id. ib. 1, 46, 70:

    non ut clim solebat, sed ut nunc fit, mimum introduxisti,

    id. Fam. 9, 16, 7:

    Labienus, ut erat ei praeceptum, ne proelium committeret nisi, etc., monte occupato nostros exspectabat, proelioque abstinebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    cuncta ut gesta erant exposuit,

    Liv. 3, 50, 4:

    (Postumius) fugerat in legatione, ut fama ferebat, populi judicium,

    id. 10, 46, 16:

    sed, ut plerumque fit, major pars meliorem vicit,

    id. 21, 4, 1:

    nec temere, et ut libet conlocatur argentum, sed perite servitur,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 17, 2:

    servus, ut placet Chrysippo, perpetuus mercenarius est,

    id. Ben. 3, 22, 1.—Esp. parenthet., to denote that the facts accord with an assumption or supposition made in the principal sentence (= sicut):

    si virtus digna est gloriatione, ut est,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 51:

    quorum etiamsi amplecterer virtutem, ut facio, tamen, etc.,

    id. Phil. 10, 9, 18:

    quamvis fuerit acutus, ut fuit,

    id. Ac. 2, 22, 69; cf.:

    incumbite in causam, Quirites, ut facitis,

    id. Phil. 4, 5, 12:

    tu modo istam imbecillitatem valetudinis sustenta, ut facis,

    id. Fam. 7, 1, 5:

    satis enim erat, probatum illum esse populo Romano, ut est,

    id. Phil. 1, 15, 37.—
    With the correlative ita or sic: VTI LEGASSIT SVPER PECVNIA TVTELAVE SVAE REI, ITA IVS ESTO, Leg. XII. Tab. 5, fr. 3: alii, ut esse in suam rem ducunt, ita sint;

    ego ita ero ut me esse oportet,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 6, 24 sq.:

    sic sum ut vides,

    id. Am. 2, 1, 57:

    omnes posthabui mihi res, ita uti par fuit,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 15:

    ut viro forti ac sapienti dignum fuit, ita calumniam ejus obtrivit,

    Cic. Caecin. 7, 18.—In partic. with a superlative belonging to the principal sentence, attracted to the relative clause:

    haec ut brevissime dici potuerunt, ita a me dicta sunt (= ita breviter dicta sunt ut dici potuerunt),

    Cic. de Or. 2, 41, 174.—So ut qui, with sup.:

    te enim semper sic colam et tuebor ut quem diligentissime,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 62 fin.; without sic or ita:

    causas ut honorificentissimis verbis consequi potero, complectar,

    id. Phil. 14, 11, 29:

    sed exigenda est ut optime possumus,

    Quint. 12, 10, 38.—And with comp.:

    eruditus autem sic ut nemo Thebanus magis,

    Nep. Epam. 2, 1; cf.:

    ad unguem Factus homo, non ut magis alter, amicus,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 33:

    cocto Chium sic convenit, ut non Hoc magis ullum aliud,

    id. ib. 2, 8, 48.—
    Doubled ut ut, as indefinite relative, = utcumque, in whatever manner, howsoever (mostly ante-class.; only with indic.):

    gaudeo, ut ut erga me est merita,

    Plaut. Am. 5, 1, 52:

    age jam, utut est, etsi'st dedecori, patiar,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 85:

    utut est, mihi quidem profecto cum istis dictis mortuo'st,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 76:

    utut res sese habet, pergam, etc.,

    id. Most. 3, 1, 14:

    non potis est pietati opsisti huic, ututi res sunt ceterae,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 36; id. Cist. 1, 1, 110:

    sed ut ut haec sunt, tamen hoc faciam,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 46; cf. id. ib. 3, 1, 4; id. Heaut. 1, 2, 26; id. Ad. 2, 2, 40; 4, 4, 22:

    ut ut est res, casus consilium nostri itineris judicabit,

    Cic. Att. 15, 25 B. and K. (dub.;

    v. Orell. ad loc.): sed ut ut est, indulge valetudini tuae,

    id. Fam. 16, 18, 1 dub. (al. ut est).—
    Causal, as, = prout, pro eo ut.
    Introducing a general statement, in correspondence with the particular assertion of the principal clause, ut = as, considering... that, in accordance with:

    atque, ut nunc sunt maledicentes homines, uxori meae mihique objectent, lenociniam facere,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 75:

    ut aetas mea est, atque ut huic usus facto est,

    id. Men. 5, 2, 1:

    haud scio hercle ut homo'st, an mutet animum,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 2, 9:

    praesertim, ut nunc sunt mores,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 5:

    atque ille, ut semper fuit apertissimus, non se purgavit, sed, etc.,

    Cic. Mur. 25, 51:

    permulta alia colligit Chrysippus, ut est in omni historia curiosus,

    id. Tusc. 1, 45, 108:

    magnifice et ornate, ut erat in primis inter suos copiosus, convivium comparat,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 65:

    Kal. Sextilibus, ut tunc principium anni agebatur, consulatum ineunt,

    Liv. 3, 6, 1:

    tribuni, ut fere semper reguntur a multitudine magis quam regunt, dedere plebi, etc.,

    id. 3, 71, 5:

    transire pontem non potuerunt, ut extrema resoluta erant, etc.,

    id. 21, 47, 3.—Ellipt.:

    mortales multi, ut ad ludos, convenerant (ut fit, si ludi sunt),

    Plaut. Men. prol. 30:

    Epicharmi, acuti nec insulsi hominis, ut Siculi,

    as was natural, he being a Sicilian, Cic. Tusc. 1, 8, 15; so,

    Diogenes, liberius, ut Cynicus... inquit,

    id. ib. 5, 33, 92:

    ceterum haec, ut in secundis rebus, segniter otioseque gesta,

    Liv. 23, 14, 1.—
    Reflecting the assertion to particular circumstances, etc., ut = for, as, considering:

    hic Geta ut captus est servorum, non malus,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 4, 34:

    ut est captus hominum,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 27, 65; Caes. B. G. 4, 3: Themistocles ut apud nos perantiquus, ut apud Athenienses non ita sane vetus, in regard to us, etc., Cic. Brut. 10, 41:

    Caelius Antipater, scriptor, ut temporibus illis, luculentus,

    for those times, id. ib. 26, 102:

    nonnihil, ut in tantis malis est profectum,

    considering the unfortunate state of affairs, id. Fam. 12, 2, 2:

    (orationis genus) ut in oratore exile,

    for an orator, id. Or. 3, 18, 66:

    multae (erant in Fabio) ut in homine Romano, litterae,

    id. Sen. 4, 12:

    consultissimus vir, ut in illa quisquam esse aetate poterat,

    Liv. 1, 18, 1:

    florentem jam ut tum res erant,

    id. 1, 3, 3:

    Apollonides orationem salutarem, ut in tali tempore, habuit,

    id. 24, 28, 1:

    Sp. Maelius, ut illis temporibus praedives,

    id. 4, 13, 1: insigni, ut illorum temporum habitus erat, triumpho, id. 10, 46, 2:

    Ardeam Rutuli habebant, gens ut in ea regione atque in ea aetate divitiis praepollens,

    id. 1, 57, 1:

    vir, ut inter Aetolos, facundus,

    id. 32, 33, 9:

    Meneclidas, satis exercitatus in dicendo, ut Thebanus scilicet,

    Nep. Epam. 5, 2:

    ad magnam deinde, ut in ea regione, urbem pervenit,

    Curt. 9, 1, 14:

    multum, ut inter Germanos, rationis ac sollertiae,

    Tac. G. 30. —
    Ut before relatives, with subj., as it is natural for persons who, like one who, since he, since they, etc.; seeing that they, etc. (not in Cic.):

    non demutabo ut quod certo sciam,

    seeing that I know it for certain, Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 153:

    prima luce sic ab castris proficiscuntur ut quibus esset persuasum non ab hoste, sed ab homine amicissimo consilium datum,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 31, 6:

    facile persuadent (Lucumoni) ut cupido honorum, et cui Tarquinii materna tantum patria esset,

    Liv. 1, 34, 6:

    inde consul, ut qui jam ad hostes perventum cerneret, explorato, etc., procedebat,

    id. 38, 18, 7:

    Philippus, ut cui de summa rerum adesset certamen, adhortandos milites ratus, etc.,

    id. 33, 4, 11:

    Tarquinius ad jus regni nihil praeter vim habebat, ut qui neque populi jussu, neque auctoribus patribus regnaret,

    id. 1, 49, 3; 25, 23, 3:

    Aequorum exercitus, ut qui permultos annos imbelles egissent, sine ducibus certis, sine imperio,

    id. 9, 45, 10:

    igitur pro se quisque inermes, ut quibus nihil hostile suspectum esset, in agmen Romanum ruebant,

    id. 30, 6, 3; 23, 15, 4; 23, 29, 12:

    omnia nova offendit, ut qui solus didicerit quod inter multos faciendum est,

    as is natural in one who, since he, Quint. 1, 2, 19:

    in omni autem speciali inest generalis, ut quae sit prior,

    id. 3, 5, 9:

    ignara hujusce doctrinae loquacitas erret necesse est, ut quae vel multos vel falsos duces habeat,

    id. 12, 2, 20; 5, 14, 28; 11, 3, 53.—Rarely with participle:

    ne Volsci et Aequi... ad urbem ut ex parte captam venirent,

    Liv. 3, 16, 2:

    gens ferox cum procul visis Romanorum signis, ut extemplo proelium initura, explicuisset aciem, etc.,

    id. 7, 23, 6.—
    With perinde or pro eo, with reference to several alternatives or degrees to be determined by circumstances, as, according as, to the extent that, in the measure that, etc.:

    perinde ut opinio est de cujusque moribus, ita quid ab eo factum et non factum sit, existimari potest,

    Cic. Clu. 25, 70:

    in exspectatione civitas erat, perinde ut evenisset res, ita communicatos honores habitura,

    Liv. 7, 6, 8: pro eo ut temporis difficultas aratorumque penuria tulit, Metell. ap. Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 54, § 126.—
    Transf. of local relations, like Gr. hina, where (very rare):

    in eopse astas lapide, ut praeco praedicat,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 7, 17:

    flumen uti adque ipso divortio (aquae sunt),

    Lucil. 8, 18 Mull.:

    in extremos Indos, Litus ut longe resonante Eoa Tunditur unda,

    Cat. 11, 2 sqq.; 17, 10; cf. Verg. A. 5, 329; Lucr. 6, 550 Munro ad loc.
    Introducing comparative clauses of manner, = eodem modo quo, as, like.
    In gen.
    With sic as correlative:

    haec res sic est ut narro tibi,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 3, 40:

    quae si ut animis sic oculis videre possemus, nemo de divina ratione dubitaret,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 39, 99:

    Pomponium Atticum sic amo ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5:

    si sic ageres ut de eis egisti qui jam mortui sunt... ne tu in multos Autronios incurreres,

    id. Brut. 72, 251:

    sic, Scipio, ut avus hic tuus, ut ego, justitiam cole,

    id. Rep. 6, 15, 15:

    ut dicere alia aliis magis concessum est, sic etiam facere,

    id. Quint. 11, 3, 150 (for ut... sic, in similes, v. sic, IV. 1. a.).—
    With ita as correlative:

    ut sementem feceris, ita metes,

    Cic. Or. 2, 65, 261:

    quamobrem, ut ille solebat, ita nunc mea repetat oratio populi origines,

    id. Rep. 2, 1. 3:

    non ut injustus in pace rex ita dux belli pravus fuit,

    Liv. 1, 53, 1:

    ut haec in unum congeruntur, ita contra illa dispersa sunt,

    Quint. 9, 3, 39.—
    With other correlatives:

    in balteo tracta ex caseo ad eundem modum facito ut placentum sine melle,

    Cato, R. R. 78:

    encytum ad eundem modum facito uti globos,

    id. ib. 80:

    cum animi inaniter moveantur eodem modo rebus his quae nulla sint ut iis quae sint,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 15, 47:

    disputationem exponimus, eisdem fere verbis, ut disputatumque est,

    id. Tusc. 2, 3, 9: scelerum caput, ut tute es item omnis censes esse' [p. 1941] Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 55:

    ut filium bonum patri esse oportet, item ego sum patri,

    id. Am. 3, 4, 9:

    fecisti item ut praedones solent,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 9, § 21:

    item ut illo edicto de quo ante dixi... edixit, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 45, § 117;

    so with item,

    id. Or. 60, 202:

    is reliquit filium Pariter moratum ut pater eius fuit,

    Plaut. Aul. prol. 21.—With atque:

    nec fallaciam astutiorem ullus fecit Poeta atque ut haec est fabrefacta a nobis,

    Plaut. Cas. 5, 1, 7.—And after aliter = than:

    si aliter ut dixi accidisset,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 4, 7.—
    Without correlative:

    rem omnem uti acta erat cognovit,

    Sall. J. 71, 5:

    quare perge ut instituisti,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 11, 22:

    apud me, ut apud bonum judicem, argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. ib. 1, 38, 59:

    miscent enim illas et interponunt vitae, ut ludum jocumque inter seria,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 12, 2:

    comitetur voluptas, et circa corpus ut umbra versetur,

    id. ib. 13, 5:

    ut in animum ejus oratio, ut sol in oculos, incurrat,

    Quint. 8, 2, 23.—
    In partic.
    Ut... ita or ut... sic; co-ordinate, introducing contrasted clauses.
    = cum... tum, as... so, as on the one hand... so on the other, both and:

    ut errare potuisti, sic decipi te non potuisse, quis non videt?

    Cic. Fam. 10, 20, 2:

    ut Poeni ad moenia urbis Romanae nullo prohibente se pervenisse in gloria ponebant, ita pigebat irriti incepti,

    Liv. 26, 37, 6:

    Dolabellam ut Tarsenses ita Laodiceni ultra arcessierunt,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 13, 4:

    fert sortem suam quisque ut in ceteris rebus ita in amicitiis,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 28, 3.—
    Concessive, = etsi... tamen, although... yet:

    consul, ut fortasse vere, sic parum utiliter in praesens certamen, respondit, etc.,

    Liv. 4, 6, 2:

    Saguntini, ut a proeliis quietem habuerant per aliquot dies, ita non cessaverant ab opere,

    id. 21, 11, 5:

    ut quies certaminum erat, ita ab apparatu operum nihil cessatum,

    id. 21, 8, 1:

    haec omnia ut invitis, ita non adversantibus patriciis transacta,

    id. 3, 55, 15:

    in agrum Nolanum exercitum traducit, ut non hostiliter statim, ita... nihil praetermissurus,

    id. 23, 14, 6; 23, 34, 12:

    uti longe a luxuria, ita famae propior,

    Tac. Agr. 6:

    ut multo infirmior, ita aliquatenus lucidior,

    Quint. 10, 1, 74:

    ut est utilis saepe... ita obstabit melioribus,

    id. 12, 2, 12:

    quod, ut optimum est, ita longe quidem, sed sequitur tamen,

    id. 5, 12, 9; cf. id. 10, 1, 62.—With certe in place of ita:

    ut non demens, crudelis certe videtur,

    Quint. 9, 2, 91.—
    Ita... ut;

    in oaths or strong asseverations: ita me di amabunt ut ego hunc ausculto lubens,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 22:

    ita me di ament ut ego nunc non tam meapte causa Laetor quam illius,

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 8:

    ita me di amabunt, ut nunc Menedemi vicem Miseret me,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 1:

    ita vivo ut maximos sumptus facio,

    Cic. Att. 5, 15, 2.—So with sic:

    sic me di amabunt ut me tuarum miseritum'st fortunarum,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 54.—
    In exemplifications.
    In gen., as for example, for instance:

    nam aut ipsa cognitio rei perquiritur, ut: virtus suam ne, etc., aut agendi consilium exquiritur, ut: sitne sapienti, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 29, 112:

    sunt bestiae in quibus inest aliquid simile virtutis, ut in leonibus, ut in canibus, in equis, etc.,

    id. Fin. 5, 14, 38:

    in libero populo, ut Rhodi, ut Athenis, nemo est civium qui, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 31, 47:

    qui rem publicam constituissent, ut Cretum Minos, Lacedaemoniorum Lycurgus, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 2; id. Ac. 2, 24, 76; id. Inv. 2, 52, 157:

    est aliquid quod dominus praestare servo debeat, ut cibaria, ut vestiarium,

    Sen. Ben. 3, 21, 2:

    est etiam amarum quiddam... et aere, ut illud Crassi Ego te consulem putem? etc.,

    Quint. 8, 3, 89; 4, 3, 12.—Where several instances are adduced, if each of them singly is made prominent, ut is repeated with each;

    if they are taken in a group, ut occurs but once, e. g. quod erant, qui aut in re publica, propter sapientiam florerent, ut Themistocles, ut Pericles, ut Theramenes, aut, qui.. sapientiae doctores essent, ut Gorgias, Thrasymachus, Isocrates, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 16, 59.—
    Ut si, if for instance; for example, if, etc.; with subj.:

    ut si accusetur is qui P. Sulpicium se fateatur occidisse,

    Auct. Her. 1, 15, 25:

    ut si quis hoc velit ostendere, eum qui parentem necarit, etc.,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 15, 48:

    ut si qui docilem faciat auditorem, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 18, 26:

    ut si qui in foro cantet,

    id. Off. 1, 40, 145:

    ut si quis ei quem urgeat fames venenum ponat,

    Liv. 6, 40, 12; cf. Auct. Her. 2, 26, 4; 2, 27, 43; 3, 2, 2; Cic. Inv. 1, 49, 92:

    ut si obsessi de facienda ad hostem deditione deliberent,

    Quint. 3, 8, 23:

    ut si des arma timidis et imbellibus,

    id. 12, 5, 2; 5, 10, 34; 2, 4, 18; 9, 2, 79 et saep.—So with cum:

    ut cum marem feminamque filios dicimus,

    Quint. 9, 3, 63; 1, 6, 22; 3, 8, 30; 9, 1, 3.—
    Before an appositive noun, as, the same as, like:

    qui canem et felem ut deos colunt,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 11, 32:

    ut militiae Africanum ut deum coleret Laelius,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    suam vitam ut legem praefert suis civibus,

    id. ib. 1, 34, 52:

    habuit (ei) honorem ut proditori, non ut amico fidem,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 38:

    Hannibalem, non ut prudentem tantum virum, sed ut vatem omnium quae tum evenirent admirari,

    Liv. 36, 15, 2: (Dionysium) dimisi a me ut magistrum Ciceronum non lubenter;

    ut hominem ingratum non invitus,

    in his capacity of, Cic. Att. 8, 10:

    qui ante captas Syracusas non desciverant... ut socii fideles accepti, quos metus post captas Syracusas dediderat, ut victi a victore leges acceperunt,

    Liv. 25, 40, 4:

    qui et ipsum, ut ambiguae fidei virum, suspectum jam pridem habebat,

    id. 24, 45, 12:

    Cicero ea quae nunc eveniunt cecinit ut vates,

    Nep. Att. 16:

    et ipsam (virtutem) ut deos, et professores ejus ut antistites colite,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 26, 7:

    hunc ut deum homines intuebuntur,

    Quint. 12, 10, 65:

    id ut crimen ingens expavescendum est,

    id. 9, 3, 35.—
    Ut si = quasi, velut si, tamquam si, as if, just as if:

    mater coepit studiose... educere ita uti si esset filia,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 37:

    Rufio tuus ita desiderabatur ut si esset unus e nobis,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 20, 1:

    ejus negotium sic velim suscipias ut si esset res mea,

    id. ib. 2, 14, 1:

    ita se gerant in istis Asiaticis itineribus ut si iter Appia via faceres,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 6:

    qui aliis nocent ut in alios liberales sint, in eadem sunt injustitia ut si in suam rem aliena convertant,

    id. Off. 1, 14, 42; id. Opt. Gen. 4, 10:

    similes sunt ut si qui gubernatorem in navigando nihil agere dicant,

    like men who should say, Cic. Sen. 6, 17: similiter facere eos... ut si nautae certarent, etc., they act like sailors who, etc., id. Off. 1, 25, 87.—
    Ut quisque... ita (sic), with superlatives (= eo magis... quo magis, with indefinite subjects): ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime alios improbos suspicatur, the better a man is, the more difficult it is for him to, etc., Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4, § 12:

    ut quaeque res est turpissima, sic maxime et maturissime vindicanda est,

    id. Caecin. 2, 7:

    ut quisque (morbus) est difficillimus, ita medicus nobilissimus quaeritur,

    id. Clu. 21, 57:

    ut quisque te maxime cognatione... attingebat, ita maxime manus tua putabatur,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 10, § 27; id. Off. 1, 16, 50; 1, 19, 64:

    nam ut quaeque forma perfectissima ita capacissima est,

    Quint. 1, 10, 40.—This construction is variously modified,
    With ita understood:

    facillime ad res injustas impellitur ut quisque altissimo animo est,

    Cic. Off. 1, 19, 65. —
    With virtual superlatives:

    ut quisque in fuga postremus ita in periculo princeps erat,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 90:

    ut quisque optime institutus est, esse omnino nolit in vita, si, etc.,

    id. Fin. 5, 20, 57.—
    The superlatives omitted in either clause:

    ut quisque aetate antecedit, ita sententiae principatum tenet,

    Cic. Sen. 18, 64:

    ut quisque aetate et honore antecedebat, ita sententiam dixit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 64, § 143:

    pro se quisque, ut in quoque erat auctoritatis plurimum, ad populum loquebatur,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 27, §

    68: ut quisque gradu proximus erat, ita ignominiae objectus,

    Liv. 9, 6, 1:

    ut quisque maxime laboraret locus, aut ipse occurrebat, aut aliquos mittebat,

    id. 34, 38, 6.—And with tum = ita:

    nec prodesse tantum, sed etiam amari potest, tum... ut quisque erit Ciceroni simillimus,

    in proportion to his resemblance, Quint. 2, 5, 20.—
    With a comparative in one of the terms:

    major autem (societas est) ut quisque proxime accederet,

    Cic. Lael. 5, 19.—
    Without superlative, as, according as:

    de captivis, ut quisque liber aut servus esset, suae fortunae a quoque sumptum supplicium est,

    Liv. 3, 18, 10 (for ut quisque... ita, in temporal clauses, v. B. 3. g infra).—
    Introducing a temporal clause, the principal predicate being an immediate sequence; orig. = quo tempore.
    With perf. indic.
    In gen., as soon as:

    principio ut illo advenimus... continuo Amphitruo delegit viros, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 49:

    ut hinc te intro ire jussi, opportune hic fit mi obviam,

    Ter. And. 3, 4, 11:

    ut abii abs te fit forte obviam Mihi Phormio,

    id. Phorm. 4, 3, 12:

    ut modo argentum tibi dedimus apud forum, recta domum Sumus profecti,

    id. ib. 5, 6, 19; id. Hec. 3, 3, 5; 5, 1, 26; id. Eun. 4, 7, 12:

    qui ut peroravit, surrexit Clodius,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 3, 2:

    eumque ut salutavit, amicissime apprehendit,

    id. Rep. 1, 11, 7:

    qui ut huc venit... hominesque Romanos bellicis studiis ut vidit incensos, existimavit, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 13, 25; cf. id. Verr. 2, 4, 22, § 48; id. Phil. 9, 4, 9; id. Brut. 8, 30:

    ut vero aquam ingressi sunt... tum utique egressis rigere omnibus corpora,

    Liv. 21, 54, 9:

    ut haec dicta in senatu sunt, dilectus edicitur,

    id. 3, 10, 9; 23, 34, 6; 24, 44, 10.—
    In oblique discourse:

    Ariovistum, ut semel Gallorum copias vicerit, superbe et crudeliter imperare,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31.—
    With primum, when first, as soon as ever:

    atque ego, ut primum fletu represso loqui posse coepi, Quaeso inquam, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 6, 15, 15:

    Siculi, ut primum videre volgari morbos, in suas quisque urbes dilapsi sunt,

    Liv. 25, 26, 13: ut primum lingua coepit esse in quaestu, curam morum qui diserti habebantur reliquerunt, Quint. prooem. 13.—
    Rarely of coincidence in time:

    nam ut dudum adcurrimus ad Alcesimarchum... tum mi puto prae timore hic excidisse Cistellam,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 46.—
    Ut = ex quo tempore. since:

    ut Brundusio profectus es, nullae mihi abs te sunt redditae litterae,

    Cic. Att. 1, 15, 2.—
    With imperf. indic.
    In gen.: Fabii oratio fuit qualis biennio ante;

    deinde, ut vincebatur consensu, versa ad P. Decium collegam poscendum,

    Liv. 10, 22, 2:

    deinde ut nulla vi perculsos sustinere poterat, Quid ultra moror, inquit, etc.,

    id. 10, 28, 20:

    Marcellus, ut tanta vis ingruebat mali, traduxerat in urbem suos,

    id. 25, 26, 15:

    ut vero... exurebatur amoenissimus Italiae ager, villaeque passim incendiis fumabant... tum prope de integro seditione accensi,

    id. 22, 14, 1.— And with perf. and imperf. in co-ordinate clauses:

    consules, ut ventum ad Cannas est, et in conspectu Poenum habebant,

    Liv. 22, 44, 1:

    ut in extrema juga ventum, et hostes sub oculis erant,

    id. 22, 14, 3:

    ut Poenus apparuit in collibus, et pauci... adferebant, etc.,

    id. 24, 1, 6.—
    Of repeated past actions, whenever:

    ut quaeque pars castrorum nudata defensoribus premi videbatur, eo occurrere et auxilium ferre,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 4.—
    With plupf.
    = postquam (rare):

    ut hinc forte ea ad obstetricem erat missa,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 4, 10:

    ut ad mare nostrae cohortes excubuerant, accessere subito prima luce Pompejani,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 63.—
    In epistolary style = the Engl. perf.:

    litteras scripsi... statim ut tuas legeram (= litteras nunc scribo, ut tuas legi),

    Cic. Att. 2, 12, 4:

    ut Athenas a. d. VII. Kal. Quinct. veneram, exspectabam ibi jam quartum diem Pomptinium (= ut veni, exspecto),

    id. ib. 5, 10, 1.—
    Of repeated past actions, whenever:

    ut cujusque sors exciderat... alacer arma capiebat,

    Liv. 21, 42, 3 dub.:

    ut quisque istius animum offenderat, in lautumias statim coniciebatur,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 55, § 143:

    ut quidque ego apprehenderam, statim accusator extorquebat e manibus,

    id. Clu. 19, 52:

    ut cuique erat locus attributus, ad munitiones accedunt,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 81; cf.:

    ut quisque arma ceperat... inordinati in proelium ruunt,

    Liv. 23, 27, 5.—With ita as correl.:

    ut enim quisque contra voluntatem ejus dixerat, ita in eum judicium de professione jugerum postulabatur,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 15, § 39.—
    With fut. perf., or, in oblique discourse, plupf. subj.:

    neque, ut quaeque res delata ad nos erit, tum denique scrutari locos debemus,

    Cic. Or. 2, 34, 146:

    traditum esse ut quando aqua Albana abundasset, tum... victoriam de Veientibus dari,

    Liv. 5, 15, 11 (for ut after simul, v. simul, VI.).—
    Introducing substantive clauses, that; always with subj. (cf. ut as interrog. adverb in dependent clauses, I. A. 3. supra).
    In object clauses.
    In clauses which, if independent, would take the imperative mood, often rendered by the Engl. infinitive.
    After verbs denoting [p. 1942] to wish, request, pray, demand, or invite:

    malim istuc aliis ita videatur quam uti tu, soror, te collaudes,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 18:

    equidem mallem ut ires,

    Cic. Att. 1, 16, 8:

    equidem vellem ut pedes haberent (res tuae),

    id. Fam. 7, 31, 2:

    volo uti mihi respondeas num quis, etc.,

    id. Vatin. 7, 17:

    precor (deos) ut his infinitis nostris malis contenti sint,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 9:

    postulo ut ne quid praejudicati afferatis,

    id. Clu. 2, 5:

    petebant uti equites praemitterent,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 11:

    tibi instat Hortensius ut eas in consilium,

    Cic. Quint. 10, 34:

    hoc ut aliquando fieret, instabat,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 1, 2:

    illum Dolabellae dixisse (= eum rogasse) ut ad me scriberet (= me rogaret), ut in Italiam quam primum venirem,

    Cic. Att. 11, 7, 2:

    cupio ut quod nunc natura et impetus est, fiat judicium,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 2, 2:

    senectutem ut adipiscantur omnes optant,

    Cic. Lael. 2, 4:

    exigo a me, non ut optimis par sim, sed ut malis melior,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 17, 3.—With ut ne = ne:

    Trebatio mandavi, ut, si quid te eum velles ad me mittere, ne recusaret,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 2; Tac. H. 4, 58 fin. —Also without verb, like utinam, to express a wish;

    esp. in imprecations (ante-class.): ut te cum tua Monstratione magnus perdat Juppiter,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 6, 2:

    ut illum di deaeque perdant,

    id. Eun. 2, 3, 10; id. Heaut. 4, 6, 6.—
    After verbs expressing or implying advice, suggestion, or exhortation:

    ego vos hortari tantum possum ut, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 5, 17:

    quod suades ut ad Quinctium scribam, etc.,

    id. Att. 11, 16, 4:

    tibi auctor sum ut eum tibi ordinem reconcilies,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 26:

    censeo ut iter reliquum conficere pergas,

    I propose, id. Or. 2, 71, 200; Caes. B. C. 1, 2; Liv. 30, 40, 4:

    dixeram a principio ut sileremus,

    I had advised, Cic. Brut. 42, 157:

    Pompejum monebat ut meam domum metueret,

    id. Sest. 64, 133:

    equidem suasi ut Romam pergeret,

    id. Att. 16, 8, 2:

    M. Messalae et ipsi Attico dixit ut sine cura essent,

    exhorted, id. ib. 16, 16, A, 5.—
    After verbs expressing resolution or agreement to do something:

    rus ut irem jam heri constitiveram,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 136:

    decrevistis ut de praemiis militum primo quoque tempore referretur,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 2, 4:

    constitueram ut pridie Idus Aquini manerem,

    id. Att. 16, 10, 1:

    statuunt ut decem millia hominum in oppidum submittantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 21:

    Hasdrubal paciscitur cum Celtiberorum principibus ut copias inde abducant,

    Liv. 25, 33, 3:

    illos induxisse in animum, ut superbo quondam regi, tum infesto exuli proderent (patriam),

    id. 2, 5, 7; 27, 9, 9; 42, 25, 11:

    ut ne plebi cum patribus essent conubia sanxerunt,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 27, 63:

    servitia urbem ut incenderent conjurarunt,

    Liv. 4, 45, 1.—
    After verbs of command or prohibition:

    imperat Laelio ut per collis circumducat equites,

    Liv. 28, 33, 11:

    illud praecipiendum fuit ut... diligentiam adhiberemus,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 60:

    M. Aemilio senatus negotium dat ut Patavinorum seditionem comprimeret,

    Liv. 41, 27, 3:

    consul edicere est ausus ut senatus ad vestitum rediret,

    Cic. Pis. 8, 18:

    jubet sententiam ut dicant suam,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 50:

    hic tibi in mentem non venit jubere ut haec quoque referret,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 12, § 28.—With ne:

    iis praedixit, ut ne prius Lacedaemoniorum legatos dimitteret, quam ipse esset remissus,

    Nep. Them. 7, 3.—
    Verbs expressing permission:

    atque ille legem mihi de XII. tabulis recitavit quae permittit ut furem noctu liceat occidere,

    Cic. Tull. 20, 47:

    concedo tibi ut ea praetereas quae, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 19, 54:

    dabis mihi hanc veniam ut eorum... auctoritatem Graecis anteponam,

    id. de Or. 1, 6, 23:

    ille tibi potestatem facturus est ut eligas utrum velis,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 14, 45:

    illud natura non patitur ut aliorum spoliis nostras facultates augeamus,

    id. Off. 3, 5, 22.—
    In dependent clauses implying an aim or end.
    After verbs denoting direction and inclination of the mind, care, purpose, intention, or striving:

    ut plurimis prosimus enitimur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 2, 6:

    facilior erit ut albam esse nivem probet quam erat Anaxagoras,

    he will be more inclined, disposed, id. ib. 2, 36, 117: ne ille longe aberit ut argumento credat philosophorum, far remote from believing = not inclined, id. ib. 2, 47, 144: qui sibi hoc sumpsit ut conrigat mores aliorum, quis huic ignoscat si, who undertakes to correct, id. Verr. 2, 3, 1, § 2:

    navem idoneam ut habeas diligenter videbis,

    care, id. Fam. 16, 1, 2:

    ille intellexit id agi atque id parari ut filiae suae vis afferretur,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 67:

    pater potuit animum inducere ut naturam ipsam vinceret,

    id. Rosc. Am. 19, 53:

    cum senatus temptaret ut ipse gereret sine rege rem publicam,

    id. Rep. 2, 12, 23:

    equidem ut honore dignus essem, maxime semper laboravi,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    omni contentione pugnatum est ut lis haec capitis existimaretur,

    id. Clu. 41, 116:

    omnis spes ad id versa ut totis viribus terra adgrederentur,

    Liv. 24, 34, 12:

    omnis cura solet in hoc versari, semper ut boni aliquid efficiam dicendo,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 75, 306:

    se miliens morituros potius quam ut tantum dedecoris admitti patiantur,

    Liv. 4, 2, 8; 2, 34, 11.—
    Verbs of effecting:

    nec potui tamen Propitiam Venerem facere uti esset mihi,

    Plaut. Poen. 2, 6:

    prior pars orationis tuae faciebat ut mori cuperem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 47, 112:

    caritas annonae faciebat ut istuc... tempore magnum videretur,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 92, § 215:

    sol efficit ut omnia floreant,

    id. N. D. 2, 15, 41:

    potest praestare ut ea causa melior esse videatur,

    id. Or. 1, 10, 44:

    non committam ut tibi ipse insanire videar,

    id. Fam. 5, 5, 3:

    di prohibeant, judices, ut hoc praesidium sectorum existimetur,

    id. Rosc. Am. 52, 151:

    effecisti ut viverem et morerer ingratus,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 25, 1:

    quibus nihil aliud actum est quam ut pudor hominibus peccandi demeretur,

    id. Vit. Beat. 26, 6.—
    Verbs of obtaining:

    Dumnorix a Sequanis impetrat ut per fines suos Helvetios ire patiantur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 9:

    quid assequitur, nisi hoc ut arent qui... in agris remanserunt,

    what does he gain, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 55, § 128:

    facile tenuit ut (Chalcidis) portae sibi aperirentur,

    Liv. 35, 51, 6:

    vicerunt tribuni ut legem perferrent,

    id. 4, 25, 13.—
    Verbs of inducing and compelling:

    nec ut omnia quae praescripta sunt defendamus necessitate ulla cogimur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 3, 8:

    civitati persuasit ut de finibus suis exirent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 2:

    exspectatione promissi tui moveor ut admoneam te,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1:

    Parhedrum excita ut hortum ipse conducat,

    id. ib. 16, 18, 2:

    ille adduci non potest ut... ne lucem quoque hanc eripere cupiat, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 52, 150:

    impellit alios avaritia, alios iracundia ut levem auditionem pro re comperta habeant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 42:

    ut de clementia scriberem, Nero Caesar, una me vox tua maxime compulit,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 1, 1.—
    After verbs implying duty, right, rule, condition, or possibility:

    cum mihi ne ut dubitem quidem relinquatur,

    not even the possibility of doubt, Cic. Ac. 2, 38, 119:

    obsides inter se dent, Sequani ne itinere Helvetios prohibeant, Helvetii ut sine maleficio transeant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 9:

    se ita a majoribus didicisse ut magis virtute quam dolo contenderent,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    mea lenitas hoc exspectavit ut id quod latebat erumperet,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 12, 27:

    (natura) nobis insculpsit in mentibus, ut eos (deos) aeternos et beatos haberemus,

    id. N. D. 1, 17, 45:

    hoc mihi Metellus non eripuit, hoc etiam addidit ut quererer hoc sociis imperari,

    he gave the additional right, id. Verr. 2, 2, 68, § 164:

    ut vero conloqui cum Orpheo, Musaeo, Homero liceat, quanti tandem aestimatis?

    the privilege of conversing, id. Tusc. 1, 41, 98:

    respondet Socrates sese meruisse ut amplissimis honoribus decoraretur,

    id. Or. 1, 54, 272:

    meruit ut suspendatur,

    Sen. Ep. 7, 5:

    quia enim non sum dignus prae te ut figam palum in parietem,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 4, 4.—So after dignus, Liv. 24, 16, 19; Quint. 8, 5, 12.—
    After verbs of fearing, where ut implies a wish contrary to the fear; that not:

    rem frumentariam, ut satis commode supportari posset, timere se dicebant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 39:

    vereor ut satis diligenter actum sit in senatu de litteris meis,

    Cic. Att. 6, 4, 2:

    verebar ut redderentur,

    id. Fam. 12, 19, 1:

    sin homo amens diripiendam urbem daturus est, vereor ut Dolabella ipse satis nobis prodesse possit,

    id. ib. 14, 14, 1:

    veretur Hiempsal ut foedus satis firmum sit,

    id. Leg. 2, 22, 58:

    timeo ut sustineas,

    id. Fam. 14, 2, 3:

    o puer, ut sis vitalis, metuo, et majorum ne quis amicus Frigore te feriat,

    Hor. S. 2, 1, 60.— So sometimes after video, with weakened force: vide ut sit, nearly = perhaps it is not (cf. Roby, Gr. 2, p. 280): considerabitis, vestri similes feminae sintne Romae;

    si enim non sunt, videndum est, ut honeste vos esse possitis,

    Cic. Fam. 14, 14, 1.—Very rarely ut stands for ne after verbs of fearing:

    quia nihil minus, quam ut egredi obsessi moenibus auderent, timeri poterat,

    Liv. 28, 22, 12 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    ut ferula caedas meritum... non vereor,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 120 Jan. and Orell. ad loc. —
    In interrogative clauses represented as untrue, rejecting a supposition or thought with indignation (nearly = fierine potest ut):

    me ut quisquam norit, nisi ille qui praebet cibum?

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 52:

    te ut ulla res frangat, tu ut umquam te corrigas?

    Cic. Cat. 1, 9, 22:

    egone ut te interpellem?

    id. Tusc. 2, 18, 42:

    pater ut in judicio capitis obesse filio debeat?

    id. Planc. 13, 31:

    egone ut prolis meae fundam cruorem?

    Sen. Med. 927.—
    In subject clauses, with impersonal predicates.
    With a predicate adjective.
    With the idea of rule, duty, etc.:

    id arbitror Adprime in vita utile esse, ut ne quid nimis,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 34:

    reliquum est ut de Catuli sententia dicendum videatur,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 20, 59:

    praeclarum est et verum ut eos qui nobis carissimi esse debeant, aeque ac nosmet ipsos amemus,

    id. Tusc. 3, 29, 73:

    ergo hoc sit primum ut demonstremus quem imitetur,

    id. de Or. 2, 22, 90:

    proximum est ut doceam, etc.,

    id. N. D. 2, 29, 73:

    extremum est ut te orem, etc.,

    id. Fam. 4, 13, 7:

    ei (Dionysio) ne integrum quidem erat ut ad justitiam remigraret,

    permission, id. Tusc. 5, 21, 62. —With predicates, aequum est, par (anteclass. and rare):

    aequom videtur tibi ut ego alienum quod est Meum esse dicam?

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 7, 4:

    non par videtur... praesente ibus una paedagogus ut siet,

    id. Bacch. 1, 2, 31.—
    In clauses expressing result and consequence:

    magnificum illud etiam et gloriosum ut Graecis de philosophia litteris non egeant, illud,

    that result of my labors, Cic. Div. 2, 2, 5:

    consentaneum est huic naturae ut sapiens velit gerere et administrare rem publicam,

    id. Fin. 3, 20, 68. —
    In clauses represented as real, true, false, certain, or probable (where the acc. and inf. might be used):

    concedetur verum esse ut bonos boni diligant,

    Cic. Lael. 14, 50: sin autem illa veriora ut idem interitus animorum et corporum, etc., id. ib 4, 14; cf.:

    concedant ut hi viri boni fuerin (= concedant vere factum esse ut, etc.),

    id. ib. 5, 18:

    si verum est ut populus Romanus omnis gentes virtute superarit, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 1, 1:

    de ipso Roscio potest illud quidem esse falsum ut circumligatus fuerit, angui,

    Cic. Div. 2, 31, 66:

    non est verisimile ut Chrysogonus horum litteras adamarit aut humanitatem,

    id. Rosc. Am. 41, 121:

    deos verisimile est ut alios indulgentius tractent propter parentis, alios propter futuram posterorum indolem,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 32, 1; so,

    rarum est ut,

    Quint. 3, 19, 3:

    quid tam inusitatum quam ut, etc.,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 21, 62.—And after potius:

    multi ex plebe spe amissa potius quam ut cruciarentur... se in Tiberim praecipitaverunt,

    Liv. 4, 12, 11.—
    With predicate nouns.
    Expressing the idea of a verb which would require an object clause, with ut:

    quoniam ut aliter facias non est copia,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 30:

    Romano in hostico morandi causa erat ut hostem ad certamen eliceret,

    Liv. 6, 31, 7:

    vetus est lex amicitiae ut idem amici semper velint,

    Cic. Planc. 2, 5:

    consensus fuit senatus ut mature proficisceremur (= decretum est a senatu),

    id. Fam. 3, 3, 1:

    fuit hoc sive meum, sive rei publicae fatum ut in me unum omnis illa inclinatio temporum incumberet,

    ordained by fate, id. Balb. 26, 58:

    tempus est ut eamus ad forum,

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 72:

    dicasque tempus maximum esse ut eat,

    id. ib. 4, 3, 9:

    primum est officium ut homo se conservet in naturae statu,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 6, 20:

    ejus culturae hoc munus est ut efficiat, etc.,

    id. ib. 4, 14, 38:

    caput illud est ut Lyconem recipias in necessitudinem tuam,

    duty, id. Fam. 13, 19, 3; so,

    caput est ut, etc.,

    id. de Or. 1, 19, 87:

    fuit hoc quoddam inter Scipionem et Laelium jus ut Scipio Laelium observaret parentis loco,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    mea ratio in dicendo haec esse solet ut boni quod habeat id amplectar,

    id. de Or. 2, 72, 292; so,

    ratio est ut,

    id. Verr. 1, 11, 34: est mos hominum ut [p. 1943] nolint eundem pluribus excellere, id. Brut. 21, 84:

    est hoc Gallicae consuetudinis ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 5.—
    Expressing result and consequence:

    est hoc commune vitium in magnis liberisque civitatibus ut invidia gloriae comes sit,

    Nep. Chabr. 3, 3.—
    With impersonal verbs.
    Including the idea of a verb requiring an object clause, with ut:

    convenit, victi utri sint eo proelio, urbem, agrum... seque uti dederent,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 71:

    mihi cum Dejotaro convenit ut ille in meis castris esset,

    Cic. Att. 6, 1, 14:

    placitum est ut in aprico loco considerent,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    postea mihi placuit ut, etc.,

    id. Or. 1, 34, 155:

    ad Appii Claudii senectutem accedebat etiam ut caecus esset,

    id. Sen. 6, 16.—So after fit, it happens:

    fit ut natura ipsa ad ornatius dicendi genus incitemur,

    Cic. Or. 2, 83, 338:

    potest fieri ut res verbosior haec fuerit, illa verior,

    it may be that, id. Att. 8, 3, 6; id. Ac. 2, 11, 36; id. Verr. 2, 2, 77, § 190.—

    So with accidit, evenit, contigit: accidit... ut illo itinere veniret Lampsacum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 24, § 63; so id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 25:

    sed tamen hoc evenit ut in vulgus insipientium opinio valeat,

    id. Tusc. 2, 26, 63:

    utinam Caesari contigisset ut esset optimo cuique carissimus,

    id. Phil. 5, 18, 49.—
    Denoting consequence:

    ex quo efficitur ut quidquid honestum sit, idem sit utile,

    Cic. Off. 2, 3, 10:

    sequitur ut dicamus quae beneficia danda sint et quemadmodum,

    Sen. Ben. 1, 11, 1:

    sequitur ut causa ponatur,

    Cic. Or. 2, 81, 331.—
    Est, in the meaning fit, or causa est:

    est ut plerique philosophi nulla tradant praecepta dicendi,

    it is a fact that, Cic. Or. 2, 36, 152:

    non est igitur ut mirandum sit ea praesentiri,

    there is no reason for wondering, id. Div. 1, 56, 128:

    quando fuit ut quod licet non liceret?

    id. Cael. 20, 48; so, in eo est ut, prope est ut, to be on the point of, to be near to:

    jam in eo rem fore ut Romani aut hostes aut domini habendi sint,

    Liv. 8, 27, 3:

    cum jam in eo esset ut comprehenderetur,

    Nep. Paus. 5, 1; id. Milt. 7, 3:

    jam prope erat ut ne consulum quidem majestas coerceret iras hominum,

    Liv. 2, 23, 14:

    prope est ut lamentationem exigat,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 6, 4.— Here belongs the circumlocution of the periphrastic future by futurum esse or fore, with ut; generally in the inf.:

    arbitrabar fore ut lex de pecuniis repetundis tolleretur,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 14, 41.—Very rarely in the indic.:

    futurum est ut sapiam,

    Sen. Ep. 117, 29.—
    In attributive clauses, dependent on nouns not belonging to the predicate.
    With the idea of resolve, etc.:

    vicit sententia ut mitterentur coloni,

    Liv. 9, 26, 4:

    sententiam dixit (= censuit) ut judicum comitia haberentur,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 1, 2; id. Fam. 4, 4, 5; id. Tusc. 5, 41, 119; id. Leg. 3, 15, 33.—
    Of agreement:

    fide accepta ut remitterent eum,

    Liv. 24, 48, 8. —
    Of law, rule, etc.:

    praetores rogationem promulgarunt ut omnes regiae stirpis interficerentur,

    Liv. 24, 25, 10:

    senatus consultum factum est ut M. Fulvius litteras extemplo ad consulem mitteret,

    id. 35, 24, 2:

    haec ei est proposita condicio ut aut juste accusaret aut acerbe moreretur,

    Cic. Clu. 14, 42:

    Suevi in eam se consuetudinem induxerunt ut locis frigidissimis lavarentur in fluminibus,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 1.—
    Of duty:

    jusjurandum poscit ut quod esse ex usu Galliae intellexissent, communi consilio administrarent,

    Caes. B. G. 8, 6. —
    Of purpose, inclination, etc.:

    vobis dent di mentem oportet ut prohibeatis, etc.,

    make you inclined, Liv. 6, 18, 9:

    causa mihi fuit huc veniendi ut quosdam hinc libros promerem,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 2, 8:

    confectio tabularum hanc habet vim (= efficit) ut quidquid fingatur aut non constet, appareat,

    id. Font. 2, 3.—
    Of effect, result, etc.:

    fuit ista quondam virtus ut viri fortes acrioribus suppliciis civem perniciosum quam hostem everterent,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 1, 3:

    habet hoc virtus ut viros fortis species ejus et pulchritudo etiam in hoste posita delectet,

    id. Pis. 32, 81:

    damnatum poenam sequi oportebat ut igni cremaretur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 4.—
    In clauses of manner, that, so that.
    With ita, sic, adeo, tantus, talis, or tam as antecedent (v. hh. vv.;

    anteclass. ut qui = ut): Adeon' me fungum fuisse ut qui illi crederem?

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 49.—
    With is or hic as antecedent: eos deduxi testes et eas litteras deportavi ut de istius facto dubium esse nemini possit, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 42, § 91:

    ejusmodi res publica debet esse ut inimicus neque deesse nocenti possit, neque obesse innocenti (ejusmodi = talis),

    id. ib. 2, 3, 69, §

    162: eo perducam servum ut in multa liber sit,

    Sen. Ben. 3, 19, 2:

    non eo loco res humanae sunt ut vobis tantum otii supersit,

    id. Vit. Beat. 27, 6:

    haec aequitas in tuo imperio fuit, haec praetoris dignitas ut servos Siculorum dominos esse velles,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 38, § 87:

    hoc jure sunt socii ut eis ne deplorare quidem de suis incommodis liceat,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 27, § 65.—
    Without antecedents, so that:

    cujus aures clausae veritati sunt ut ab amico verum audire nequeat, hujus salus desperanda est,

    Cic. Lael. 24, 90:

    in virtute multi sunt ascensus, ut is maxima gloria excellat qui virtute plurimum praestet,

    id. Planc. 25, 60:

    mons altissimus impendebat ut perpauci prohibere possent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6:

    accessit quod Domitius Heraclea iter fecerat, ut ipsa fortuna illum obicere Pompejo videretur,

    id. B. C. 3, 79:

    pecunia a patre exacta crudeliter, ut divenditis omnibus bonis aliquamdiu trans Tiberim veluti relegatus viveret,

    Liv. 3, 13, 10:

    fama Gallici belli pro tumultu valuit ut et dictatorem dici placeret,

    id. 8, 17, 6:

    nihilo minus... magnas percipiendum voluptates, ut fatendum sit, etc.,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 12, 1.—
    Idiomat. with non.
    Ut non, when the principal sentence is negative, without: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunam amittere ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem, without dragging, etc., Cic. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    flaminem Quirinalem neque mittere a sacris neque retinere possumus ut non deum aut belli deseramus curam,

    Liv. 24, 8, 10:

    non ita fracti animi civitatis erant ut non sentirent, etc.,

    id. 45, 25, 12:

    nusquam oculi ejus flectentur ut non quod indignentur inveniant,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 7, 2:

    ajunt, nec honeste quemquam vivere ut non jucunde vivat, nec jucunde ut non honeste quoque,

    id. Vit. Beat. 6, 3:

    nemo in eo quod daturus es gratiam suam facere potest ut non tuam minuat,

    id. Ben. 2, 4, 3; cf. also: ut non conferam vitam neque existimationem tuam cum illius;

    neque enim est conferenda (= ut omittam conferre),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 20, § 45.—
    Non ut, followed by sed quod, causal (= non quod, sed quod;

    rare): earum exempla tibi misi non ut deliberarem reddendaene essent, sed quod non dubito, etc.,

    not that... but because, Cic. Att. 14, 17, 4:

    haec ad te scribo non ut queas tu demere solitudinem, sed, etc.,

    id. ib. 11, 15, 3.—Followed by sed ut:

    benigne accipe (beneficium): rettulisti gratiam, non ut solvisse te putes, sed ut securior debeas,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 35, 5; and in reversed order: quorsum haec praeterita? Quia sequitur illud, etc.;

    non ut eas res causam adferrent amoris,

    Cic. Fat. 15, 35.—Rarely nedum ut, in the sense of nedum alone, much less that, not to mention that (mostly post-class.; cf.

    Zumpt, Gram. § 573): ne voce quidem incommoda, nedum ut illa vis fieret, paulatim permulcendo mansuefecerant plebem,

    Liv. 3, 14, 6 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    quando enim... fama in totam urbem penetrat? nedum ut per tot provincias innotescat,

    Tac. Or. 10.—
    Conditional or concessive.
    Granting that ( for argument's sake):

    quod ut ita sit—nihil enim pugno—quid habet ista res aut laetabile aut gloriosum?

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 21, 49:

    sed ut haec concedantur, reliqua qui tandem intellegi possunt?

    id. N. D. 3, 16, 41:

    ut tibi concedam hoc indignum esse, tu mihi concedas necesse est, etc.,

    id. Clu. 53, 146:

    quae, ut essent vera, conjungi debuerunt,

    id. Fin. 4, 15, 40:

    quae natura ut uno consensu juncta sit et continens... quid habere mundus potest cum thesauri inventione conjunctum?

    id. Div. 2, 14, 33:

    nihil est prudentia dulcius, quam, ut cetera auferat, adfert certe senectus,

    id. Tusc. 1, 39, 94.—
    Even if, although:

    qui (exercitus) si pacis... nomen audiverit, ut non referat pedem, insistet certe,

    Cic. Phil. 12, 3, 8:

    ut ea pars defensionis relinquatur, quid impediet actionem? etc.,

    id. Ac. 2, 34, 108:

    ut quaeras omnia, quomodo Graeci ineptum appellant non reperies,

    id. de Or. 2, 4, 18:

    ut enim neminem alium nisi T. Patinam rogasset, scire potuit, illo ipso die a Milone prodi flaminem,

    id. Mil. 17, 46: verum ut hoc non sit, tamen praeclarum spectaculum mihi propono, id. Att. 2, 15; id. Leg. 1, 8, 23; id. Fat. 5, 9; id. Verr. 2, 3, 64, § 151; 2, 1, 45, § 117; id. Planc. 25, 62:

    qui, ut non omnis peritissimus sim belli, cum Romanis certe bellare didici,

    Liv. 36, 7, 20:

    neque equites armis equisque salvis tantum vim fluminis superasse verisimile est, ut jam Hispanos omnes inflati travexerint utres,

    id. 21, 47, 5:

    at enim, ut jam ita sint haec, quid ad vos, Romani?

    id. 34, 32, 13:

    ut jam Macedonia deficiat,

    id. 42, 12, 10:

    cum jam ut virtus vestra transire alio possit, fortuna certe loci hujus transferri non possit,

    id. 5, 54, 6; 22, 50, 2; cf.:

    ac jam ut omnia contra opinionem acciderent, tamen se plurimum navibus posse,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 9:

    ut desint vires tamen est laudanda voluntas,

    Ov. P. 3, 4, 79:

    ut dura videatur appellatio, tamen sola est,

    Quint. 3, 8, 25; 6, prooem. 15.—Ut maxime = si maxime:

    quaere rationem cur ita videatur: quam ut maxime inveneris... non tu verum testem habere, sed eum non sine causa falsum testimonium dicere ostenderis,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 25, 81.—With nihilominus:

    quae (res) nihilominus, ut ego absim, confici poterunt,

    Cic. Fam. 10, 2, 2.—
    Provided that:

    ambulatiuncula, ut tantum faciamus quantum in Tusculano fecimus, prope dimidio minoris constabit isto loco,

    Cic. Att. 13, 39, 2: dabo egenti, sed ut ipse non egeam;

    succurram perituro, sed ut ipse non peream,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 15, 1.—
    In clauses of purpose (final clauses; distinguished from object clauses with ut; v. C. 1., in which the verb itself contains the idea of purpose, the clause completing the idea of the verb), in order that, so that, so as to.
    In gen.:

    quin voco, ut me audiat, nomine illam suo?

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 17:

    haec acta res est uti nobiles restituerentur in civitatem,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 51, 149:

    intellego, tempus hoc vobis divinitus datum esse ut odio... totum ordinem liberetis,

    id. Verr. 1, 15, 43:

    Caesar singulis legionibus singulos legatos praefecit uti eos testes suae quisque virtutis haberet,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 52.—And with ut ne, instead of ne, lest:

    id ut ne fiat, haec res sola est remedio,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 49; v. 1. ne, I. B. 4. a.—Very rarely, ut non for ne, expressing a negative purpose:

    ut plura non dicam neque aliorum exemplis confirmem quantum valeat (= ut praeteream),

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 15, 44; cf. d. a fin. supra.—
    Esp., after certain antecedents.
    After id, for the purpose (ante-class.):

    id huc reverti uti me purgarem tibi,

    Plaut. Am. 3, 2, 28.—
    After idcirco:

    idcirco amicitiae comparantur ut commune commodum mutuis officiis gubernetur,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 38, 111:

    legum idcirco omnes servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus,

    id. Clu. 53, 146; id. Rosc. Am. 47, 137.—
    After ideo and eo:

    non ideo Rhenum insedimus ut Italiam tueremur, sed ne quis, etc.,

    Tac. H. 4, 73:

    Marionem ad te eo misi ut aut tecum ad me quam primum veniret, aut, etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 16, 1, 1.—
    After ad eam rem, ad hoc, in hoc:

    ad eam rem vos delecti estis ut eos condemnaretis quos sectores jugulare non potuissent?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 52, 151:

    praebere se facilem ad hoc ut quem obligavit etiam exsolvi velit?

    Sen. Ben. 2, 17, 6:

    homo natus in hoc ut mores liberae civitatis Persica servitute mutaret,

    id. ib. 2, 12, 2.—
    After ea mente, hac mente:

    navis onerarias Dolabella ea mente comparavit ut Italiam peteret,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 14, 1:

    hac mente laborem Sese ferre senes ut in otia tuta recedant Ajunt,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 30.—
    After potius quam:

    potius ad delendam memoriam dedecoris, quam ut timorem faciat,

    Liv. 6, 28, 8:

    potius quodcumque casus ferat passuros, quam ut sprevisse Tarentinos videantur,

    id. 9, 14, 8.—
    With the principal predicate, referring to the conception of the writer, understood; mostly parenthet. = the Engl. inf.: ut in pauca conferam, testamento facto mulier moritur, to be brief, etc., Cic. Caecin. 6, 17:

    ecquid tibi videtur, ut ad fabulas veniamus, senex ille Caecilianus minoris facere filium rusticum?

    to come to the drama, id. Rosc. Am. 16, 46:

    reliquum judicium de judicibus, et, vere ut dicam, de te futurum est,

    to tell the truth, id. Verr. 2, 5, 69, § 177:

    Murena, si nemini, ut levissime dicam, odio fuit,

    to say the least, id. Mur. 40, 87: ut nihil de illo tempore, nihil de calamitate rei publicae [p. 1944] querar, hoc tibi respondeo, etc., not to complain of that time, etc., id. Caecin. 33, 95: quae cum se disposuit, et partibus suis consensit, et, ut ita dicam concinuit, summum bonum tetigit, and, so to speak, chimes in, etc., Sen. Vit. Beat. 8, 5:

    ecce— ut idem in singulos annos orbis volveretur —Hernici nuntiant Volscos et Aequos reficere, etc.,

    Liv. 3, 10, 8.—
    Satis ut, enough to (lit. enough for the purpose of):

    satis esse magna incommoda accepta ut reliquos casus timerent,

    disasters large enough to make them afraid, Caes. B. C. 3, 10.—
    Quam ut after comparatives, too much to:

    quod praeceptum, quia major erat quam ut ab homine videretur, idcirco adsignatum est deo,

    too great to come from man, Cic. Fin. 5, 16, 44:

    quis non intellegit, Canachi signa rigidiora esse quam ut imitentur veritatem?

    id. Brut. 18, 70:

    clarior res erat quam ut tegi ac dissimulari posset,

    too clear to be covered up, Liv. 26, 51, 11:

    potentius jam id malum apparuit quam ut minores per magistratus sedaretur,

    id. 25, 1, 11:

    est tamen aliquis minor quam ut in sinu ejus condenda sit civitas,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 16, 2.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ut

  • 5 utei

    ut or ŭtī (old form ŭtei, C. I. L. 1, 196, 4 sq.; 1, 198, 8 et saep.), adv. and conj. [for quoti or cuti, from pronom. stem ka-, Lat. quo-, whence qui, etc., and locat. ending -ti of stem to-, whence tum, etc.].
    As adv. of manner.
    Interrog. = quomodo, how, in what way or manner.
    In independent questions (colloq.; rare in class. prose; not in Cic.): De. Quid? ut videtur mulier? Ch. Non, edepol, mala. De. Ut morata'st? Ch. Nullam vidi melius mea sententia, Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 56 sq.:

    salve! ut valuisti? quid parentes mei? Valent?

    id. ib. 5, 2, 107; id. Pers. 2, 5, 8:

    ut vales?

    id. Most. 2, 19, 29; 3, 2, 28; Ter. Heaut. 2, 4, 26:

    ut sese in Samnio res habent?

    Liv. 10, 18, 11:

    ut valet? ut meminit nostri?

    Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 12; id. S. 2, 8, 1.—
    In exclamatory sentences (in all periods of the language): ut omnia in me conglomerat mala! Enn. ap. Non. p. 90, 14 (Trag. Rel. v. 408 Vahl.):

    ut corripuit se repente atque abiit! Hei misero mihi!

    Plaut. Merc. 3, 4, 76:

    ut dissimulat malus!

    id. ib. 5, 4, 13:

    ut volupe est homini si cluet victoria!

    id. Poen. 5, 5, 15: ut multa verba feci;

    ut lenta materies fuit!

    id. Mil. 4, 5, 4:

    ut scelestus nunc iste te ludos facit!

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 47:

    ut saepe summa ingenia in occulto latent,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 61; id. Rud. 1, 2, 75; 2, 3, 33 sq.:

    ut falsus animi est!

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 42:

    heia! ut elegans est!

    id. Heaut. 5, 5, 19:

    fortuna ut numquam perpetua est bona!

    id. Hec. 3, 3, 46; cf. id. Phorm. 5, 8, 52:

    Gnaeus autem noster... ut totus jacet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 21, 1:

    quae ut sustinuit! ut contempsit, ac pro nihilo putavit!

    id. Mil. 24, 64:

    qui tum dicit testimonium ex nostris hominibus, ut se ipse sustentat! ut omnia verba moderatur, ut timet ne quid cupide... dicat!

    id. Fl. 5, 12:

    quod cum facis, ut ego tuum amorem et dolorem desidero!

    id. Att. 3, 11, 2:

    quanta studia decertantium sunt! ut illi efferuntur laetitia cum vicerint! ut pudet victos! ut se accusari nolunt! etc.,

    id. Fin. 5, 22, 61:

    ut vidi, ut perii! ut me malus abstulit error!

    Verg. E. 8, 41:

    ut melius quidquid erit pati!

    Hor. C. 1, 11, 3:

    ut tu Semper eris derisor!

    id. S. 2, 6, 53:

    o superbia magnae fortunae! ut a te nihil accipere juvat! ut omne beneficium in injuriam convertis! ut te omnia nimia delectant! ut to omnia dedecent!

    Sen. Ben. 2, 13, 1:

    ut me in supremis consolatus est!

    Quint. 6, prooem. 11.—
    In dependent questions.
    With indic. (ante-class. and poet.): divi hoc audite parumper ut pro Romano populo... animam de corpore mitto, Enn. ap. Non. p. 150, 6 (Ann. v. 215 Vahl.): edoce eum uti res se habet, Plaut. [p. 1940] Trin. 3, 3, 21:

    hoc sis vide ut avariter merum in se ingurgitat,

    id. Curc. 1, 2, 33:

    hoc vide ut dormiunt pessuli,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 66:

    illud vide os ut sibi distorsit carnufex,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 3:

    vide ut otiosus it, si dis placet,

    id. ib. 5, 3, 10:

    illud vide, Ut in ipso articulo oppressit,

    id. Ad. 2, 2, 21; 3, 5, 3:

    viden ut faces Splendidas quatiunt comas?

    Cat. 61, 77:

    viden ut perniciter exiluere?

    id. 62, 8:

    adspicite, innuptae secum ut meditata requirunt,

    id. 62, 12:

    aspice, venturo laetantur ut omnia saeclo! (= omnia laetantia),

    Verg. E. 4, 52 Forbig. ad loc.:

    nonne vides, croceos ut Tmolus odores, India mittit ebur,

    id. G. 1, 56; id. E. 5, 6; id. A. 6, 779. —
    With subj. (class.):

    nescis ut res sit, Phoenicium,

    Plaut. Ps. 4, 4, 1:

    oppido Mihi illud videri mirum, ut una illaec capra Uxoris dotem simiae ambadederit,

    id. Merc. 2, 1, 16:

    nam ego vos novisse credo jam ut sit meus pater,

    id. Am. prol. 104:

    narratque ut virgo ab se integra etiam tum siet,

    Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 70:

    tute scis quam intimum Habeam te, et mea consilia ut tibi credam omnia,

    id. Eun. 1, 2, 48:

    videtis ut omnes despiciat, ut hominem prae se neminem putet, ut se solum beatum se solum potentem putet?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 46, 135:

    videtisne ut Nestor de virtutibus suis praedicet?

    id. Sen. 10, 31; id. Rosc. Am. 24, 66:

    credo te audisse ut me circumsteterint, ut aperte jugula sua pro meo capite P. Clodio ostentarint,

    id. Att. 1, 16, 4:

    videte ut hoc iste correxerit,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 45, § 115:

    docebat ut omni tempore totius Galliae principatum Aedui tenuissent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43:

    veniat in mentem, ut trepidos quondam majores vestros... defenderimus,

    Liv. 23, 5, 8:

    aspice quo submittat humus formosa colores,

    Prop. 1, 2, 9:

    infinitum est enumerare ut Cottae detraxerit auctoritatem, ut pro Ligario se opposuerit,

    Quint. 6, 5, 10:

    vides ut alta stet nive candidum Soracte,

    Hor. C. 1, 9, 1:

    nonne vides, ut... latus et malus Antennaeque gemant,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 3 Orell. ad loc.:

    audis... positas ut glaciet nives Puro numine Juppiter,

    id. ib. 3, 10, 7; id. S. 1, 8, 42; 2, 3, 315; Verg. A. 2, 4; Tib. 2, 1, 26; Prop. 2, 34 (3, 32), 57:

    mirum est ut animus agitatione motuque corporis excitetur,

    Plin. Ep. 1, 6, 2.—
    Relative adverb of manner = eo modo quo, as.
    Without demonstr. as correlatives: ut aiunt, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 101 Mull. (fr inc. l. 10 Vahl.):

    ego emero matri tuae Ancillam... forma mala, ut matrem addecet familias,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 79:

    apparatus sum ut videtis,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 10:

    verum postremo impetravi ut volui,

    id. Mil. 4, 5, 5:

    ero ut me voles esse,

    id. Capt. 2, 1, 32:

    faciam ut tu voles,

    id. Men. 5, 9, 90: ut vales? Tox. Ut queo, id. Pers. 1, 1, 16:

    ut potero feram,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 27:

    faciam ut mones,

    id. Hec. 4, 4, 97:

    Ciceronem et ut rogas amo, et ut meretur et ut debeo,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 9, 9:

    cupiditates quae possunt esse in eo qui, ut ipse accusator objecit, ruri semper habitarit?

    id. Rosc. Am. 14, 39:

    ut ex propinquis ejus audio, non tu in isto artificio callidior es, quam hic in suo,

    id. ib. 17, 49:

    homo demens, ut isti putant,

    id. Rep. 1, 1, 1:

    cumulate munus hoc, ut opinio mea fert, effecero,

    id. ib. 1, 46, 70:

    non ut clim solebat, sed ut nunc fit, mimum introduxisti,

    id. Fam. 9, 16, 7:

    Labienus, ut erat ei praeceptum, ne proelium committeret nisi, etc., monte occupato nostros exspectabat, proelioque abstinebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    cuncta ut gesta erant exposuit,

    Liv. 3, 50, 4:

    (Postumius) fugerat in legatione, ut fama ferebat, populi judicium,

    id. 10, 46, 16:

    sed, ut plerumque fit, major pars meliorem vicit,

    id. 21, 4, 1:

    nec temere, et ut libet conlocatur argentum, sed perite servitur,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 17, 2:

    servus, ut placet Chrysippo, perpetuus mercenarius est,

    id. Ben. 3, 22, 1.—Esp. parenthet., to denote that the facts accord with an assumption or supposition made in the principal sentence (= sicut):

    si virtus digna est gloriatione, ut est,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 51:

    quorum etiamsi amplecterer virtutem, ut facio, tamen, etc.,

    id. Phil. 10, 9, 18:

    quamvis fuerit acutus, ut fuit,

    id. Ac. 2, 22, 69; cf.:

    incumbite in causam, Quirites, ut facitis,

    id. Phil. 4, 5, 12:

    tu modo istam imbecillitatem valetudinis sustenta, ut facis,

    id. Fam. 7, 1, 5:

    satis enim erat, probatum illum esse populo Romano, ut est,

    id. Phil. 1, 15, 37.—
    With the correlative ita or sic: VTI LEGASSIT SVPER PECVNIA TVTELAVE SVAE REI, ITA IVS ESTO, Leg. XII. Tab. 5, fr. 3: alii, ut esse in suam rem ducunt, ita sint;

    ego ita ero ut me esse oportet,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 6, 24 sq.:

    sic sum ut vides,

    id. Am. 2, 1, 57:

    omnes posthabui mihi res, ita uti par fuit,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 15:

    ut viro forti ac sapienti dignum fuit, ita calumniam ejus obtrivit,

    Cic. Caecin. 7, 18.—In partic. with a superlative belonging to the principal sentence, attracted to the relative clause:

    haec ut brevissime dici potuerunt, ita a me dicta sunt (= ita breviter dicta sunt ut dici potuerunt),

    Cic. de Or. 2, 41, 174.—So ut qui, with sup.:

    te enim semper sic colam et tuebor ut quem diligentissime,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 62 fin.; without sic or ita:

    causas ut honorificentissimis verbis consequi potero, complectar,

    id. Phil. 14, 11, 29:

    sed exigenda est ut optime possumus,

    Quint. 12, 10, 38.—And with comp.:

    eruditus autem sic ut nemo Thebanus magis,

    Nep. Epam. 2, 1; cf.:

    ad unguem Factus homo, non ut magis alter, amicus,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 33:

    cocto Chium sic convenit, ut non Hoc magis ullum aliud,

    id. ib. 2, 8, 48.—
    Doubled ut ut, as indefinite relative, = utcumque, in whatever manner, howsoever (mostly ante-class.; only with indic.):

    gaudeo, ut ut erga me est merita,

    Plaut. Am. 5, 1, 52:

    age jam, utut est, etsi'st dedecori, patiar,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 85:

    utut est, mihi quidem profecto cum istis dictis mortuo'st,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 76:

    utut res sese habet, pergam, etc.,

    id. Most. 3, 1, 14:

    non potis est pietati opsisti huic, ututi res sunt ceterae,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 36; id. Cist. 1, 1, 110:

    sed ut ut haec sunt, tamen hoc faciam,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 46; cf. id. ib. 3, 1, 4; id. Heaut. 1, 2, 26; id. Ad. 2, 2, 40; 4, 4, 22:

    ut ut est res, casus consilium nostri itineris judicabit,

    Cic. Att. 15, 25 B. and K. (dub.;

    v. Orell. ad loc.): sed ut ut est, indulge valetudini tuae,

    id. Fam. 16, 18, 1 dub. (al. ut est).—
    Causal, as, = prout, pro eo ut.
    Introducing a general statement, in correspondence with the particular assertion of the principal clause, ut = as, considering... that, in accordance with:

    atque, ut nunc sunt maledicentes homines, uxori meae mihique objectent, lenociniam facere,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 75:

    ut aetas mea est, atque ut huic usus facto est,

    id. Men. 5, 2, 1:

    haud scio hercle ut homo'st, an mutet animum,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 2, 9:

    praesertim, ut nunc sunt mores,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 5:

    atque ille, ut semper fuit apertissimus, non se purgavit, sed, etc.,

    Cic. Mur. 25, 51:

    permulta alia colligit Chrysippus, ut est in omni historia curiosus,

    id. Tusc. 1, 45, 108:

    magnifice et ornate, ut erat in primis inter suos copiosus, convivium comparat,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 65:

    Kal. Sextilibus, ut tunc principium anni agebatur, consulatum ineunt,

    Liv. 3, 6, 1:

    tribuni, ut fere semper reguntur a multitudine magis quam regunt, dedere plebi, etc.,

    id. 3, 71, 5:

    transire pontem non potuerunt, ut extrema resoluta erant, etc.,

    id. 21, 47, 3.—Ellipt.:

    mortales multi, ut ad ludos, convenerant (ut fit, si ludi sunt),

    Plaut. Men. prol. 30:

    Epicharmi, acuti nec insulsi hominis, ut Siculi,

    as was natural, he being a Sicilian, Cic. Tusc. 1, 8, 15; so,

    Diogenes, liberius, ut Cynicus... inquit,

    id. ib. 5, 33, 92:

    ceterum haec, ut in secundis rebus, segniter otioseque gesta,

    Liv. 23, 14, 1.—
    Reflecting the assertion to particular circumstances, etc., ut = for, as, considering:

    hic Geta ut captus est servorum, non malus,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 4, 34:

    ut est captus hominum,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 27, 65; Caes. B. G. 4, 3: Themistocles ut apud nos perantiquus, ut apud Athenienses non ita sane vetus, in regard to us, etc., Cic. Brut. 10, 41:

    Caelius Antipater, scriptor, ut temporibus illis, luculentus,

    for those times, id. ib. 26, 102:

    nonnihil, ut in tantis malis est profectum,

    considering the unfortunate state of affairs, id. Fam. 12, 2, 2:

    (orationis genus) ut in oratore exile,

    for an orator, id. Or. 3, 18, 66:

    multae (erant in Fabio) ut in homine Romano, litterae,

    id. Sen. 4, 12:

    consultissimus vir, ut in illa quisquam esse aetate poterat,

    Liv. 1, 18, 1:

    florentem jam ut tum res erant,

    id. 1, 3, 3:

    Apollonides orationem salutarem, ut in tali tempore, habuit,

    id. 24, 28, 1:

    Sp. Maelius, ut illis temporibus praedives,

    id. 4, 13, 1: insigni, ut illorum temporum habitus erat, triumpho, id. 10, 46, 2:

    Ardeam Rutuli habebant, gens ut in ea regione atque in ea aetate divitiis praepollens,

    id. 1, 57, 1:

    vir, ut inter Aetolos, facundus,

    id. 32, 33, 9:

    Meneclidas, satis exercitatus in dicendo, ut Thebanus scilicet,

    Nep. Epam. 5, 2:

    ad magnam deinde, ut in ea regione, urbem pervenit,

    Curt. 9, 1, 14:

    multum, ut inter Germanos, rationis ac sollertiae,

    Tac. G. 30. —
    Ut before relatives, with subj., as it is natural for persons who, like one who, since he, since they, etc.; seeing that they, etc. (not in Cic.):

    non demutabo ut quod certo sciam,

    seeing that I know it for certain, Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 153:

    prima luce sic ab castris proficiscuntur ut quibus esset persuasum non ab hoste, sed ab homine amicissimo consilium datum,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 31, 6:

    facile persuadent (Lucumoni) ut cupido honorum, et cui Tarquinii materna tantum patria esset,

    Liv. 1, 34, 6:

    inde consul, ut qui jam ad hostes perventum cerneret, explorato, etc., procedebat,

    id. 38, 18, 7:

    Philippus, ut cui de summa rerum adesset certamen, adhortandos milites ratus, etc.,

    id. 33, 4, 11:

    Tarquinius ad jus regni nihil praeter vim habebat, ut qui neque populi jussu, neque auctoribus patribus regnaret,

    id. 1, 49, 3; 25, 23, 3:

    Aequorum exercitus, ut qui permultos annos imbelles egissent, sine ducibus certis, sine imperio,

    id. 9, 45, 10:

    igitur pro se quisque inermes, ut quibus nihil hostile suspectum esset, in agmen Romanum ruebant,

    id. 30, 6, 3; 23, 15, 4; 23, 29, 12:

    omnia nova offendit, ut qui solus didicerit quod inter multos faciendum est,

    as is natural in one who, since he, Quint. 1, 2, 19:

    in omni autem speciali inest generalis, ut quae sit prior,

    id. 3, 5, 9:

    ignara hujusce doctrinae loquacitas erret necesse est, ut quae vel multos vel falsos duces habeat,

    id. 12, 2, 20; 5, 14, 28; 11, 3, 53.—Rarely with participle:

    ne Volsci et Aequi... ad urbem ut ex parte captam venirent,

    Liv. 3, 16, 2:

    gens ferox cum procul visis Romanorum signis, ut extemplo proelium initura, explicuisset aciem, etc.,

    id. 7, 23, 6.—
    With perinde or pro eo, with reference to several alternatives or degrees to be determined by circumstances, as, according as, to the extent that, in the measure that, etc.:

    perinde ut opinio est de cujusque moribus, ita quid ab eo factum et non factum sit, existimari potest,

    Cic. Clu. 25, 70:

    in exspectatione civitas erat, perinde ut evenisset res, ita communicatos honores habitura,

    Liv. 7, 6, 8: pro eo ut temporis difficultas aratorumque penuria tulit, Metell. ap. Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 54, § 126.—
    Transf. of local relations, like Gr. hina, where (very rare):

    in eopse astas lapide, ut praeco praedicat,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 7, 17:

    flumen uti adque ipso divortio (aquae sunt),

    Lucil. 8, 18 Mull.:

    in extremos Indos, Litus ut longe resonante Eoa Tunditur unda,

    Cat. 11, 2 sqq.; 17, 10; cf. Verg. A. 5, 329; Lucr. 6, 550 Munro ad loc.
    Introducing comparative clauses of manner, = eodem modo quo, as, like.
    In gen.
    With sic as correlative:

    haec res sic est ut narro tibi,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 3, 40:

    quae si ut animis sic oculis videre possemus, nemo de divina ratione dubitaret,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 39, 99:

    Pomponium Atticum sic amo ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5:

    si sic ageres ut de eis egisti qui jam mortui sunt... ne tu in multos Autronios incurreres,

    id. Brut. 72, 251:

    sic, Scipio, ut avus hic tuus, ut ego, justitiam cole,

    id. Rep. 6, 15, 15:

    ut dicere alia aliis magis concessum est, sic etiam facere,

    id. Quint. 11, 3, 150 (for ut... sic, in similes, v. sic, IV. 1. a.).—
    With ita as correlative:

    ut sementem feceris, ita metes,

    Cic. Or. 2, 65, 261:

    quamobrem, ut ille solebat, ita nunc mea repetat oratio populi origines,

    id. Rep. 2, 1. 3:

    non ut injustus in pace rex ita dux belli pravus fuit,

    Liv. 1, 53, 1:

    ut haec in unum congeruntur, ita contra illa dispersa sunt,

    Quint. 9, 3, 39.—
    With other correlatives:

    in balteo tracta ex caseo ad eundem modum facito ut placentum sine melle,

    Cato, R. R. 78:

    encytum ad eundem modum facito uti globos,

    id. ib. 80:

    cum animi inaniter moveantur eodem modo rebus his quae nulla sint ut iis quae sint,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 15, 47:

    disputationem exponimus, eisdem fere verbis, ut disputatumque est,

    id. Tusc. 2, 3, 9: scelerum caput, ut tute es item omnis censes esse' [p. 1941] Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 55:

    ut filium bonum patri esse oportet, item ego sum patri,

    id. Am. 3, 4, 9:

    fecisti item ut praedones solent,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 9, § 21:

    item ut illo edicto de quo ante dixi... edixit, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 45, § 117;

    so with item,

    id. Or. 60, 202:

    is reliquit filium Pariter moratum ut pater eius fuit,

    Plaut. Aul. prol. 21.—With atque:

    nec fallaciam astutiorem ullus fecit Poeta atque ut haec est fabrefacta a nobis,

    Plaut. Cas. 5, 1, 7.—And after aliter = than:

    si aliter ut dixi accidisset,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 4, 7.—
    Without correlative:

    rem omnem uti acta erat cognovit,

    Sall. J. 71, 5:

    quare perge ut instituisti,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 11, 22:

    apud me, ut apud bonum judicem, argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. ib. 1, 38, 59:

    miscent enim illas et interponunt vitae, ut ludum jocumque inter seria,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 12, 2:

    comitetur voluptas, et circa corpus ut umbra versetur,

    id. ib. 13, 5:

    ut in animum ejus oratio, ut sol in oculos, incurrat,

    Quint. 8, 2, 23.—
    In partic.
    Ut... ita or ut... sic; co-ordinate, introducing contrasted clauses.
    = cum... tum, as... so, as on the one hand... so on the other, both and:

    ut errare potuisti, sic decipi te non potuisse, quis non videt?

    Cic. Fam. 10, 20, 2:

    ut Poeni ad moenia urbis Romanae nullo prohibente se pervenisse in gloria ponebant, ita pigebat irriti incepti,

    Liv. 26, 37, 6:

    Dolabellam ut Tarsenses ita Laodiceni ultra arcessierunt,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 13, 4:

    fert sortem suam quisque ut in ceteris rebus ita in amicitiis,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 28, 3.—
    Concessive, = etsi... tamen, although... yet:

    consul, ut fortasse vere, sic parum utiliter in praesens certamen, respondit, etc.,

    Liv. 4, 6, 2:

    Saguntini, ut a proeliis quietem habuerant per aliquot dies, ita non cessaverant ab opere,

    id. 21, 11, 5:

    ut quies certaminum erat, ita ab apparatu operum nihil cessatum,

    id. 21, 8, 1:

    haec omnia ut invitis, ita non adversantibus patriciis transacta,

    id. 3, 55, 15:

    in agrum Nolanum exercitum traducit, ut non hostiliter statim, ita... nihil praetermissurus,

    id. 23, 14, 6; 23, 34, 12:

    uti longe a luxuria, ita famae propior,

    Tac. Agr. 6:

    ut multo infirmior, ita aliquatenus lucidior,

    Quint. 10, 1, 74:

    ut est utilis saepe... ita obstabit melioribus,

    id. 12, 2, 12:

    quod, ut optimum est, ita longe quidem, sed sequitur tamen,

    id. 5, 12, 9; cf. id. 10, 1, 62.—With certe in place of ita:

    ut non demens, crudelis certe videtur,

    Quint. 9, 2, 91.—
    Ita... ut;

    in oaths or strong asseverations: ita me di amabunt ut ego hunc ausculto lubens,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 22:

    ita me di ament ut ego nunc non tam meapte causa Laetor quam illius,

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 8:

    ita me di amabunt, ut nunc Menedemi vicem Miseret me,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 1:

    ita vivo ut maximos sumptus facio,

    Cic. Att. 5, 15, 2.—So with sic:

    sic me di amabunt ut me tuarum miseritum'st fortunarum,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 54.—
    In exemplifications.
    In gen., as for example, for instance:

    nam aut ipsa cognitio rei perquiritur, ut: virtus suam ne, etc., aut agendi consilium exquiritur, ut: sitne sapienti, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 29, 112:

    sunt bestiae in quibus inest aliquid simile virtutis, ut in leonibus, ut in canibus, in equis, etc.,

    id. Fin. 5, 14, 38:

    in libero populo, ut Rhodi, ut Athenis, nemo est civium qui, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 31, 47:

    qui rem publicam constituissent, ut Cretum Minos, Lacedaemoniorum Lycurgus, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 2; id. Ac. 2, 24, 76; id. Inv. 2, 52, 157:

    est aliquid quod dominus praestare servo debeat, ut cibaria, ut vestiarium,

    Sen. Ben. 3, 21, 2:

    est etiam amarum quiddam... et aere, ut illud Crassi Ego te consulem putem? etc.,

    Quint. 8, 3, 89; 4, 3, 12.—Where several instances are adduced, if each of them singly is made prominent, ut is repeated with each;

    if they are taken in a group, ut occurs but once, e. g. quod erant, qui aut in re publica, propter sapientiam florerent, ut Themistocles, ut Pericles, ut Theramenes, aut, qui.. sapientiae doctores essent, ut Gorgias, Thrasymachus, Isocrates, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 16, 59.—
    Ut si, if for instance; for example, if, etc.; with subj.:

    ut si accusetur is qui P. Sulpicium se fateatur occidisse,

    Auct. Her. 1, 15, 25:

    ut si quis hoc velit ostendere, eum qui parentem necarit, etc.,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 15, 48:

    ut si qui docilem faciat auditorem, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 18, 26:

    ut si qui in foro cantet,

    id. Off. 1, 40, 145:

    ut si quis ei quem urgeat fames venenum ponat,

    Liv. 6, 40, 12; cf. Auct. Her. 2, 26, 4; 2, 27, 43; 3, 2, 2; Cic. Inv. 1, 49, 92:

    ut si obsessi de facienda ad hostem deditione deliberent,

    Quint. 3, 8, 23:

    ut si des arma timidis et imbellibus,

    id. 12, 5, 2; 5, 10, 34; 2, 4, 18; 9, 2, 79 et saep.—So with cum:

    ut cum marem feminamque filios dicimus,

    Quint. 9, 3, 63; 1, 6, 22; 3, 8, 30; 9, 1, 3.—
    Before an appositive noun, as, the same as, like:

    qui canem et felem ut deos colunt,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 11, 32:

    ut militiae Africanum ut deum coleret Laelius,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    suam vitam ut legem praefert suis civibus,

    id. ib. 1, 34, 52:

    habuit (ei) honorem ut proditori, non ut amico fidem,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 38:

    Hannibalem, non ut prudentem tantum virum, sed ut vatem omnium quae tum evenirent admirari,

    Liv. 36, 15, 2: (Dionysium) dimisi a me ut magistrum Ciceronum non lubenter;

    ut hominem ingratum non invitus,

    in his capacity of, Cic. Att. 8, 10:

    qui ante captas Syracusas non desciverant... ut socii fideles accepti, quos metus post captas Syracusas dediderat, ut victi a victore leges acceperunt,

    Liv. 25, 40, 4:

    qui et ipsum, ut ambiguae fidei virum, suspectum jam pridem habebat,

    id. 24, 45, 12:

    Cicero ea quae nunc eveniunt cecinit ut vates,

    Nep. Att. 16:

    et ipsam (virtutem) ut deos, et professores ejus ut antistites colite,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 26, 7:

    hunc ut deum homines intuebuntur,

    Quint. 12, 10, 65:

    id ut crimen ingens expavescendum est,

    id. 9, 3, 35.—
    Ut si = quasi, velut si, tamquam si, as if, just as if:

    mater coepit studiose... educere ita uti si esset filia,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 37:

    Rufio tuus ita desiderabatur ut si esset unus e nobis,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 20, 1:

    ejus negotium sic velim suscipias ut si esset res mea,

    id. ib. 2, 14, 1:

    ita se gerant in istis Asiaticis itineribus ut si iter Appia via faceres,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 6:

    qui aliis nocent ut in alios liberales sint, in eadem sunt injustitia ut si in suam rem aliena convertant,

    id. Off. 1, 14, 42; id. Opt. Gen. 4, 10:

    similes sunt ut si qui gubernatorem in navigando nihil agere dicant,

    like men who should say, Cic. Sen. 6, 17: similiter facere eos... ut si nautae certarent, etc., they act like sailors who, etc., id. Off. 1, 25, 87.—
    Ut quisque... ita (sic), with superlatives (= eo magis... quo magis, with indefinite subjects): ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime alios improbos suspicatur, the better a man is, the more difficult it is for him to, etc., Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4, § 12:

    ut quaeque res est turpissima, sic maxime et maturissime vindicanda est,

    id. Caecin. 2, 7:

    ut quisque (morbus) est difficillimus, ita medicus nobilissimus quaeritur,

    id. Clu. 21, 57:

    ut quisque te maxime cognatione... attingebat, ita maxime manus tua putabatur,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 10, § 27; id. Off. 1, 16, 50; 1, 19, 64:

    nam ut quaeque forma perfectissima ita capacissima est,

    Quint. 1, 10, 40.—This construction is variously modified,
    With ita understood:

    facillime ad res injustas impellitur ut quisque altissimo animo est,

    Cic. Off. 1, 19, 65. —
    With virtual superlatives:

    ut quisque in fuga postremus ita in periculo princeps erat,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 90:

    ut quisque optime institutus est, esse omnino nolit in vita, si, etc.,

    id. Fin. 5, 20, 57.—
    The superlatives omitted in either clause:

    ut quisque aetate antecedit, ita sententiae principatum tenet,

    Cic. Sen. 18, 64:

    ut quisque aetate et honore antecedebat, ita sententiam dixit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 64, § 143:

    pro se quisque, ut in quoque erat auctoritatis plurimum, ad populum loquebatur,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 27, §

    68: ut quisque gradu proximus erat, ita ignominiae objectus,

    Liv. 9, 6, 1:

    ut quisque maxime laboraret locus, aut ipse occurrebat, aut aliquos mittebat,

    id. 34, 38, 6.—And with tum = ita:

    nec prodesse tantum, sed etiam amari potest, tum... ut quisque erit Ciceroni simillimus,

    in proportion to his resemblance, Quint. 2, 5, 20.—
    With a comparative in one of the terms:

    major autem (societas est) ut quisque proxime accederet,

    Cic. Lael. 5, 19.—
    Without superlative, as, according as:

    de captivis, ut quisque liber aut servus esset, suae fortunae a quoque sumptum supplicium est,

    Liv. 3, 18, 10 (for ut quisque... ita, in temporal clauses, v. B. 3. g infra).—
    Introducing a temporal clause, the principal predicate being an immediate sequence; orig. = quo tempore.
    With perf. indic.
    In gen., as soon as:

    principio ut illo advenimus... continuo Amphitruo delegit viros, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 49:

    ut hinc te intro ire jussi, opportune hic fit mi obviam,

    Ter. And. 3, 4, 11:

    ut abii abs te fit forte obviam Mihi Phormio,

    id. Phorm. 4, 3, 12:

    ut modo argentum tibi dedimus apud forum, recta domum Sumus profecti,

    id. ib. 5, 6, 19; id. Hec. 3, 3, 5; 5, 1, 26; id. Eun. 4, 7, 12:

    qui ut peroravit, surrexit Clodius,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 3, 2:

    eumque ut salutavit, amicissime apprehendit,

    id. Rep. 1, 11, 7:

    qui ut huc venit... hominesque Romanos bellicis studiis ut vidit incensos, existimavit, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 13, 25; cf. id. Verr. 2, 4, 22, § 48; id. Phil. 9, 4, 9; id. Brut. 8, 30:

    ut vero aquam ingressi sunt... tum utique egressis rigere omnibus corpora,

    Liv. 21, 54, 9:

    ut haec dicta in senatu sunt, dilectus edicitur,

    id. 3, 10, 9; 23, 34, 6; 24, 44, 10.—
    In oblique discourse:

    Ariovistum, ut semel Gallorum copias vicerit, superbe et crudeliter imperare,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31.—
    With primum, when first, as soon as ever:

    atque ego, ut primum fletu represso loqui posse coepi, Quaeso inquam, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 6, 15, 15:

    Siculi, ut primum videre volgari morbos, in suas quisque urbes dilapsi sunt,

    Liv. 25, 26, 13: ut primum lingua coepit esse in quaestu, curam morum qui diserti habebantur reliquerunt, Quint. prooem. 13.—
    Rarely of coincidence in time:

    nam ut dudum adcurrimus ad Alcesimarchum... tum mi puto prae timore hic excidisse Cistellam,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 46.—
    Ut = ex quo tempore. since:

    ut Brundusio profectus es, nullae mihi abs te sunt redditae litterae,

    Cic. Att. 1, 15, 2.—
    With imperf. indic.
    In gen.: Fabii oratio fuit qualis biennio ante;

    deinde, ut vincebatur consensu, versa ad P. Decium collegam poscendum,

    Liv. 10, 22, 2:

    deinde ut nulla vi perculsos sustinere poterat, Quid ultra moror, inquit, etc.,

    id. 10, 28, 20:

    Marcellus, ut tanta vis ingruebat mali, traduxerat in urbem suos,

    id. 25, 26, 15:

    ut vero... exurebatur amoenissimus Italiae ager, villaeque passim incendiis fumabant... tum prope de integro seditione accensi,

    id. 22, 14, 1.— And with perf. and imperf. in co-ordinate clauses:

    consules, ut ventum ad Cannas est, et in conspectu Poenum habebant,

    Liv. 22, 44, 1:

    ut in extrema juga ventum, et hostes sub oculis erant,

    id. 22, 14, 3:

    ut Poenus apparuit in collibus, et pauci... adferebant, etc.,

    id. 24, 1, 6.—
    Of repeated past actions, whenever:

    ut quaeque pars castrorum nudata defensoribus premi videbatur, eo occurrere et auxilium ferre,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 4.—
    With plupf.
    = postquam (rare):

    ut hinc forte ea ad obstetricem erat missa,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 4, 10:

    ut ad mare nostrae cohortes excubuerant, accessere subito prima luce Pompejani,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 63.—
    In epistolary style = the Engl. perf.:

    litteras scripsi... statim ut tuas legeram (= litteras nunc scribo, ut tuas legi),

    Cic. Att. 2, 12, 4:

    ut Athenas a. d. VII. Kal. Quinct. veneram, exspectabam ibi jam quartum diem Pomptinium (= ut veni, exspecto),

    id. ib. 5, 10, 1.—
    Of repeated past actions, whenever:

    ut cujusque sors exciderat... alacer arma capiebat,

    Liv. 21, 42, 3 dub.:

    ut quisque istius animum offenderat, in lautumias statim coniciebatur,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 55, § 143:

    ut quidque ego apprehenderam, statim accusator extorquebat e manibus,

    id. Clu. 19, 52:

    ut cuique erat locus attributus, ad munitiones accedunt,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 81; cf.:

    ut quisque arma ceperat... inordinati in proelium ruunt,

    Liv. 23, 27, 5.—With ita as correl.:

    ut enim quisque contra voluntatem ejus dixerat, ita in eum judicium de professione jugerum postulabatur,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 15, § 39.—
    With fut. perf., or, in oblique discourse, plupf. subj.:

    neque, ut quaeque res delata ad nos erit, tum denique scrutari locos debemus,

    Cic. Or. 2, 34, 146:

    traditum esse ut quando aqua Albana abundasset, tum... victoriam de Veientibus dari,

    Liv. 5, 15, 11 (for ut after simul, v. simul, VI.).—
    Introducing substantive clauses, that; always with subj. (cf. ut as interrog. adverb in dependent clauses, I. A. 3. supra).
    In object clauses.
    In clauses which, if independent, would take the imperative mood, often rendered by the Engl. infinitive.
    After verbs denoting [p. 1942] to wish, request, pray, demand, or invite:

    malim istuc aliis ita videatur quam uti tu, soror, te collaudes,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 18:

    equidem mallem ut ires,

    Cic. Att. 1, 16, 8:

    equidem vellem ut pedes haberent (res tuae),

    id. Fam. 7, 31, 2:

    volo uti mihi respondeas num quis, etc.,

    id. Vatin. 7, 17:

    precor (deos) ut his infinitis nostris malis contenti sint,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 9:

    postulo ut ne quid praejudicati afferatis,

    id. Clu. 2, 5:

    petebant uti equites praemitterent,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 11:

    tibi instat Hortensius ut eas in consilium,

    Cic. Quint. 10, 34:

    hoc ut aliquando fieret, instabat,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 1, 2:

    illum Dolabellae dixisse (= eum rogasse) ut ad me scriberet (= me rogaret), ut in Italiam quam primum venirem,

    Cic. Att. 11, 7, 2:

    cupio ut quod nunc natura et impetus est, fiat judicium,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 2, 2:

    senectutem ut adipiscantur omnes optant,

    Cic. Lael. 2, 4:

    exigo a me, non ut optimis par sim, sed ut malis melior,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 17, 3.—With ut ne = ne:

    Trebatio mandavi, ut, si quid te eum velles ad me mittere, ne recusaret,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 2; Tac. H. 4, 58 fin. —Also without verb, like utinam, to express a wish;

    esp. in imprecations (ante-class.): ut te cum tua Monstratione magnus perdat Juppiter,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 6, 2:

    ut illum di deaeque perdant,

    id. Eun. 2, 3, 10; id. Heaut. 4, 6, 6.—
    After verbs expressing or implying advice, suggestion, or exhortation:

    ego vos hortari tantum possum ut, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 5, 17:

    quod suades ut ad Quinctium scribam, etc.,

    id. Att. 11, 16, 4:

    tibi auctor sum ut eum tibi ordinem reconcilies,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 26:

    censeo ut iter reliquum conficere pergas,

    I propose, id. Or. 2, 71, 200; Caes. B. C. 1, 2; Liv. 30, 40, 4:

    dixeram a principio ut sileremus,

    I had advised, Cic. Brut. 42, 157:

    Pompejum monebat ut meam domum metueret,

    id. Sest. 64, 133:

    equidem suasi ut Romam pergeret,

    id. Att. 16, 8, 2:

    M. Messalae et ipsi Attico dixit ut sine cura essent,

    exhorted, id. ib. 16, 16, A, 5.—
    After verbs expressing resolution or agreement to do something:

    rus ut irem jam heri constitiveram,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 136:

    decrevistis ut de praemiis militum primo quoque tempore referretur,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 2, 4:

    constitueram ut pridie Idus Aquini manerem,

    id. Att. 16, 10, 1:

    statuunt ut decem millia hominum in oppidum submittantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 21:

    Hasdrubal paciscitur cum Celtiberorum principibus ut copias inde abducant,

    Liv. 25, 33, 3:

    illos induxisse in animum, ut superbo quondam regi, tum infesto exuli proderent (patriam),

    id. 2, 5, 7; 27, 9, 9; 42, 25, 11:

    ut ne plebi cum patribus essent conubia sanxerunt,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 27, 63:

    servitia urbem ut incenderent conjurarunt,

    Liv. 4, 45, 1.—
    After verbs of command or prohibition:

    imperat Laelio ut per collis circumducat equites,

    Liv. 28, 33, 11:

    illud praecipiendum fuit ut... diligentiam adhiberemus,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 60:

    M. Aemilio senatus negotium dat ut Patavinorum seditionem comprimeret,

    Liv. 41, 27, 3:

    consul edicere est ausus ut senatus ad vestitum rediret,

    Cic. Pis. 8, 18:

    jubet sententiam ut dicant suam,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 50:

    hic tibi in mentem non venit jubere ut haec quoque referret,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 12, § 28.—With ne:

    iis praedixit, ut ne prius Lacedaemoniorum legatos dimitteret, quam ipse esset remissus,

    Nep. Them. 7, 3.—
    Verbs expressing permission:

    atque ille legem mihi de XII. tabulis recitavit quae permittit ut furem noctu liceat occidere,

    Cic. Tull. 20, 47:

    concedo tibi ut ea praetereas quae, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 19, 54:

    dabis mihi hanc veniam ut eorum... auctoritatem Graecis anteponam,

    id. de Or. 1, 6, 23:

    ille tibi potestatem facturus est ut eligas utrum velis,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 14, 45:

    illud natura non patitur ut aliorum spoliis nostras facultates augeamus,

    id. Off. 3, 5, 22.—
    In dependent clauses implying an aim or end.
    After verbs denoting direction and inclination of the mind, care, purpose, intention, or striving:

    ut plurimis prosimus enitimur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 2, 6:

    facilior erit ut albam esse nivem probet quam erat Anaxagoras,

    he will be more inclined, disposed, id. ib. 2, 36, 117: ne ille longe aberit ut argumento credat philosophorum, far remote from believing = not inclined, id. ib. 2, 47, 144: qui sibi hoc sumpsit ut conrigat mores aliorum, quis huic ignoscat si, who undertakes to correct, id. Verr. 2, 3, 1, § 2:

    navem idoneam ut habeas diligenter videbis,

    care, id. Fam. 16, 1, 2:

    ille intellexit id agi atque id parari ut filiae suae vis afferretur,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 67:

    pater potuit animum inducere ut naturam ipsam vinceret,

    id. Rosc. Am. 19, 53:

    cum senatus temptaret ut ipse gereret sine rege rem publicam,

    id. Rep. 2, 12, 23:

    equidem ut honore dignus essem, maxime semper laboravi,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    omni contentione pugnatum est ut lis haec capitis existimaretur,

    id. Clu. 41, 116:

    omnis spes ad id versa ut totis viribus terra adgrederentur,

    Liv. 24, 34, 12:

    omnis cura solet in hoc versari, semper ut boni aliquid efficiam dicendo,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 75, 306:

    se miliens morituros potius quam ut tantum dedecoris admitti patiantur,

    Liv. 4, 2, 8; 2, 34, 11.—
    Verbs of effecting:

    nec potui tamen Propitiam Venerem facere uti esset mihi,

    Plaut. Poen. 2, 6:

    prior pars orationis tuae faciebat ut mori cuperem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 47, 112:

    caritas annonae faciebat ut istuc... tempore magnum videretur,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 92, § 215:

    sol efficit ut omnia floreant,

    id. N. D. 2, 15, 41:

    potest praestare ut ea causa melior esse videatur,

    id. Or. 1, 10, 44:

    non committam ut tibi ipse insanire videar,

    id. Fam. 5, 5, 3:

    di prohibeant, judices, ut hoc praesidium sectorum existimetur,

    id. Rosc. Am. 52, 151:

    effecisti ut viverem et morerer ingratus,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 25, 1:

    quibus nihil aliud actum est quam ut pudor hominibus peccandi demeretur,

    id. Vit. Beat. 26, 6.—
    Verbs of obtaining:

    Dumnorix a Sequanis impetrat ut per fines suos Helvetios ire patiantur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 9:

    quid assequitur, nisi hoc ut arent qui... in agris remanserunt,

    what does he gain, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 55, § 128:

    facile tenuit ut (Chalcidis) portae sibi aperirentur,

    Liv. 35, 51, 6:

    vicerunt tribuni ut legem perferrent,

    id. 4, 25, 13.—
    Verbs of inducing and compelling:

    nec ut omnia quae praescripta sunt defendamus necessitate ulla cogimur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 3, 8:

    civitati persuasit ut de finibus suis exirent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 2:

    exspectatione promissi tui moveor ut admoneam te,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1:

    Parhedrum excita ut hortum ipse conducat,

    id. ib. 16, 18, 2:

    ille adduci non potest ut... ne lucem quoque hanc eripere cupiat, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 52, 150:

    impellit alios avaritia, alios iracundia ut levem auditionem pro re comperta habeant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 42:

    ut de clementia scriberem, Nero Caesar, una me vox tua maxime compulit,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 1, 1.—
    After verbs implying duty, right, rule, condition, or possibility:

    cum mihi ne ut dubitem quidem relinquatur,

    not even the possibility of doubt, Cic. Ac. 2, 38, 119:

    obsides inter se dent, Sequani ne itinere Helvetios prohibeant, Helvetii ut sine maleficio transeant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 9:

    se ita a majoribus didicisse ut magis virtute quam dolo contenderent,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    mea lenitas hoc exspectavit ut id quod latebat erumperet,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 12, 27:

    (natura) nobis insculpsit in mentibus, ut eos (deos) aeternos et beatos haberemus,

    id. N. D. 1, 17, 45:

    hoc mihi Metellus non eripuit, hoc etiam addidit ut quererer hoc sociis imperari,

    he gave the additional right, id. Verr. 2, 2, 68, § 164:

    ut vero conloqui cum Orpheo, Musaeo, Homero liceat, quanti tandem aestimatis?

    the privilege of conversing, id. Tusc. 1, 41, 98:

    respondet Socrates sese meruisse ut amplissimis honoribus decoraretur,

    id. Or. 1, 54, 272:

    meruit ut suspendatur,

    Sen. Ep. 7, 5:

    quia enim non sum dignus prae te ut figam palum in parietem,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 4, 4.—So after dignus, Liv. 24, 16, 19; Quint. 8, 5, 12.—
    After verbs of fearing, where ut implies a wish contrary to the fear; that not:

    rem frumentariam, ut satis commode supportari posset, timere se dicebant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 39:

    vereor ut satis diligenter actum sit in senatu de litteris meis,

    Cic. Att. 6, 4, 2:

    verebar ut redderentur,

    id. Fam. 12, 19, 1:

    sin homo amens diripiendam urbem daturus est, vereor ut Dolabella ipse satis nobis prodesse possit,

    id. ib. 14, 14, 1:

    veretur Hiempsal ut foedus satis firmum sit,

    id. Leg. 2, 22, 58:

    timeo ut sustineas,

    id. Fam. 14, 2, 3:

    o puer, ut sis vitalis, metuo, et majorum ne quis amicus Frigore te feriat,

    Hor. S. 2, 1, 60.— So sometimes after video, with weakened force: vide ut sit, nearly = perhaps it is not (cf. Roby, Gr. 2, p. 280): considerabitis, vestri similes feminae sintne Romae;

    si enim non sunt, videndum est, ut honeste vos esse possitis,

    Cic. Fam. 14, 14, 1.—Very rarely ut stands for ne after verbs of fearing:

    quia nihil minus, quam ut egredi obsessi moenibus auderent, timeri poterat,

    Liv. 28, 22, 12 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    ut ferula caedas meritum... non vereor,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 120 Jan. and Orell. ad loc. —
    In interrogative clauses represented as untrue, rejecting a supposition or thought with indignation (nearly = fierine potest ut):

    me ut quisquam norit, nisi ille qui praebet cibum?

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 52:

    te ut ulla res frangat, tu ut umquam te corrigas?

    Cic. Cat. 1, 9, 22:

    egone ut te interpellem?

    id. Tusc. 2, 18, 42:

    pater ut in judicio capitis obesse filio debeat?

    id. Planc. 13, 31:

    egone ut prolis meae fundam cruorem?

    Sen. Med. 927.—
    In subject clauses, with impersonal predicates.
    With a predicate adjective.
    With the idea of rule, duty, etc.:

    id arbitror Adprime in vita utile esse, ut ne quid nimis,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 34:

    reliquum est ut de Catuli sententia dicendum videatur,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 20, 59:

    praeclarum est et verum ut eos qui nobis carissimi esse debeant, aeque ac nosmet ipsos amemus,

    id. Tusc. 3, 29, 73:

    ergo hoc sit primum ut demonstremus quem imitetur,

    id. de Or. 2, 22, 90:

    proximum est ut doceam, etc.,

    id. N. D. 2, 29, 73:

    extremum est ut te orem, etc.,

    id. Fam. 4, 13, 7:

    ei (Dionysio) ne integrum quidem erat ut ad justitiam remigraret,

    permission, id. Tusc. 5, 21, 62. —With predicates, aequum est, par (anteclass. and rare):

    aequom videtur tibi ut ego alienum quod est Meum esse dicam?

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 7, 4:

    non par videtur... praesente ibus una paedagogus ut siet,

    id. Bacch. 1, 2, 31.—
    In clauses expressing result and consequence:

    magnificum illud etiam et gloriosum ut Graecis de philosophia litteris non egeant, illud,

    that result of my labors, Cic. Div. 2, 2, 5:

    consentaneum est huic naturae ut sapiens velit gerere et administrare rem publicam,

    id. Fin. 3, 20, 68. —
    In clauses represented as real, true, false, certain, or probable (where the acc. and inf. might be used):

    concedetur verum esse ut bonos boni diligant,

    Cic. Lael. 14, 50: sin autem illa veriora ut idem interitus animorum et corporum, etc., id. ib 4, 14; cf.:

    concedant ut hi viri boni fuerin (= concedant vere factum esse ut, etc.),

    id. ib. 5, 18:

    si verum est ut populus Romanus omnis gentes virtute superarit, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 1, 1:

    de ipso Roscio potest illud quidem esse falsum ut circumligatus fuerit, angui,

    Cic. Div. 2, 31, 66:

    non est verisimile ut Chrysogonus horum litteras adamarit aut humanitatem,

    id. Rosc. Am. 41, 121:

    deos verisimile est ut alios indulgentius tractent propter parentis, alios propter futuram posterorum indolem,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 32, 1; so,

    rarum est ut,

    Quint. 3, 19, 3:

    quid tam inusitatum quam ut, etc.,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 21, 62.—And after potius:

    multi ex plebe spe amissa potius quam ut cruciarentur... se in Tiberim praecipitaverunt,

    Liv. 4, 12, 11.—
    With predicate nouns.
    Expressing the idea of a verb which would require an object clause, with ut:

    quoniam ut aliter facias non est copia,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 30:

    Romano in hostico morandi causa erat ut hostem ad certamen eliceret,

    Liv. 6, 31, 7:

    vetus est lex amicitiae ut idem amici semper velint,

    Cic. Planc. 2, 5:

    consensus fuit senatus ut mature proficisceremur (= decretum est a senatu),

    id. Fam. 3, 3, 1:

    fuit hoc sive meum, sive rei publicae fatum ut in me unum omnis illa inclinatio temporum incumberet,

    ordained by fate, id. Balb. 26, 58:

    tempus est ut eamus ad forum,

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 72:

    dicasque tempus maximum esse ut eat,

    id. ib. 4, 3, 9:

    primum est officium ut homo se conservet in naturae statu,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 6, 20:

    ejus culturae hoc munus est ut efficiat, etc.,

    id. ib. 4, 14, 38:

    caput illud est ut Lyconem recipias in necessitudinem tuam,

    duty, id. Fam. 13, 19, 3; so,

    caput est ut, etc.,

    id. de Or. 1, 19, 87:

    fuit hoc quoddam inter Scipionem et Laelium jus ut Scipio Laelium observaret parentis loco,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    mea ratio in dicendo haec esse solet ut boni quod habeat id amplectar,

    id. de Or. 2, 72, 292; so,

    ratio est ut,

    id. Verr. 1, 11, 34: est mos hominum ut [p. 1943] nolint eundem pluribus excellere, id. Brut. 21, 84:

    est hoc Gallicae consuetudinis ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 5.—
    Expressing result and consequence:

    est hoc commune vitium in magnis liberisque civitatibus ut invidia gloriae comes sit,

    Nep. Chabr. 3, 3.—
    With impersonal verbs.
    Including the idea of a verb requiring an object clause, with ut:

    convenit, victi utri sint eo proelio, urbem, agrum... seque uti dederent,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 71:

    mihi cum Dejotaro convenit ut ille in meis castris esset,

    Cic. Att. 6, 1, 14:

    placitum est ut in aprico loco considerent,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    postea mihi placuit ut, etc.,

    id. Or. 1, 34, 155:

    ad Appii Claudii senectutem accedebat etiam ut caecus esset,

    id. Sen. 6, 16.—So after fit, it happens:

    fit ut natura ipsa ad ornatius dicendi genus incitemur,

    Cic. Or. 2, 83, 338:

    potest fieri ut res verbosior haec fuerit, illa verior,

    it may be that, id. Att. 8, 3, 6; id. Ac. 2, 11, 36; id. Verr. 2, 2, 77, § 190.—

    So with accidit, evenit, contigit: accidit... ut illo itinere veniret Lampsacum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 24, § 63; so id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 25:

    sed tamen hoc evenit ut in vulgus insipientium opinio valeat,

    id. Tusc. 2, 26, 63:

    utinam Caesari contigisset ut esset optimo cuique carissimus,

    id. Phil. 5, 18, 49.—
    Denoting consequence:

    ex quo efficitur ut quidquid honestum sit, idem sit utile,

    Cic. Off. 2, 3, 10:

    sequitur ut dicamus quae beneficia danda sint et quemadmodum,

    Sen. Ben. 1, 11, 1:

    sequitur ut causa ponatur,

    Cic. Or. 2, 81, 331.—
    Est, in the meaning fit, or causa est:

    est ut plerique philosophi nulla tradant praecepta dicendi,

    it is a fact that, Cic. Or. 2, 36, 152:

    non est igitur ut mirandum sit ea praesentiri,

    there is no reason for wondering, id. Div. 1, 56, 128:

    quando fuit ut quod licet non liceret?

    id. Cael. 20, 48; so, in eo est ut, prope est ut, to be on the point of, to be near to:

    jam in eo rem fore ut Romani aut hostes aut domini habendi sint,

    Liv. 8, 27, 3:

    cum jam in eo esset ut comprehenderetur,

    Nep. Paus. 5, 1; id. Milt. 7, 3:

    jam prope erat ut ne consulum quidem majestas coerceret iras hominum,

    Liv. 2, 23, 14:

    prope est ut lamentationem exigat,

    Sen. Clem. 2, 6, 4.— Here belongs the circumlocution of the periphrastic future by futurum esse or fore, with ut; generally in the inf.:

    arbitrabar fore ut lex de pecuniis repetundis tolleretur,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 14, 41.—Very rarely in the indic.:

    futurum est ut sapiam,

    Sen. Ep. 117, 29.—
    In attributive clauses, dependent on nouns not belonging to the predicate.
    With the idea of resolve, etc.:

    vicit sententia ut mitterentur coloni,

    Liv. 9, 26, 4:

    sententiam dixit (= censuit) ut judicum comitia haberentur,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 1, 2; id. Fam. 4, 4, 5; id. Tusc. 5, 41, 119; id. Leg. 3, 15, 33.—
    Of agreement:

    fide accepta ut remitterent eum,

    Liv. 24, 48, 8. —
    Of law, rule, etc.:

    praetores rogationem promulgarunt ut omnes regiae stirpis interficerentur,

    Liv. 24, 25, 10:

    senatus consultum factum est ut M. Fulvius litteras extemplo ad consulem mitteret,

    id. 35, 24, 2:

    haec ei est proposita condicio ut aut juste accusaret aut acerbe moreretur,

    Cic. Clu. 14, 42:

    Suevi in eam se consuetudinem induxerunt ut locis frigidissimis lavarentur in fluminibus,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 1.—
    Of duty:

    jusjurandum poscit ut quod esse ex usu Galliae intellexissent, communi consilio administrarent,

    Caes. B. G. 8, 6. —
    Of purpose, inclination, etc.:

    vobis dent di mentem oportet ut prohibeatis, etc.,

    make you inclined, Liv. 6, 18, 9:

    causa mihi fuit huc veniendi ut quosdam hinc libros promerem,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 2, 8:

    confectio tabularum hanc habet vim (= efficit) ut quidquid fingatur aut non constet, appareat,

    id. Font. 2, 3.—
    Of effect, result, etc.:

    fuit ista quondam virtus ut viri fortes acrioribus suppliciis civem perniciosum quam hostem everterent,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 1, 3:

    habet hoc virtus ut viros fortis species ejus et pulchritudo etiam in hoste posita delectet,

    id. Pis. 32, 81:

    damnatum poenam sequi oportebat ut igni cremaretur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 4.—
    In clauses of manner, that, so that.
    With ita, sic, adeo, tantus, talis, or tam as antecedent (v. hh. vv.;

    anteclass. ut qui = ut): Adeon' me fungum fuisse ut qui illi crederem?

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 49.—
    With is or hic as antecedent: eos deduxi testes et eas litteras deportavi ut de istius facto dubium esse nemini possit, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 42, § 91:

    ejusmodi res publica debet esse ut inimicus neque deesse nocenti possit, neque obesse innocenti (ejusmodi = talis),

    id. ib. 2, 3, 69, §

    162: eo perducam servum ut in multa liber sit,

    Sen. Ben. 3, 19, 2:

    non eo loco res humanae sunt ut vobis tantum otii supersit,

    id. Vit. Beat. 27, 6:

    haec aequitas in tuo imperio fuit, haec praetoris dignitas ut servos Siculorum dominos esse velles,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 38, § 87:

    hoc jure sunt socii ut eis ne deplorare quidem de suis incommodis liceat,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 27, § 65.—
    Without antecedents, so that:

    cujus aures clausae veritati sunt ut ab amico verum audire nequeat, hujus salus desperanda est,

    Cic. Lael. 24, 90:

    in virtute multi sunt ascensus, ut is maxima gloria excellat qui virtute plurimum praestet,

    id. Planc. 25, 60:

    mons altissimus impendebat ut perpauci prohibere possent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6:

    accessit quod Domitius Heraclea iter fecerat, ut ipsa fortuna illum obicere Pompejo videretur,

    id. B. C. 3, 79:

    pecunia a patre exacta crudeliter, ut divenditis omnibus bonis aliquamdiu trans Tiberim veluti relegatus viveret,

    Liv. 3, 13, 10:

    fama Gallici belli pro tumultu valuit ut et dictatorem dici placeret,

    id. 8, 17, 6:

    nihilo minus... magnas percipiendum voluptates, ut fatendum sit, etc.,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 12, 1.—
    Idiomat. with non.
    Ut non, when the principal sentence is negative, without: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunam amittere ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem, without dragging, etc., Cic. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    flaminem Quirinalem neque mittere a sacris neque retinere possumus ut non deum aut belli deseramus curam,

    Liv. 24, 8, 10:

    non ita fracti animi civitatis erant ut non sentirent, etc.,

    id. 45, 25, 12:

    nusquam oculi ejus flectentur ut non quod indignentur inveniant,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 7, 2:

    ajunt, nec honeste quemquam vivere ut non jucunde vivat, nec jucunde ut non honeste quoque,

    id. Vit. Beat. 6, 3:

    nemo in eo quod daturus es gratiam suam facere potest ut non tuam minuat,

    id. Ben. 2, 4, 3; cf. also: ut non conferam vitam neque existimationem tuam cum illius;

    neque enim est conferenda (= ut omittam conferre),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 20, § 45.—
    Non ut, followed by sed quod, causal (= non quod, sed quod;

    rare): earum exempla tibi misi non ut deliberarem reddendaene essent, sed quod non dubito, etc.,

    not that... but because, Cic. Att. 14, 17, 4:

    haec ad te scribo non ut queas tu demere solitudinem, sed, etc.,

    id. ib. 11, 15, 3.—Followed by sed ut:

    benigne accipe (beneficium): rettulisti gratiam, non ut solvisse te putes, sed ut securior debeas,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 35, 5; and in reversed order: quorsum haec praeterita? Quia sequitur illud, etc.;

    non ut eas res causam adferrent amoris,

    Cic. Fat. 15, 35.—Rarely nedum ut, in the sense of nedum alone, much less that, not to mention that (mostly post-class.; cf.

    Zumpt, Gram. § 573): ne voce quidem incommoda, nedum ut illa vis fieret, paulatim permulcendo mansuefecerant plebem,

    Liv. 3, 14, 6 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    quando enim... fama in totam urbem penetrat? nedum ut per tot provincias innotescat,

    Tac. Or. 10.—
    Conditional or concessive.
    Granting that ( for argument's sake):

    quod ut ita sit—nihil enim pugno—quid habet ista res aut laetabile aut gloriosum?

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 21, 49:

    sed ut haec concedantur, reliqua qui tandem intellegi possunt?

    id. N. D. 3, 16, 41:

    ut tibi concedam hoc indignum esse, tu mihi concedas necesse est, etc.,

    id. Clu. 53, 146:

    quae, ut essent vera, conjungi debuerunt,

    id. Fin. 4, 15, 40:

    quae natura ut uno consensu juncta sit et continens... quid habere mundus potest cum thesauri inventione conjunctum?

    id. Div. 2, 14, 33:

    nihil est prudentia dulcius, quam, ut cetera auferat, adfert certe senectus,

    id. Tusc. 1, 39, 94.—
    Even if, although:

    qui (exercitus) si pacis... nomen audiverit, ut non referat pedem, insistet certe,

    Cic. Phil. 12, 3, 8:

    ut ea pars defensionis relinquatur, quid impediet actionem? etc.,

    id. Ac. 2, 34, 108:

    ut quaeras omnia, quomodo Graeci ineptum appellant non reperies,

    id. de Or. 2, 4, 18:

    ut enim neminem alium nisi T. Patinam rogasset, scire potuit, illo ipso die a Milone prodi flaminem,

    id. Mil. 17, 46: verum ut hoc non sit, tamen praeclarum spectaculum mihi propono, id. Att. 2, 15; id. Leg. 1, 8, 23; id. Fat. 5, 9; id. Verr. 2, 3, 64, § 151; 2, 1, 45, § 117; id. Planc. 25, 62:

    qui, ut non omnis peritissimus sim belli, cum Romanis certe bellare didici,

    Liv. 36, 7, 20:

    neque equites armis equisque salvis tantum vim fluminis superasse verisimile est, ut jam Hispanos omnes inflati travexerint utres,

    id. 21, 47, 5:

    at enim, ut jam ita sint haec, quid ad vos, Romani?

    id. 34, 32, 13:

    ut jam Macedonia deficiat,

    id. 42, 12, 10:

    cum jam ut virtus vestra transire alio possit, fortuna certe loci hujus transferri non possit,

    id. 5, 54, 6; 22, 50, 2; cf.:

    ac jam ut omnia contra opinionem acciderent, tamen se plurimum navibus posse,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 9:

    ut desint vires tamen est laudanda voluntas,

    Ov. P. 3, 4, 79:

    ut dura videatur appellatio, tamen sola est,

    Quint. 3, 8, 25; 6, prooem. 15.—Ut maxime = si maxime:

    quaere rationem cur ita videatur: quam ut maxime inveneris... non tu verum testem habere, sed eum non sine causa falsum testimonium dicere ostenderis,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 25, 81.—With nihilominus:

    quae (res) nihilominus, ut ego absim, confici poterunt,

    Cic. Fam. 10, 2, 2.—
    Provided that:

    ambulatiuncula, ut tantum faciamus quantum in Tusculano fecimus, prope dimidio minoris constabit isto loco,

    Cic. Att. 13, 39, 2: dabo egenti, sed ut ipse non egeam;

    succurram perituro, sed ut ipse non peream,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 15, 1.—
    In clauses of purpose (final clauses; distinguished from object clauses with ut; v. C. 1., in which the verb itself contains the idea of purpose, the clause completing the idea of the verb), in order that, so that, so as to.
    In gen.:

    quin voco, ut me audiat, nomine illam suo?

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 17:

    haec acta res est uti nobiles restituerentur in civitatem,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 51, 149:

    intellego, tempus hoc vobis divinitus datum esse ut odio... totum ordinem liberetis,

    id. Verr. 1, 15, 43:

    Caesar singulis legionibus singulos legatos praefecit uti eos testes suae quisque virtutis haberet,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 52.—And with ut ne, instead of ne, lest:

    id ut ne fiat, haec res sola est remedio,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 49; v. 1. ne, I. B. 4. a.—Very rarely, ut non for ne, expressing a negative purpose:

    ut plura non dicam neque aliorum exemplis confirmem quantum valeat (= ut praeteream),

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 15, 44; cf. d. a fin. supra.—
    Esp., after certain antecedents.
    After id, for the purpose (ante-class.):

    id huc reverti uti me purgarem tibi,

    Plaut. Am. 3, 2, 28.—
    After idcirco:

    idcirco amicitiae comparantur ut commune commodum mutuis officiis gubernetur,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 38, 111:

    legum idcirco omnes servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus,

    id. Clu. 53, 146; id. Rosc. Am. 47, 137.—
    After ideo and eo:

    non ideo Rhenum insedimus ut Italiam tueremur, sed ne quis, etc.,

    Tac. H. 4, 73:

    Marionem ad te eo misi ut aut tecum ad me quam primum veniret, aut, etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 16, 1, 1.—
    After ad eam rem, ad hoc, in hoc:

    ad eam rem vos delecti estis ut eos condemnaretis quos sectores jugulare non potuissent?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 52, 151:

    praebere se facilem ad hoc ut quem obligavit etiam exsolvi velit?

    Sen. Ben. 2, 17, 6:

    homo natus in hoc ut mores liberae civitatis Persica servitute mutaret,

    id. ib. 2, 12, 2.—
    After ea mente, hac mente:

    navis onerarias Dolabella ea mente comparavit ut Italiam peteret,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 14, 1:

    hac mente laborem Sese ferre senes ut in otia tuta recedant Ajunt,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 30.—
    After potius quam:

    potius ad delendam memoriam dedecoris, quam ut timorem faciat,

    Liv. 6, 28, 8:

    potius quodcumque casus ferat passuros, quam ut sprevisse Tarentinos videantur,

    id. 9, 14, 8.—
    With the principal predicate, referring to the conception of the writer, understood; mostly parenthet. = the Engl. inf.: ut in pauca conferam, testamento facto mulier moritur, to be brief, etc., Cic. Caecin. 6, 17:

    ecquid tibi videtur, ut ad fabulas veniamus, senex ille Caecilianus minoris facere filium rusticum?

    to come to the drama, id. Rosc. Am. 16, 46:

    reliquum judicium de judicibus, et, vere ut dicam, de te futurum est,

    to tell the truth, id. Verr. 2, 5, 69, § 177:

    Murena, si nemini, ut levissime dicam, odio fuit,

    to say the least, id. Mur. 40, 87: ut nihil de illo tempore, nihil de calamitate rei publicae [p. 1944] querar, hoc tibi respondeo, etc., not to complain of that time, etc., id. Caecin. 33, 95: quae cum se disposuit, et partibus suis consensit, et, ut ita dicam concinuit, summum bonum tetigit, and, so to speak, chimes in, etc., Sen. Vit. Beat. 8, 5:

    ecce— ut idem in singulos annos orbis volveretur —Hernici nuntiant Volscos et Aequos reficere, etc.,

    Liv. 3, 10, 8.—
    Satis ut, enough to (lit. enough for the purpose of):

    satis esse magna incommoda accepta ut reliquos casus timerent,

    disasters large enough to make them afraid, Caes. B. C. 3, 10.—
    Quam ut after comparatives, too much to:

    quod praeceptum, quia major erat quam ut ab homine videretur, idcirco adsignatum est deo,

    too great to come from man, Cic. Fin. 5, 16, 44:

    quis non intellegit, Canachi signa rigidiora esse quam ut imitentur veritatem?

    id. Brut. 18, 70:

    clarior res erat quam ut tegi ac dissimulari posset,

    too clear to be covered up, Liv. 26, 51, 11:

    potentius jam id malum apparuit quam ut minores per magistratus sedaretur,

    id. 25, 1, 11:

    est tamen aliquis minor quam ut in sinu ejus condenda sit civitas,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 16, 2.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > utei

  • 6 yes

    (used to express agreement or consent: Yes, that is true; Yes, you may go.)
    yes adv
    to say yes decir que sí
    to say yes to something consentir algo, decir que sí a algo
    yes ['jɛs] adv
    to say yes: decir que sí
    yes n

    I jes

    are you ready? - yes, I am — ¿estás listo? - sí

    you didn't tell me - yes, I did! — no me lo dijiste - sí que te lo dije!

    b) (obeying order, request) sí

    be there by nine o'clock - yes, OK — estáte allí antes de las nueve - bueno or (Esp tb) vale

    c) (answering call, inquiry) sí

    Fred - yes? — Fred - ¿sí? or ¿qué?

    a) (expressing pleasure, satisfaction) sí
    b) ( emphasizing) sí

    you could win $5,000, yes, $5,000! — puede ganar 5.000 dólares, sí, 5.000 dólares!

    noun (pl yeses)
    a) ( affirmative reply) sí m
    b) ( vote) voto m a favor

    "I didn't say that!" - "oh, yes, you did" — -¡yo no he dicho eso! -sí, sí que lo has dicho

    "you're not going, are you?" - "yes, I am" — -tú no vas, ¿verdad? -sí sí, (que) voy

    yes? (doubtfully) ¿de verdad?, ¿ah sí?; (awaiting further reply) ¿y qué más?, y ¿luego? (LAm); (answering knock at door) ¿sí?, ¡adelante!

    to say yes — decir que sí, aceptar; (to marriage proposal) dar el sí

    he says yes to everything — a todo dice que sí, se conforma con cualquier cosa

    yes and no(=sort of) sí y no

    yes yes, but what if it doesn't? — de acuerdo, pero ¿y si no es así?

    N m

    yes man * Nadulador m, pelotillero m (Sp) *

    * * *

    I [jes]

    are you ready? - yes, I am — ¿estás listo? - sí

    you didn't tell me - yes, I did! — no me lo dijiste - sí que te lo dije!

    b) (obeying order, request) sí

    be there by nine o'clock - yes, OK — estáte allí antes de las nueve - bueno or (Esp tb) vale

    c) (answering call, inquiry) sí

    Fred - yes? — Fred - ¿sí? or ¿qué?

    a) (expressing pleasure, satisfaction) sí
    b) ( emphasizing) sí

    you could win $5,000, yes, $5,000! — puede ganar 5.000 dólares, sí, 5.000 dólares!

    noun (pl yeses)
    a) ( affirmative reply) sí m
    b) ( vote) voto m a favor

    English-spanish dictionary > yes

  • 7 Ч-179

    ЧТО, ЕСЛИ (ЕСЛИ Б(Ы)) ЧТО, ЕЖЕЛИ (ЁЖЕЛИ Б(Ы)) highly coll these forms only fixed WO
    1. used to introduce a question expressing inquiry, apprehension etc
    what if...
    ... Он пошёл тише, тише, тише, одолеваемый сомнениями. «А что, если она кокетничает со мной?.. Если только...» Он остановился совсем, оцепенел на минуту. «Что, если тут коварство, заговор...» (Гончаров 1). Не walked slower and slower, overcome with doubts. "And what if she is just flirting with me? If only -" He stopped altogether, rooted to the spot for a moment. "What if it is treachery, a plot?..." (1a).
    (Хлестаков:) Что, если в самом деле он (городничий) потащит меня в тюрьму? (Гоголь 4). (Kh.:) Suppose he (the Mayor) really does haul me off to jail? (4b).
    2. used to introduce a question expressing a suggestion, invitation, request
    why not...
    why don't... how about... what if... what about... Что, если пойти вечером в кино? How about going to the movies tonight?
    Некоторые довольно интеллигентные люди, замечая отдельные недостатки, которые всё ещё имеют место в нашей стране, думают: а что, если слегка потеснить большевиков, чтобы в дальнейшем, устранив эти недостатки, перестать их теснить? (Искандер 4). There are certain rather well-informed people who notice the isolated shortcomings that still exist in our country and think: What if we crowd the Bolsheviks a little, with the idea that we'll stop crowding them in the future, when we've eliminated these deficiencies? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-179

  • 8 что, ежели

    ЧТО, ЕСЛИ < ЕСЛИ Б(Ы)>; ЧТО, ЕЖЕЛИ (ЕЖЕЛИ Б<Ы>) highly coll
    [these forms only; fixed WO]
    1. used to introduce a question expressing inquiry, apprehension etc:
    - what if...;
    - suppose...
         ♦ Он пошёл тише, тише, тише, одолеваемый сомнениями. "А что, если она кокетничает со мной?.. Если только..." Он остановился совсем, оцепенел на минуту. "Что, если тут коварство, заговор..." (Гончаров 1). He walked slower and slower, overcome with doubts. "And what if she is just flirting with me? If only -" He stopped altogether, rooted to the spot for a moment. "What if it is treachery, a plot?..." (1a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Что, если в самом деле он [городничий] потащит меня в тюрьму? (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] Suppose he [the Mayor] really does haul me off to jail? (4b).
    2. used to introduce a question expressing a suggestion, invitation, request:
    - why not...;
    - why don't...;
    - how about...;
    - what if...;
    - what about...
         ♦ Что, если пойти вечером в кино? How about going to the movies tonight?
         ♦ Некоторые довольно интеллигентные люди, замечая отдельные недостатки, которые всё ещё имеют место в нашей стране, думают: а что, если слегка потеснить большевиков, чтобы в дальнейшем, устранив эти недостатки, перестать их теснить? (Искандер 4). There are certain rather well-informed people who notice the isolated shortcomings that still exist in our country and think: What if we crowd the Bolsheviks a little, with the idea that we'll stop crowding them in the future, when we've eliminated these deficiencies? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что, ежели

  • 9 что, ежели б

    ЧТО, ЕСЛИ < ЕСЛИ Б(Ы)>; ЧТО, ЕЖЕЛИ (ЕЖЕЛИ Б<Ы>) highly coll
    [these forms only; fixed WO]
    1. used to introduce a question expressing inquiry, apprehension etc:
    - what if...;
    - suppose...
         ♦ Он пошёл тише, тише, тише, одолеваемый сомнениями. "А что, если она кокетничает со мной?.. Если только..." Он остановился совсем, оцепенел на минуту. "Что, если тут коварство, заговор..." (Гончаров 1). He walked slower and slower, overcome with doubts. "And what if she is just flirting with me? If only -" He stopped altogether, rooted to the spot for a moment. "What if it is treachery, a plot?..." (1a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Что, если в самом деле он [городничий] потащит меня в тюрьму? (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] Suppose he [the Mayor] really does haul me off to jail? (4b).
    2. used to introduce a question expressing a suggestion, invitation, request:
    - why not...;
    - why don't...;
    - how about...;
    - what if...;
    - what about...
         ♦ Что, если пойти вечером в кино? How about going to the movies tonight?
         ♦ Некоторые довольно интеллигентные люди, замечая отдельные недостатки, которые всё ещё имеют место в нашей стране, думают: а что, если слегка потеснить большевиков, чтобы в дальнейшем, устранив эти недостатки, перестать их теснить? (Искандер 4). There are certain rather well-informed people who notice the isolated shortcomings that still exist in our country and think: What if we crowd the Bolsheviks a little, with the idea that we'll stop crowding them in the future, when we've eliminated these deficiencies? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что, ежели б

  • 10 что, ежели бы

    ЧТО, ЕСЛИ < ЕСЛИ Б(Ы)>; ЧТО, ЕЖЕЛИ (ЕЖЕЛИ Б<Ы>) highly coll
    [these forms only; fixed WO]
    1. used to introduce a question expressing inquiry, apprehension etc:
    - what if...;
    - suppose...
         ♦ Он пошёл тише, тише, тише, одолеваемый сомнениями. "А что, если она кокетничает со мной?.. Если только..." Он остановился совсем, оцепенел на минуту. "Что, если тут коварство, заговор..." (Гончаров 1). He walked slower and slower, overcome with doubts. "And what if she is just flirting with me? If only -" He stopped altogether, rooted to the spot for a moment. "What if it is treachery, a plot?..." (1a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Что, если в самом деле он [городничий] потащит меня в тюрьму? (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] Suppose he [the Mayor] really does haul me off to jail? (4b).
    2. used to introduce a question expressing a suggestion, invitation, request:
    - why not...;
    - why don't...;
    - how about...;
    - what if...;
    - what about...
         ♦ Что, если пойти вечером в кино? How about going to the movies tonight?
         ♦ Некоторые довольно интеллигентные люди, замечая отдельные недостатки, которые всё ещё имеют место в нашей стране, думают: а что, если слегка потеснить большевиков, чтобы в дальнейшем, устранив эти недостатки, перестать их теснить? (Искандер 4). There are certain rather well-informed people who notice the isolated shortcomings that still exist in our country and think: What if we crowd the Bolsheviks a little, with the idea that we'll stop crowding them in the future, when we've eliminated these deficiencies? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что, ежели бы

  • 11 что, если

    ЧТО, ЕСЛИ < ЕСЛИ Б(Ы)>; ЧТО, ЕЖЕЛИ (ЕЖЕЛИ Б<Ы>) highly coll
    [these forms only; fixed WO]
    1. used to introduce a question expressing inquiry, apprehension etc:
    - what if...;
    - suppose...
         ♦ Он пошёл тише, тише, тише, одолеваемый сомнениями. "А что, если она кокетничает со мной?.. Если только..." Он остановился совсем, оцепенел на минуту. "Что, если тут коварство, заговор..." (Гончаров 1). He walked slower and slower, overcome with doubts. "And what if she is just flirting with me? If only -" He stopped altogether, rooted to the spot for a moment. "What if it is treachery, a plot?..." (1a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Что, если в самом деле он [городничий] потащит меня в тюрьму? (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] Suppose he [the Mayor] really does haul me off to jail? (4b).
    2. used to introduce a question expressing a suggestion, invitation, request:
    - why not...;
    - why don't...;
    - how about...;
    - what if...;
    - what about...
         ♦ Что, если пойти вечером в кино? How about going to the movies tonight?
         ♦ Некоторые довольно интеллигентные люди, замечая отдельные недостатки, которые всё ещё имеют место в нашей стране, думают: а что, если слегка потеснить большевиков, чтобы в дальнейшем, устранив эти недостатки, перестать их теснить? (Искандер 4). There are certain rather well-informed people who notice the isolated shortcomings that still exist in our country and think: What if we crowd the Bolsheviks a little, with the idea that we'll stop crowding them in the future, when we've eliminated these deficiencies? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что, если

  • 12 что, если б

    ЧТО, ЕСЛИ < ЕСЛИ Б(Ы)>; ЧТО, ЕЖЕЛИ (ЕЖЕЛИ Б<Ы>) highly coll
    [these forms only; fixed WO]
    1. used to introduce a question expressing inquiry, apprehension etc:
    - what if...;
    - suppose...
         ♦ Он пошёл тише, тише, тише, одолеваемый сомнениями. "А что, если она кокетничает со мной?.. Если только..." Он остановился совсем, оцепенел на минуту. "Что, если тут коварство, заговор..." (Гончаров 1). He walked slower and slower, overcome with doubts. "And what if she is just flirting with me? If only -" He stopped altogether, rooted to the spot for a moment. "What if it is treachery, a plot?..." (1a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Что, если в самом деле он [городничий] потащит меня в тюрьму? (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] Suppose he [the Mayor] really does haul me off to jail? (4b).
    2. used to introduce a question expressing a suggestion, invitation, request:
    - why not...;
    - why don't...;
    - how about...;
    - what if...;
    - what about...
         ♦ Что, если пойти вечером в кино? How about going to the movies tonight?
         ♦ Некоторые довольно интеллигентные люди, замечая отдельные недостатки, которые всё ещё имеют место в нашей стране, думают: а что, если слегка потеснить большевиков, чтобы в дальнейшем, устранив эти недостатки, перестать их теснить? (Искандер 4). There are certain rather well-informed people who notice the isolated shortcomings that still exist in our country and think: What if we crowd the Bolsheviks a little, with the idea that we'll stop crowding them in the future, when we've eliminated these deficiencies? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что, если б

  • 13 что, если бы

    ЧТО, ЕСЛИ < ЕСЛИ Б(Ы)>; ЧТО, ЕЖЕЛИ (ЕЖЕЛИ Б<Ы>) highly coll
    [these forms only; fixed WO]
    1. used to introduce a question expressing inquiry, apprehension etc:
    - what if...;
    - suppose...
         ♦ Он пошёл тише, тише, тише, одолеваемый сомнениями. "А что, если она кокетничает со мной?.. Если только..." Он остановился совсем, оцепенел на минуту. "Что, если тут коварство, заговор..." (Гончаров 1). He walked slower and slower, overcome with doubts. "And what if she is just flirting with me? If only -" He stopped altogether, rooted to the spot for a moment. "What if it is treachery, a plot?..." (1a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Что, если в самом деле он [городничий] потащит меня в тюрьму? (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] Suppose he [the Mayor] really does haul me off to jail? (4b).
    2. used to introduce a question expressing a suggestion, invitation, request:
    - why not...;
    - why don't...;
    - how about...;
    - what if...;
    - what about...
         ♦ Что, если пойти вечером в кино? How about going to the movies tonight?
         ♦ Некоторые довольно интеллигентные люди, замечая отдельные недостатки, которые всё ещё имеют место в нашей стране, думают: а что, если слегка потеснить большевиков, чтобы в дальнейшем, устранив эти недостатки, перестать их теснить? (Искандер 4). There are certain rather well-informed people who notice the isolated shortcomings that still exist in our country and think: What if we crowd the Bolsheviks a little, with the idea that we'll stop crowding them in the future, when we've eliminated these deficiencies? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что, если бы

  • 14 might

    1) (past tense of may: I thought I might find you here; He might come if you offered him a meal.) poder, ser posible que
    2) (used instead of `may', eg to make a possibility seem less likely, or a request for permission more polite: He might win if he tries hard; Might I speak to you for a few minutes, please?) poder
    3) (used in suggesting that a person is not doing what he should: You might help me clean the car!) podrías/podría
    - might have
    - I might have known

    (power or strength: The might of the opposing army was too great for us.) fuerza
    - mightily
    - mightiness

    might vb poder
    might I ask you a question? ¿podría hacerle una pregunta?
    he might come tomorrow a lo mejor viene mañana / quizá venga mañana
    why don't you go out? --I might ¿por qué no sales? --puede que lo haga
    don't touch it! it might be a bomb! ¡no lo toques! ¡podría ser una bomba!
    that might be them now quizás sean ellos ahora, a lo mejor son ellos ahora
    you might have told me! ¡podrías habérmelo dicho!
    you might have waited! ¡podrías haber esperado!
    3 (permission) poder
    might I suggest make a suggestion? ¿podría hacer una sugerencia?
    who are you, if I might ask? ¿quién eres tú? si se puede saber
    and where might that be? ¿y dónde se supone que está eso?
    and who might you be? ¿y tú quién demonios eres?
    he died that others might live murió para que otros pudieran vivir, murió para que otros vivieran
    I might have known! ¡debí imaginármelo!, ¡típico!
    might (just) as well más vale que
    you might as well give it away más vale que lo regales Table 1SMALLNOTA/SMALL See also may/Table 1
    1 poder nombre masculino, fuerza
    might is right el poder tiene la razón
    with all one's might con todas sus fuerzas
    with might and main a más no poder, hasta más no poder
    it might be true: podría ser verdad
    might I speak with Sarah?: ¿se puede hablar con Sarah?
    : fuerza f, poder m
    fuerza s.f.
    poderío s.m.
    pujanza s.f.
    de may pret.aux.

    I maɪt
    a) ( asking permission) (esp BrE) podría (or podríamos etc)

    might I make a suggestion? — si se me permite (hacer) una sugerencia..., ¿podría hacer una sugerencia?

    b) (in suggestions, expressing annoyance, regret) poder*
    3) ( indicating possibility) [La posibilidad que indica might es más remota que la que expresan may o could]

    somebody might have found it — pudiera ser que alguien lo hubiera encontrado, a lo mejor alguien lo encontró

    he rang to apologize - and o as well he might! — llamó para pedir perdón - era lo menos que podía hacer!

    a) ( conceding)

    the house might not be big, but... — la casa no será grande pero..., puede ser que la casa no sea grande, pero...

    who might that gentleman be? — ¿quién es ese caballero?

    he died that others might live — (liter) murió para que otros vivieran

    mass noun poder m, poderío m

    PT, cond of may
    N poder m, fuerza f

    with might and main — a más no poder, esforzándose muchísimo

    * * *

    I [maɪt]
    a) ( asking permission) (esp BrE) podría (or podríamos etc)

    might I make a suggestion? — si se me permite (hacer) una sugerencia..., ¿podría hacer una sugerencia?

    b) (in suggestions, expressing annoyance, regret) poder*
    3) ( indicating possibility) [La posibilidad que indica might es más remota que la que expresan may o could]

    somebody might have found it — pudiera ser que alguien lo hubiera encontrado, a lo mejor alguien lo encontró

    he rang to apologize - and o as well he might! — llamó para pedir perdón - era lo menos que podía hacer!

    a) ( conceding)

    the house might not be big, but... — la casa no será grande pero..., puede ser que la casa no sea grande, pero...

    who might that gentleman be? — ¿quién es ese caballero?

    he died that others might live — (liter) murió para que otros vivieran

    mass noun poder m, poderío m

    English-spanish dictionary > might

  • 15 might

    I [maɪt]

    "will you come?" - "I might" — "vieni?" - "può darsi"

    try as I might, I can't do it — per quanto ci provi, non riesco a farlo

    3) (in sequence of tenses, in reported speech)

    if I might — se possibile, se posso

    might I ask who's calling? — con chi sto parlando, per favore?

    and who, might I ask, are you? o and who might you be? — (aggressive) e potrei sapere chi è lei?

    6) (when making statement, argument)

    one might argue o it might be argued that si potrebbe sostenere che; as you o one might expect come ci si potrebbe aspettare; as you might imagine — come puoi immaginare

    7) (expressing reproach, irritation)

    I might have known o guessed! avrei dovuto aspettarmelo o immaginarlo! he might at least apologize! potrebbe almeno scusarsi! you might have warned me! — avresti potuto avvisarmi!

    II [maɪt]
    1) (power) potere m., potenza f.
    2) (physical strength) forza f., potenza f.
    * * *
    1) (past tense of may: I thought I might find you here; He might come if you offered him a meal.)
    2) (used instead of `may', eg to make a possibility seem less likely, or a request for permission more polite: He might win if he tries hard; Might I speak to you for a few minutes, please?)
    3) (used in suggesting that a person is not doing what he should: You might help me clean the car!)
    - might have
    - I might have known
    (power or strength: The might of the opposing army was too great for us.)
    - mightily
    - mightiness
    * * *
    I [maɪt]

    "will you come?" - "I might" — "vieni?" - "può darsi"

    try as I might, I can't do it — per quanto ci provi, non riesco a farlo

    3) (in sequence of tenses, in reported speech)

    if I might — se possibile, se posso

    might I ask who's calling? — con chi sto parlando, per favore?

    and who, might I ask, are you? o and who might you be? — (aggressive) e potrei sapere chi è lei?

    6) (when making statement, argument)

    one might argue o it might be argued that si potrebbe sostenere che; as you o one might expect come ci si potrebbe aspettare; as you might imagine — come puoi immaginare

    7) (expressing reproach, irritation)

    I might have known o guessed! avrei dovuto aspettarmelo o immaginarlo! he might at least apologize! potrebbe almeno scusarsi! you might have warned me! — avresti potuto avvisarmi!

    II [maɪt]
    1) (power) potere m., potenza f.
    2) (physical strength) forza f., potenza f.

    English-Italian dictionary > might

  • 16 might

    see academic.ru/45709/may">may
    II noun
    1) (force) Gewalt, die; (inner strength) Macht, die

    with all one's mightmit aller Kraft

    2) (power) Macht, die
    * * *
    1) (past tense of may: I thought I might find you here; He might come if you offered him a meal.) pt. of may:können
    2) (used instead of `may', eg to make a possibility seem less likely, or a request for permission more polite: He might win if he tries hard; Might I speak to you for a few minutes, please?) können
    3) (used in suggesting that a person is not doing what he should: You might help me clean the car!) können
    - might as well
    - might have
    - I might have known
    (power or strength: The might of the opposing army was too great for us.) die Macht
    - mighty
    - mightily
    - mightiness
    * * *
    II. aux vb
    that old bridge \might be dangerous die alte Brücke könnte gefährlich sein
    I \might go to the cinema tonight vielleicht gehe ich heute Abend ins Kino; (could)
    someone phoned at six, it \might have been him um sechs rief jemand an, das könnte er gewesen sein; (will be able to)
    he is closing his door so that he \might have a little peace and quiet er schließt seine Tür, damit er etwas Ruhe hat
    let's not answer the phone so that we \might talk undisturbed lass uns nicht ans Telefon gehen, damit wir ungestört reden können; (expressing probability)
    if he keeps studying so hard he \might even get a first in his final exams wenn er weiterhin so eifrig lernt, könnte er sogar der Beste bei den Abschlussprüfungen werden
    2. (conceding a fact)
    the village \might be in the middle of nowhere but I like such places das Dorf kann ruhig mitten im Nirgendwo sein, ich mag solche Orte
    Leeds \might be an excellent team, but... Leeds mag eine hervorragende Mannschaft sein, aber...
    \might I...? dürfte ich [vielleicht]...?
    \might I ask a question? dürfte ich eine Frage stellen?
    how \might I help you? wie kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?; (when offended)
    \might I ask what you think you're doing in my seat? könnten Sie mir vielleicht sagen, was sie auf meinem Sitz zu suchen haben?
    and who \might you be? und was glaubst du wohl, wer du bist?
    \might I [or ( form) one] make a suggestion? dürfte ich vielleicht einen Vorschlag machen?
    I thought you \might like to join me for dinner ich dachte, du hättest vielleicht Lust, mit mir zu Abend zu essen; (unenthusiastically)
    she \might as well tell the truth — they'll find it out anyway sie könnte ebenso gut die Wahrheit sagen — sie werden es ohnehin herausfinden
    5. (in reproach)
    you \might have at least made an effort du hättest zumindest einen Versuch machen können
    you \might have told me about the job! du hättest mir eigentlich von dem Job erzählen müssen!
    I \might have known that you'd lie to me ich hätte es eigentlich wissen müssen, dass du mich anlügen würdest
    1. (authority) Macht f
    2. (strength) Kraft f; MIL Stärke f
    with \might and main aus Leibeskräften
    with all one's \might mit aller Kraft
    \might is right ( saying) Macht geht vor Recht
    * * *
    I [maɪt] pret

    they might be brothers, they look so alike — sie könnten Brüder sein, sie sehen sich so ähnlich

    as you might expectwie zu erwarten war

    ... I might add —... möchte ich hinzufügen

    how old might he be?wie alt er wohl ist?

    might I smoke?dürfte ich wohl rauchen?

    you might try Smith'sSie könnten es ja mal bei Smiths versuchen

    he might at least have apologizeder hätte sich wenigstens entschuldigen können

    I might have knowndas hätte ich mir denken können

    she was thinking of what might have been — sie dachte an das, was hätte sein können

    Macht f

    superior mightÜbermacht f, Überlegenheit f

    * * *
    might1 [maıt] s
    1. Macht f, Gewalt f
    2. Stärke f, Kraft f:
    with might and main obs, with all one’s might mit aller Kraft oder Gewalt
    might2 [maıt] prät von may1
    may [meı], obs 2. sg präs mayst [meıst], 3. sg präs may, prät und optativ might [maıt] v irr (defektiv, meist Hilfsverb)
    1. (Möglichkeit, Gelegenheit) können, mögen:
    it may happen any time es kann jederzeit geschehen;
    it might happen es könnte geschehen;
    you may be right du magst recht haben, vielleicht hast du recht;
    he may not come vielleicht kommt er nicht; es ist möglich, dass er nicht kommt;
    come what may komme, was da wolle;
    he might lose his way er könnte sich verirren
    2. (Erlaubnis) dürfen, können:
    may I ask? darf ich fragen?;
    I wish I might tell you ich wollte, ich dürfte es dir sagen; selten neg:
    he may not do it er darf es nicht tun
    3. mit (as) well, just as well:
    you may well say so du hast gut reden;
    we might as well go da können wir (auch) ebenso gut gehen, gehen wir schon;
    he may as well dazu hat er auch allen Grund
    how old may she be? wie alt mag sie wohl sein?;
    I wondered what he might be doing ich fragte mich, was er wohl tue
    5. (Wunschgedanke, Segenswunsch) mögen:
    may God bless you!;
    may it please your Grace Euer Gnaden mögen geruhen
    you may post this letter for me du kannst diesen Brief für mich einstecken;
    you might help me du könntest mir (eigentlich) helfen;
    you might at least offer to help du könntest wenigstens deine Hilfe anbieten
    7. may oder might als Konjunktionsumschreibung: I shall write to him so that he may know our plans damit er unsere Pläne erfährt;
    though it may cost a good deal obwohl es eine Menge kosten kann;
    difficult as it may be so schwierig es auch sein mag;
    we feared they might attack wir fürchteten, sie würden angreifen
    8. JUR (in Verordnungen) können
    * * *
    I II noun
    1) (force) Gewalt, die; (inner strength) Macht, die
    2) (power) Macht, die
    * * *
    kann aux.
    könnte aux.
    mag aux. n.
    Macht ¨-e f.

    English-german dictionary > might

  • 17 at

    [æt, ət] prep
    \at sth, at the baker's beim Bäcker;
    she's standing \at the bar sie steht an der Theke;
    my number \at the office is 2154949 meine Nummer im Büro lautet 2154949;
    the man who lives \at number twelve der Mann, der in Nummer zwölf wohnt;
    I'd love to stay \at home ich möchte gerne zu Hause bleiben;
    John's \at work right now John ist gerade bei der Arbeit;
    \at the top of the stairs am oberen Treppenende;
    sb \at the door ( sb wanting to enter) jd an der Tür;
    \at sb's feet neben jds Füßen
    2) ( attending)
    \at sth, \at the party/ festival auf [o bei] der Party/dem Festival;
    we spent the afternoon \at the museum wir verbrachten den Nachmittag im Museum;
    \at school auf [o in] der Schule;
    \at university auf [o an] der Universität;
    \at work auf [o bei] der Arbeit;
    \at the institute am Institut;
    while he was \at his last job, he learned a lot in seiner letzten Stelle hat er eine Menge gelernt
    \at sth;
    he was defeated \at this election er wurde bei dieser Wahl geschlagen;
    what are you doing \at Christmas? was macht ihr an Weihnachten?;
    \at the weekend am Wochenende;
    \at night in der Nacht, nachts;
    our train leaves \at 2:00 unser Zug fährt um 2:00 Uhr;
    \at daybreak im Morgengrauen;
    \at nightfall bei Einbruch der Nacht;
    \at midnight um Mitternacht;
    I'm busy \at present [or the moment] ich habe im Moment viel zu tun;
    I can't come to the phone \at the moment ich kann gerade nicht ans Telefon kommen;
    I'm free \at lunchtime ich habe in der Mittagspause Zeit;
    we always read the kids a story \at bedtime wir lesen den Kindern zum Schlafengehen immer eine Geschichte vor;
    \at the age of 60 im Alter von 60;
    most people retire \at 65 die meisten Leute gehen mit 65 in Rente;
    \at the beginning/ end am Anfang/Ende;
    \at this stage of research bei diesem Stand der Forschung;
    \at a time auf einmal, gleichzeitig;
    just wait a second - I can't do ten things \at a time eine Sekunde noch - ich kann nicht tausend Sachen auf einmal machen;
    his death came \at a time when the movement was split sein Tod kam zu einem Zeitpunkt, als die Bewegung auseinanderbrach;
    \at the time zu dieser Zeit, zu diesem Zeitpunkt;
    \at the same time ( simultaneously) zur gleichen Zeit, gleichzeitig;
    they both yelled “no!” \at the same time beide schrieen im gleichen Moment „nein!“;
    ( on the other hand) auf der anderen Seite;
    I like snow - \at the same time, however, I hate the cold ich mag Schnee - andererseits hasse ich die Kälte;
    \at no time [or point] [or stage] nie[mals]
    he can see clearly \at a distance of 50 metres er kann auf eine Entfernung von 50 Metern noch alles erkennen;
    learners of English \at advanced levels Englischlernende mit fortgeschrittenen Kenntnissen;
    he denied driving \at 120 km per hour er leugnete, 120 km/h schnell gefahren zu sein;
    he drives \at any speed he likes er fährt so schnell er will;
    \at 50 kilometres per hour mit [o bei] 50 km/h;
    the horse raced to the fence \at a gallop das Pferd raste im Galopp auf den Zaun zu;
    the children came \at a run die Kinder kamen alle angelaufen;
    \at £20 für 20 Pfund;
    I'm not going to buy those shoes \at $150! ich zahle für diese Schuhe keine 150 Dollar!;
    \at that price, I can't afford it für diesen Preis kann ich es mir nicht leisten;
    the bells ring \at regular intervals die Glocken läuten in regelmäßigen Abständen;
    inflation is running \at 5% die Inflation liegt im Moment bei 5%;
    \at least ( at minimum) mindestens;
    clean the windows \at least once a week! putze die Fenster mindestens einmal pro Woche!;
    ( if nothing else) zumindest;
    \at least you could say you're sorry du könntest dich zumindest entschuldigen;
    they seldom complained - officially \at least sie haben sich selten beschwert - zumindest offiziell;
    \at [the] most [aller]höchstens;
    I'm afraid we can only pay you £5 an hour at [the] most ich befürchte, wir können Ihnen höchstens 5 Pfund in der Stunde zahlen
    I love watching the animals \at play ich sehe den Tieren gerne beim Spielen zu;
    everything is \at a standstill alles steht still;
    the country was \at war das Land befand sich im Krieg;
    she finished \at second place in the horse race sie belegte bei dem Pferderennen den zweiten Platz;
    to be \at an advantage/ a disadvantage im Vorteil/Nachteil sein;
    to be \at fault im Unrecht sein;
    \at first zuerst, am Anfang;
    \at first they were happy together anfangs waren sie miteinander glücklich;
    \at last endlich, schließlich + superl
    she's \at her best when she's under stress sie ist am besten, wenn sie im Stress ist;
    he was \at his happiest while he was still in school in der Schule war er noch am glücklichsten;
    \at large in Freiheit;
    there was a murderer \at large ein Mörder war auf freiem Fuß
    I was so depressed \at the news ich war über die Nachricht sehr frustriert;
    we are unhappy \at the current circumstances die gegenwärtigen Umstände machen uns unglücklich ( fam);
    don't be angry \at her! ärgere dich nicht über sie!;
    I'm amazed \at the way you can talk ich bin erstaunt, wie du reden kannst after vb
    many people in the audience were crying \at the film viele Leute im Publikum weinten wegen des Films;
    they laughed \at her funny joke sie lachten über ihren komischen Witz;
    she shuddered \at the thought of flying in an airplane sie erschauderte bei dem Gedanken an einen Flug in einem Flugzeug;
    her pleasure \at the bouquet was plain to see ihre Freude über den Blumenstrauß war unübersehbar
    I'm here \at your invitation ich bin auf Ihre Einladung hin gekommen;
    \at your request we will send extra information auf Ihre Bitte hin senden wir Ihnen zusätzliche Informationen;
    \at that daraufhin
    8) after vb ( in ability to) bei +dat;
    he excels \at estimating the seriousness of the offers er tut sich beim Einschätzen der Ernsthaftigkeit der Angebote hervor after adj
    he's very good \at getting on with people er kann sehr gut mit Menschen umgehen;
    she's good \at maths but bad \at history sie ist gut in Mathematik, aber schlecht in Geschichte;
    he is poor \at giving instructions er kann keine guten Anweisungen geben after n
    he's a failure \at love er kennt sich kaum in der Liebe aus
    9) after vb ( repeatedly do) an +dat;
    the dog gnawed \at the bone der Hund knabberte an dem Knochen herum;
    she clutched \at the thin gown sie klammerte sich an den dünnen Morgenmantel;
    if you persevere \at a skill long enough, you will master it wenn man eine Fertigkeit lange genug trainiert, beherrscht man sie auch;
    to be \at sth mit etw dat beschäftigt sein;
    he's been \at it for at least 15 years er macht das jetzt schon seit 15 Jahren
    they smiled \at us as we drove by sie lächelten uns zu, als wir vorbeifuhren;
    he glanced \at his wife before he answered er warf seiner Frau einen Blick zu, bevor er antwortet;
    she hates it when people laugh \at her sie hasst es, ausgelacht zu werden;
    the kids waved \at their father die Kinder winkten ihrem Vater zu;
    some dogs howl \at the moon manche Hunde heulen den Mond an;
    the policeman rushed \at him der Polizist rannte auf ihn zu;
    the policy aimed \at reducing taxation die Politik hatte eine Steuerreduzierung zum Ziel;
    what are you hinting \at? was hast du vor?;
    to go \at sb jdn angreifen
    \at a rough guess, I'd say the job will take three or four weeks grob geschätzt würde ich sagen, die Arbeit dauert drei bis vier Wochen
    to be \at the end of one's rope mit seinem Latein am Ende sein;
    \at hand in Reichweite;
    we have to use all the resources \at hand wir müssen alle verfügbaren Ressourcen einsetzen;
    to be \at one's wit's end mit seiner Weisheit am Ende sein;
    \at all überhaupt;
    she barely made a sound \at all sie hat fast keinen Ton von sich gegeben;
    I haven't been well \at all recently mir ging es in letzter Zeit gar nicht gut;
    I don't like him \at all ich kann ihn einfach nicht ausstehen;
    did she suffer \at all? hat sie denn gelitten?;
    nothing/nobody \at all gar [o überhaupt] nichts/niemand;
    I'm afraid I've got nothing \at all to say ich befürchte, ich habe gar nichts zu sagen;
    there was nobody at home \at all when I called dort war niemand zu Hause, als ich anrief;
    not \at all ( polite response) gern geschehen, keine Ursache;
    ( definitely not) keineswegs, überhaupt [o durchaus] nicht;
    I'm not \at all in a hurry - please don't rush ich habe es wirklich nicht eilig - renne bitte nicht so;
    to get \at sth auf etw hinaus wollen [o abzielen];
    \at that noch dazu;
    where it's \at (fam: fashionable) wo etw los ist;
    New York is where it's \at, stylewise in New York ist modemäßig richtig was los ( fam)

    English-German students dictionary > at

  • 18 about

    about [ə'baʊt]
    (a) (concerning, on the subject of) à propos de, au sujet de, concernant;
    she's had a letter about the loan elle a reçu une lettre concernant le prêt;
    I'm worried about her je suis inquiet à son sujet;
    what are they talking about? de quoi parlent-ils?;
    what are you talking about? of course I remembered! qu'est-ce que tu racontes? bien sûr que j'y ai pensé!;
    I don't know about you, but I fancy a drink toi, je ne sais pas, mais moi je boirais bien un verre;
    I'm not happy about her going ça ne me plaît pas qu'elle y aille;
    there's no doubt about it cela ne fait aucun doute, il n'y a aucun doute là-dessus;
    now, about your request for a salary increase... bon, en ce qui concerne votre demande d'augmentation...;
    OK, what's this all about? bon, qu'est-ce qui se passe?;
    what's the book about? c'est un livre sur quoi?;
    it's a book about the life of Mozart c'est un livre sur la vie de Mozart;
    I don't know what all the fuss is about je ne vois pas pourquoi tout le monde se met dans cet état;
    what do you want to see me about? vous voulez me voir à quel sujet?;
    that's what life's all about c'est ça la vie;
    he asked us about the war il nous a posé des questions sur la guerre;
    she asked me about my mother elle m'a demandé des nouvelles de ma mère;
    you should do something about your headaches vous devriez faire quelque chose pour vos maux de tête;
    I can't do anything about it je n'y peux rien;
    what do YOU know about it? qu'est-ce que vous en savez, vous?;
    I don't know much about Egyptian art je ne m'y connais pas beaucoup en art égyptien;
    I didn't know about your accident je ne savais pas que vous aviez eu un accident;
    she talked to them about her holidays elle leur a parlé de ses vacances;
    tell me about your holidays parle-moi de tes vacances;
    what do you think about modern art? que pensez-vous de l'art moderne?;
    I was thinking about my mother je pensais à ma mère;
    I'd like you to think about my offer j'aimerais que vous réfléchissiez à ma proposition;
    I warned them about the political situation je les ai mis en garde en ce qui concerne la situation politique;
    how or what about a game of bridge/going to Paris? si on faisait un bridge/allait à Paris?
    what I like about her is her generosity ce que j'aime en ou chez elle, c'est sa générosité;
    what I don't like about the house is all the stairs ce qui me déplaît dans cette maison, ce sont tous les escaliers;
    she found something amusing about the situation elle a trouvé que la situation avait quelque chose d'amusant;
    there's something about the house that I don't like il y a quelque chose que je n'aime pas dans cette maison;
    there's something about the place that reminds me of Rome il y a quelque chose ici qui me fait penser à Rome;
    there's something strange about her il y a quelque chose de bizarre chez elle
    while I'm about it pendant que j'y suis;
    be quick about it! faites vite!, dépêchez-vous!
    there were clothes lying all about the room il y avait des vêtements qui traînaient partout;
    you mustn't leave money lying about the house il ne faut pas laisser de l'argent traîner dans la maison;
    the children were running about the garden les enfants couraient dans le jardin
    (e) (surrounding) autour de;
    the people about us les gens auprès de nous, les gens qui nous entourent;
    it's good to have a few new faces about the place c'est bien de voir de nouvelles têtes par ici;
    there is a high wall about the castle un rempart entoure le château
    to have sth about one's person avoir qch sur soi;
    he had a dangerous weapon about his person il portait une arme dangereuse
    (a) (more or less) environ, à peu près;
    about a year environ ou à peu près un an;
    about £50 50 livres environ;
    about five o'clock vers cinq heures;
    she's about my age elle a à peu près mon âge;
    that looks about right ça a l'air d'être à peu près ça;
    he's about as tall as you il est à peu près de ta taille;
    you've got about as much intelligence as a two-year-old! tu es à peu près aussi futé qu'un gamin de deux ans!;
    I've just about finished j'ai presque fini;
    I've had just about enough! j'en ai vraiment assez!;
    it's about time il serait ou est temps;
    it's about time you started il serait grand temps que vous vous y mettiez;
    that's about it for now c'est à peu près tout pour l'instant
    (b) (somewhere near) dans les parages, par ici;
    is there anyone about? il y a quelqu'un?;
    is Jack about? est-ce que Jack est là?;
    there was no one about when I left the building il n'y avait personne dans les parages quand j'ai quitté l'immeuble;
    my keys must be about somewhere mes clés doivent être quelque part par ici;
    there's never a policeman about when you need one il n'y a jamais un seul agent de police dans les parages quand on en a besoin;
    there weren't many people about il n'y avait pas grand monde
    (c) (in all directions, places)
    there's a lot of flu about il y a beaucoup de grippe en ce moment;
    watch out, there are pickpockets about méfie-toi, il y a beaucoup de pickpockets qui traînent;
    have you seen many of the new coins about? tu en as vu beaucoup de ces nouvelles pièces?;
    there are some terrible rumours going about il court des rumeurs terribles;
    to run about courir dans tous les sens;
    to follow sb about suivre qn partout;
    don't leave your money lying about ne laissez pas traîner votre argent;
    they've been sitting about all day ils ont passé toute la journée assis à ne rien faire;
    she was waving her arms about elle agitait les bras dans tous les sens
    to turn about se retourner;
    the other way about en sens inverse, dans le sens contraire
    to be about to do sth être sur le point de faire qch;
    what were you about to say? qu'est-ce que vous alliez dire?;
    I was just about to leave j'allais partir, j'étais sur le point de partir
    I'm not about to answer that kind of question je ne suis pas prêt à répondre à ce genre de question;
    he's not about to change his ways just because of that il n'y a pas de risque qu'il change ses manières de faire rien que pour ça

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  • 19 at

    1) (expr. place) an (+ Dat.)

    at the stationam Bahnhof

    at the baker's/butcher's/grocer's — beim Bäcker/Fleischer/Kaufmann

    at the chemist'sin der Apotheke/Drogerie

    at the supermarketim Supermarkt

    at the office/hotel — im Büro/Hotel

    at Doverin Dover

    2) (expr. time)

    at Christmas/Whitsun/Easter — [zu od. an] Weihnachten/Pfingsten/Ostern

    at six o'clockum sechs Uhr

    at middayam Mittag; mittags

    at [the age of] 40 — mit 40; im Alter von 40

    at this/the moment — in diesem/im Augenblick od. Moment

    3) (expr. price)

    at £2.50 [each] — zu od. für [je] 2,50 Pfund


    while we're/you're etc. at it — wenn wir/du usw. schon dabei sind/bist usw.

    so while I was at it,... — und wo od. da ich schon dabei war...

    at that(at that point) dabei; (at that provocation) daraufhin; (moreover) noch dazu

    * * *
    1) (position: They are not at home; She lives at 33 Forest Road) zu; an; in; bei
    2) (direction: He looked at her; She shouted at the boys.) zu; nach; auf
    3) (time: He arrived at ten o'clock; The children came at the sound of the bell.) um; bei; auf
    4) (state or occupation: The countries are at war; She is at work.) in; auf; bei
    5) (pace or speed: He drove at 120 kilometres per hour.) mit
    6) (cost: bread at $1.20 a loaf.) für
    - academic.ru/94827/at_all">at all
    * * *
    [æt, ət]
    1. (in location of)
    she's standing \at the bar sie steht an der Theke
    my number \at the office is 2154949 meine Nummer im Büro lautet 2154949
    she lives \at number 12, Darlington Road sie wohnt in der Darlington Road Nummer 12
    there's somebody \at the door da ist jemand an der Tür
    he was standing \at the top of the stairs er stand oben an der Treppe
    \at Anna's bei Anna
    \at the airport/station am Flughafen/Bahnhof
    \at the baker's/doctor's beim Bäcker/Arzt
    \at home zu Hause
    \at a hotel in einem Hotel
    \at the table am Tisch
    \at the window am Fenster
    \at the zoo im Zoo
    we spent the afternoon \at the museum wir verbrachten den Nachmittag im Museum
    while he was \at his last job, he learned a lot in seiner letzten Stelle hat er viel gelernt
    \at the institute am Institut
    \at the party/festival auf [o bei] der Party/dem Festival
    \at school in der Schule
    \at university auf [o an] der Universität
    \at work auf [o bei] der Arbeit
    he's \at work at the moment er arbeitet gerade
    3. (expressing point of time)
    he was defeated \at the election er wurde bei der Wahl geschlagen
    what are you doing \at Christmas? was macht ihr an Weihnachten?
    our train leaves \at 2 o'clock unser Zug fährt um 2:00 Uhr
    I'm busy \at present [or the moment] ich bin gerade beschäftigt
    I can't come to the phone \at the moment ich kann gerade nicht ans Telefon kommen
    we always read the kids a story \at bedtime wir lesen den Kindern zum Schlafengehen immer eine Geschichte vor
    I can't do ten things \at a time ich kann nicht tausend Sachen auf einmal machen
    his death came \at a time when... sein Tod kam zu einem Zeitpunkt, als...
    the bells ring \at regular intervals die Glocken läuten in regelmäßigen Abständen
    \at the age of 60 im Alter von 60
    most people retire \at 65 die meisten Leute gehen mit 65 in Rente
    \at the beginning/end am Anfang/Ende
    \at daybreak/dawn im Morgengrauen
    \at lunch beim Mittagessen
    \at lunchtime in der Mittagspause
    \at midnight um Mitternacht
    \at night nachts
    \at nightfall bei Einbruch der Nacht
    \at this stage of research beim derzeitigen Stand der Forschung
    five \at a time fünf auf einmal
    \at the time zu diesem Zeitpunkt
    \at the time, nobody knew damals wusste keiner Bescheid
    \at no time [or point] [or stage] nie[mals]
    \at the same time (simultaneously) gleichzeitig; (on the other hand)
    I love snow — \at the same time, however, I hate the cold ich liebe Schnee — andererseits hasse ich jedoch die Kälte
    \at the weekend am Wochenende
    4. (denoting amount, degree of)
    he can see clearly \at a distance of 50 metres er kann auf eine Entfernung von 50 Metern noch alles erkennen
    learners of English \at advanced levels Englischlernende mit fortgeschrittenen Kenntnissen
    he drives \at any speed he likes er fährt so schnell wie er will
    the horse raced to the fence \at a gallop das Pferd raste im Galopp auf den Zaun zu
    the children came \at a run die Kinder kamen angerannt
    I'm not going to buy those shoes \at $150! ich zahle keine 150 Dollar für diese Schuhe!
    \at that price, I can't afford it zu diesem Preis kann ich es mir nicht leisten
    inflation is running \at 5% die Inflation liegt im Moment bei 5 %
    \at £20 apiece für 20 Pfund das Stück
    \at 50 kilometres per hour mit [o bei] 50 km/h
    he denied driving \at 120 km per hour er leugnete, 120 Stundenkilometer gefahren zu sein
    the country was \at war das Land befand sich im Krieg
    there was a murderer \at large ein Mörder war auf freiem Fuß
    to be \at an advantage/a disadvantage im Vorteil/Nachteil sein
    to be \at ease with oneself sich akk in seiner Haut wohl fühlen
    to be \at ease with sb sich akk mit jdm zusammen wohl fühlen
    to be \at fault im Unrecht sein
    \at a loss/profit mit Verlust/Gewinn
    to be \at peace ( euph) in Frieden ruhen
    \at play beim Spielen
    \at one's own risk auf eigene Gefahr
    to put sb/sth \at risk jdn/etw gefährden
    to be \at a standstill stillstehen
    6. + superl
    she's \at her best when she's under stress sie ist am besten, wenn sie unter Druck steht
    he's been \at his worst recently zurzeit übertrifft er sich echt selbst! fam
    he was \at his happiest while he was still in school in der Schule war er am glücklichsten
    \at least (at minimum) mindestens; (if nothing else) zumindest
    \at [the] most [aller]höchstens
    I was so depressed \at the news die Nachricht hat mich sehr deprimiert
    we are unhappy \at the current circumstances über die gegenwärtigen Umstände sind wir sehr unglücklich
    don't be angry \at her! ( fam) sei nicht sauer auf sie!
    I'm amazed \at the way you can talk ich bin erstaunt, wie du reden kannst
    to be annoyed \at sth sich akk über etw akk ärgern
    to be good/poor \at sth etw gut/schlecht können
    to be good \at math gut in Mathematik sein
    she shuddered \at the thought of having to fly in an airplane sie erschauderte bei dem Gedanken, mit einem Flugzeug fliegen zu müssen
    he excels \at diving er ist ein hervorragender Taucher
    the dog gnawed \at the bone der Hund knabberte an dem Knochen herum
    she clutched \at the thin gown sie klammerte sich an den dünnen Morgenmantel
    if you persevere \at a skill long enough,... wenn man eine Fertigkeit lange genug trainiert,...
    some dogs howl \at the moon manche Hunde heulen den Mond an
    to aim \at sb auf jdn zielen
    to aim \at sth etw zum Ziel haben
    to go \at sb jdn angreifen
    to hint \at sth etw andeuten
    to laugh \at sth über etw akk lachen
    to look \at sb jdn anschauen
    to rush \at sb auf jdn zurennen
    to wave \at sb jdm zuwinken
    her pleasure \at the bouquet was plain to see ihre Freude über den Blumenstrauß war unübersehbar
    to be an expert \at sth ein Experte für etw akk sein
    to be a failure \at sth eine Niete in etw dat sein
    10. (in response to)
    I'm here \at his invitation ich bin hier, da er mich eingeladen hat
    \at your request... auf Ihre Bitte hin...
    \at her death, we all moved away nach ihrem Tod zogen wir alle weg
    \at this [or that] ... daraufhin...
    11. (repeatedly do)
    to be \at sth mit etw dat beschäftigt sein
    he's been \at it for at least 15 years er macht das jetzt schon seit mindestens 15 Jahren
    \at all:
    she barely made a sound \at all sie gab fast überhaupt keinen Laut von sich
    I haven't been well \at all recently in letzter Zeit ging es mir gar nicht gut
    did she suffer \at all? hat sie denn gelitten?
    nothing/nobody \at all gar [o überhaupt] nichts/niemand
    not \at all (polite response) gern geschehen, keine Ursache, da nicht für NORDD; (definitely not) keineswegs
    I'm not \at all in a hurry ich habe es wirklich nicht eilig
    to be \at sb jdm zusetzen
    \at first zuerst, am Anfang
    to be \at it:
    while we're \at it... wo wir gerade dabei sind,...
    \at last endlich, schließlich
    \at that:
    she's got a new boyfriend, and a nice one \at that sie hat einen neuen Freund, und sogar einen netten
    where it's \at ( fam)
    London is where it's \at in London steppt der Bär! sl
    where sb's \at ( fam)
    she really doesn't know where she's \at sie weiß wirklich nicht, wo ihr der Kopf steht
    * * *
    1) (position) an (+dat), bei (+dat); (with place) in (+dat)

    at the windowam or beim Fenster

    this is where it's at ( esp US inf )da gehts ab (sl), da geht die Post ab

    he doesn't know where he's at (inf) — der weiß ja nicht, was er tut (inf)


    (direction) to aim/shoot/point etc at sb/sth — auf jdn/etw zielen/schießen/zeigen etc

    to look/growl/swear etc at sb/sth —


    (time, frequency, order) at ten o'clock — um zehn Uhr

    at night/dawn — bei Nacht/beim or im Morgengrauen

    at Christmas/Easter etc — zu Weihnachten/Ostern etc

    at your age/16 (years of age) — in deinem Alter/mit 16 (Jahren)

    at the start/end of sth — am Anfang/am Ende einer Sache (gen)


    (activity) at play — beim Spiel

    good/bad/an expert at sth — gut/schlecht/ein Experte in etw

    his employees/creditors are at him — seine Angestellten/Gläubiger setzen ihm zu


    (state, condition) to be at an advantage — im Vorteil sein

    at a loss/profit — mit Verlust/Gewinn

    6) (= as a result of, upon) auf (+acc)... (hin)

    at his request —

    at that/this he left the room — daraufhin verließ er das Zimmer

    7) (cause = with) angry, annoyed, delighted etc über (+acc)

    (rate, value, degree) at full speed/50 km/h — mit voller Geschwindigkeit/50 km/h

    at 5% interest — zu 5% Zinsen

    at a high/low price — zu einem hohen/niedrigen Preis

    with inflation at this levelbei so einer Inflationsrate

    → all, cost, rate
    * * *
    at [æt] präp
    1. (Ort, Stelle) in (dat), an (dat), bei, zu, auf (dat)( in Verbindung mit Städtenamen steht at im Allgemeinen bei kleineren Städten, bei größeren Städten nur dann, wenn sie bloß als Durchgangsstationen, besonders auf Reisen, betrachtet werden;
    bei London und der Stadt, in der der Sprecher wohnt, ebenso nach here, steht stets in, nie at):
    at the baker’s beim Bäcker;
    at the battle of N. in der Schlacht bei N.;
    at the door an der Tür;
    he lives at 48, Main Street er wohnt Main Street Nr. 48;
    he was educated at Christ’s College er hat am Christ’s College studiert;
    jogging is where it’s at umg es geht nichts über Jogging
    2. (Richtung etc) auf (akk), gegen, nach, bei, durch:
    he threw a stone at the door er warf einen Stein gegen die Tür
    3. (Beschäftigung etc) bei, beschäftigt mit, in (dat):
    he is still at it er ist noch dabei oder d(a)ran oder damit beschäftigt
    4. (Art und Weise, Zustand, Lage) in (dat), bei, zu, unter (dat), nach:
    at all überhaupt;
    not at all überhaupt oder durchaus oder gar nicht, keineswegs;
    not at all! umg nichts zu danken!, gern geschehen!;
    nothing at all gar nichts, überhaupt nichts;
    no doubts at all überhaupt oder gar keine Zweifel, keinerlei Zweifel;
    is he at all suitable? ist er überhaupt geeignet?;
    I wasn’t surprised at all ich war nicht im Geringsten überrascht
    5. (Ursprung, Grund, Anlass) über (akk), bei, von, aus, auf (akk), anlässlich
    6. (Preis, Wert, Verhältnis, Ausmaß, Grad etc) für, um, zu, auf (akk), mit, bei:
    at 6 dollars für oder zu 6 Dollar
    7. (Zeit, Alter) um, bei, zu, im Alter von, auf (dat), an (dat):
    at 21 mit 21 (Jahren), im Alter von 21 Jahren;
    at 3 o’clock um 3 Uhr;
    at his death bei seinem Tod (Siehe weitere Verbindungen bei den entsprechenden Stichwörtern.)
    * * *
    1) (expr. place) an (+ Dat.)

    at the baker's/butcher's/grocer's — beim Bäcker/Fleischer/Kaufmann

    at the chemist's — in der Apotheke/Drogerie

    at the office/hotel — im Büro/Hotel

    2) (expr. time)

    at Christmas/Whitsun/Easter — [zu od. an] Weihnachten/Pfingsten/Ostern

    at midday — am Mittag; mittags

    at [the age of] 40 — mit 40; im Alter von 40

    at this/the moment — in diesem/im Augenblick od. Moment

    3) (expr. price)

    at £2.50 [each] — zu od. für [je] 2,50 Pfund


    while we're/you're etc. at it — wenn wir/du usw. schon dabei sind/bist usw.

    so while I was at it,... — und wo od. da ich schon dabei war...

    at that (at that point) dabei; (at that provocation) daraufhin; (moreover) noch dazu

    * * *
    (for) a reasonable price expr.
    kostengünstig adv. prep.
    an präp.
    auf präp.
    bei präp.
    im präp.
    in präp.
    um präp.
    zu präp.
    über präp.

    English-german dictionary > at

  • 20 कामः _kāmḥ

    कामः [कम्-घञ्]
    1 Wish, desire; संतानकामाय R.2.65, 3.67; oft. used with the inf. form; गन्तुकामः desirous to go; संगात्संजायते कामः Bg.2.62; Ms.2.94.
    -2 Object of desire; सर्वान् कामान् समश्नुते Ms.2.5; Bṛi. Up.1.3.28. Kaṭh. Up.1.25.
    -3 Affection, love.
    -4 Love or desire of sensual enjoyments, considered as one of the ends of life (पुरुषार्थ); cf. अर्थ and अर्थकाम.
    -5 Desire of carnal gratification, lust; Ms.2.214; न मय्यावेशितधियां कामः कामाय कल्पते Bhāg.1.22.26.
    -6 The god of love.
    -7 N. of Pradyumna.
    -8 N. of Balarāma.
    -9 A kind of mango tree.
    -1 The Supreme Being.
    -मा Desire, wish; उवाच च महासर्पं कामया ब्रूहि पन्नग Mb.3.179.2.
    -मम् 1 Object of desire.
    -2 Semen virile. [Kāma is the Cupid of the Hindu mythology- the son of Kṛiṣṇa and Rukmiṇī. His wife is Rati. When the gods wanted a commander for their forces in their war with Tāraka, they sought the aid of Kāma in drawing the mind of Śiva towards Pārvatī, whose issue alone could vanquish the demon. Kāma undertook the mission; but Śiva, being offended at the disturbance of his penance, burnt him down with the fire of his third eye. Subsequently he was allowed by Śiva to be born again in the form of Pradyumna at the request of Rati. His intimate friend is Vasanta or the spring; and his son is Aniruddha. He is armed with a bow and arrows--the bow-string being a line of bees, and arrows of flowers of five different plants].
    -Comp. -अग्निः 1 a fire of love, violent or ardent love.
    -2 violent desire, fire of passion. ˚संदीपनम्
    1 inflaming fire of love.
    -2 an aphrodisiac.
    -अङ्कुशः 1 a finger- nail (which plays an important part in erotic acts).
    -2 the male organ of generation.
    -अङ्गः the mango tree.
    -अधिकारः the influence of love or desire.
    -अधिष्ठित a. overcome by love.
    -अनलः see कामाग्नि.
    -अन्ध a. blinded by love or passion. (
    -न्धः) the (Indian) cuckoo.
    -अन्धा musk.
    -अन्निन् a. getting food at will.
    -अभिकाम a. libidinous, lustful.
    -अरण्यम् a pleasant grove.
    -अरिः 1 an epithet of Śiva; ते समेत्य तु कामारिं त्रिपुरारिं त्रिलोचनम् Rām.7.6.3.
    -2 a mineral subs- tance.
    -अर्थिन् a. amorous, lustful, lascivious.
    -अवतारः N. of Pradyumna.
    -अवशा(सा)यिता f.
    1 Self-control.
    -2 a kind of Yogic power.
    -अवसायः suppression of passion or desire, stoicism.
    -अशनम् 1 eating at will.
    -2 unrestrained enjoyment.
    -आख्या, -अक्षी N. of Durgā.
    -आतुर a. love-sick, affected by love; कामातुराणां न भयं न लज्जा Subhāṣ.
    -आत्मजः an epithet of Aniruddha, son of Pradyumna.
    -आत्मन् a. lustful, libidinous, en- amoured. कामात्मानः स्वर्गफलाः Bg.2.43. Mb.1.119.3-4. Ms.7.27.
    -आयुधम् 1 arrow of the god of love.
    -2 membrum virile. (
    -धः) the mango-tree.
    -आयुस् m.
    1 a vulture.
    -2 Garuḍa.
    -आर्त a. love-stricken, affected by love; कामार्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु Me.5.
    -आश्रमः the hermitage of the god of love; Rām.1.
    -आसक्त a. overcome with love or desire, impassioned, lustful.
    -इष्टः the mango tree.
    -ईप्सु a. striving to obtain a desired object, यत्तु कामेप्सुना कर्म Bg.18.24.
    -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Kubera;
    -2 the Supreme soul.
    -3 a person possessing all wealth. अपास्य कामा- न्कामेशो वसेत्तत्राविचारयन् Mb.12.287.56.
    -उदकम् 1 voluntary libation of water.
    -2 a voluntary libation of water to deceased friends exclusive of those who are entitled to it by law; कामोदकं सखिप्रत्तास्वस्रीयश्वशुर- र्त्विजाम् Y.3.4.
    - उपहत a. affected by or overcome with passion.
    -कला N. of Rati, the wife of Kāma.
    -काम, -कामिन् a. following the dictates of love or passion, गतागतं कामकामा लभन्ते Bg.9.21; स शान्तिमाप्नोति न कामकामी Bg.2.7.
    -कार a. acting at will, indulging one's desires.
    (-रः) 1 voluntary action, spontaneous deed; Rām.2.11.18; Ms.11.41,45.
    -2 desire, influ- ence of desire; अयुक्तः कामकारेण फले सक्तो निबध्यते Bg.5. 12.
    -कूटः 1 the paramour of a harlot.
    -2 harlotry.
    -कृत् a.
    1 acting at will, acting as one likes.
    -2 granting or fulfilling a desire. (-m.) the Supreme soul.
    -केलि a. lustful.
    (-लिः) 1 a paramour.
    -2 amorous sport.
    -3 copulation.
    -क्रीडा 1 dalliance of love, amorous sport.
    -2 copulation.
    - a. going of one's own accord, able to act or move as one likes.
    (-गा) 1 an unchaste or libidinous woman; Y.3.6.
    -2 a female Kokila.
    -गति a. able to go to any desired place; अध्यास्त कामगति सावरजो विमानम् R.13.76.
    -गुणः 1 the quality of passion, affection.
    -2 satiety, perfect enjoyment.
    -3 an object of sense.
    -चर, -चार a. moving freely or unrestrained, wandering at will; सर्वेषु लोकेष्वकामचारो भवति Bṛi. Up.7.25.2; नारदः कामचरः Ku.1.5.
    -चार a. unchecked, unrestrained.
    (-रः) 1 unrestrained motion.
    -2 independent or wilful action, wantonness; न कामचारो मयि शङ्कनीयः R.14.62.
    -3 one's will or pleasure, free will; अव्यपवृक्ते कामचारः Mbh. on Śiva Sūtra 3.4. कामचारानुज्ञा Sk.; Ms.2.22.
    -4 sensuality.
    -5 selfishness.
    -चारिन् a.
    1 moving unrestrained; Me.65.
    -2 libidinous, lustful.
    -3 self-willed. (-m.)
    1 Garuḍa.
    -2 a sparrow.
    - a. produced by passion or desire; Ms.7.46,47,5.
    -जः anger; रथो वेदी कामजो युद्धमग्निः Mb.12.24.27.
    -जननी betel-pepper (नागवेली).
    -जानः, -निः See कामतालः.
    -जित् a. conquering love or passion; R.9.33. (-m.)
    1 an epithet of Skanda.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -तन्त्रम् N. of a work.
    -तालः the (Indian) cuckoo.
    - a. fulfilling a desire, granting a request or desire. (
    -दः) an epithet of Skanda and of Śiva.
    -दहनम् a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month फाल्गुन (Mar. होलिकोत्सव).
    -दा = कामधेनु q. v.
    -दर्शन a. looking lovely.
    -दानम् 1 a gift to one's satisfaction.
    -2 a kind of ceremony among prosti- tutes; B. P.
    -दुघ a. 'milking one's desires', granting every desired object; प्रीता कामदुघा हि सा R.1.81,2.63; Māl.3.11.
    -दुघा, -दुह् f. a fabulous cow yielding all desires; आयुधानामहं वज्रं धेनूनामस्मि कामधुक् Bg.1.28. स्वर्गे लोके कामधुग्भवति Mbh. on P.VI.1.84.
    -दूती the female cuckoo.
    -दृश् f. a woman; विमोचितुं कामदृशां विहारक्रीडामृगो यन्निगडो विसर्गः Bhāg.7.6.17.
    -देव 1 the god of love.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -दोहिन् a. granting desires.
    -धर्मः amorous behaviour.
    -धेनुः f. the cow of plenty, a heavenly cow yielding all desires; कलतिवलती कामधेनू; or कलिवली कामधेनू Vyāka- raṇa Subhāṣita.
    -ध्वंसिन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -पति, -पत्नी f. Rati, wife of Cupid.
    -पालः N. of Balarāma; also of Śiva.
    -प्रद a. granting desires.
    (-दः) 1 a kind of coitus.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -प्रवेदनम् expressing one's desire, wish or hope; कच्चित् कामप्रवेदने Ak.
    -प्रश्नः an unrestrained or free question; स ह कामप्रश्नमेव वव्रे Bṛi. Up.4.3.1.
    -फलः a species of the mango tree.
    -ला the plantain tree.
    -भाज् a. partaking of sensual enjoyment; कामानां त्वा कामभाजं करोमि Kaṭh.1.24.
    -भोगाः (pl.) sensual grati- fications; प्रसक्ताः कामभोगेषु Bg.16.16.
    -महः a festival of the god of love celebrated on the full-moon day in the month of Chaitra.
    -मालिन् m. N. of Gaṇeśa.
    -मूढ, -मोहित a. influenced or infatuated by love; यत्क्रौञ्च- मिथुनादेकमवधीः काममोहितम् U.2.5.
    -रसः 1 seminal dis- charge.
    -2 the spling
    -रसिक a. lustful, libidinous; क्षणमपि युवा कामरसिकः Bh.3.112.
    -रूप a.
    1 taking any form at will; जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः Me.6.
    -2 beautiful, pleasing. (
    -पाः) (pl.) a district lying in the east of Bengal (the west- ern portion of Assam); तमीशः कामरूपाणाम् R.4.83,84.
    -रूपिन् a.
    1 taking any form at will; कामान्नी कामरूपी Tait. Up.3.1.5.
    -2 beautiful. -m.
    1 a pole-cat.
    -2 a boar.
    -3 a Vidyādhara.
    -रेखा, -लेखा a harlot, courtezan.
    -लता membrum virile.
    -लोल a. overcome with passion, love-stricken.
    -वरः a gift chosen at will.
    -वल्लभः 1 the spring.
    -2 the moon.
    -3 the mango tree. (
    -भा) moonlight.
    -वश a. influenced by love. (
    -शः) subjection to love.
    -वश्य n. subject to love.
    -वाद a. saying anything at will.
    -विहन्तृ a. disappointing desires.
    -वीर्य a. 'showing heroism at will,' an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -वृक्षम् a. paracitical plant.
    -वृत्त a. addicted to sensual gratification, licentious, dissipated; विशीलः कामवृत्तो वा गुणैर्वा परिवर्जितः । उपचर्यः स्त्रिया साध्व्या सततं देववत्पतिः ॥ Ms. 5.154.
    -वृत्ति a. acting according to will, self-willed, independent; न कामवृत्तिर्वचनीयमीक्षते Ku.5.82. (
    -त्तिः) f.
    1 free and unrestrained action.
    -2 freedom of will.
    -वृद्धिः f. increase of passion.
    -वृन्तम् the trumpet flower.
    - शर 1 a love shaft.
    -2 the mango tree.
    -शास्त्रम् the science of love, erotic science.
    -संयोगः attainment of desired objects.
    -सखः 1 the spring.
    -2 the month of Chaitra.
    -3 the mango tree.
    -सू a. fulfilling any desire. किमत्र चित्रं यदि कामसूर्भूः R.5.33. -m. N. of Vāsudeva. -f. N. of Rukmiṇi;
    -सूत्रम् 1 N. of an erotic work by Vātsyāyana.
    -2 'thread of love', love-incident' औद्धत्यमायोजितकामसूत्रम् Māl.1.4.
    -हैतुक a. produced by mere desire without any real cause; Bg.16.8.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > कामः _kāmḥ

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